>not being an idort

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>buying anything this gen at all

>Xbox this week
>PS5 next week
Feels good man. I want to play the new Cawadoody though, tempted to get it on Xbox for the week before the PS5 version next week

If you haven't heard the Series X can run emulators

like Retroarch?


Man I have no use in buying the Xbox besides the backwards compatibility with 360 and OGXbox games. Just wish Sony would finally do the same thing so I can get rid of my PS2 and PS3.

so within a year we'll be playing PS2 games and wii games on it, that's fucking great

They've opened up a lot more of the "this is just running on modified Windows 10" aspect of the OS so you can fuck around with a lot of shit it seems

if this is true and they don't get updated out through the OS, it will be pretty amazing to have 4K emulation from the get go

Are you fucking serious? Any source?

I thought that was Badlands Booker from the thumbnail

well fuck me guess I'm an xbro now

maybe if people stop buying sony (not gonna happen)

I have both these on the way right now, but I’m considering scalping the PS5 for $1,000 so it pays for itself and keeping the SeX

I thought that was a nigger from the thumbnail

>1TB ssd
Thats plain false advertising.

I cannot find a reason to own a Series X if I have a PS5 and PC. It looks powerful and gamepass looks nice, but my PC is already available.

what do you think he's playing?

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I would've gotten both if it weren't for scalpers and the pandemic

>Still playing video games

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Yakuza 8 beta

>not having 2 overpriced shitboxes with no games
Feels good man.

it's not though?

It'll get updated out, and it won't even be applicable for a gigantic fuckoff class action like sony is STILL dealing with because of linux on ps3 cause they haven't advertised it at all, they want desperately for "everyone to be a creator" by having the dev tools in every system, sort of like an android, but they don't realize it also opens up the platform to a shit ton of other much more negative things, like ridiculous amounts of piracy. You know, the thing the PSP being so open DIED in the west from.

1TB unformated so that one is the truth
Sony advertising 8K is marketing bullshit bordering on lying. The console might boot up into dashboard on 8K TVs but no fucking way will it ever play anything except Tetris in 8K@4fps

Only games that are better than the ones he makes
so basically every game in existance

I have no urge to buy anything next gen
Am I just getting old

Nah. I had that urge last gen, but this gen I bought a Series X day one. Interest comes and goes.

they both are capable of 8K for media, not for games

forza horizon

Like it got updated out of the Xbox One?

I skipped last gen since I went full PC gaming, this time I'm interested in getting the Xbox, does it have any interesting games?

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He bought them to collect them and went back to playing Tetris 99 on the Switch

Yeah, nearly every game ever made before the PS3/360

he's playing with your mom's futa cock

Idorts always have shit pcs that can't play games competitively.

-fastest system
-cozy 1440p model for e-sport players
-game pass has literally thousands of games and many of them we played as kids
-american made

-spider-man & a remake of a game that emulation chads have been playing for years
-made in japan

You still have the chance to not make that mistake, don't do it user

it's essentially a consolised PC made for gaming

PC gaming isn't big in Japan

Where Switch?

DMC5SE and taking notes

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>made in japan

Don't forget Elder Scrolls 6 will be seXbox exclusive, and it has actual backwards compatibility

based, singleplat subhumans deserve to be shot.


It runs retroarch in dev mode,you need dev account but its very cheap but yeah it actually works lol.

there is no 8k media yet. there are no 8K blu-ray discs and there are only a handful of 8K films that even exist at this point, most of them being documentaries. the rest is fancy meme demos to urge retards into buying an 8K TV on the spot.
streams don't count, it's all compressed horseshit anyway. just like Youtube claiming 1080P while the video's bitrate being so fucking low, it could give the three decade old VCD container a run for its money

Switch is essentially still current gen as it’s an improved Wii U

Mario 35

There are some 8K videos on youtube

Your entire post is completely irrelevant because it still plays 8k media, doesn’t matter if it’s currently available or not

Yeah, and nips aren't big in competitive gaming because they are the most cucked wageslaves in the world and only have time for gachashit.

> spiderman

isn't that the game with the black Spider-man?
no thanks.

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