Is a rhythm game worth $60?

Is a rhythm game worth $60?

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Maybe if you're a mentally ill Kingdom Hearts fan

yes, if it has 146 songs, online mode, story mode, multiplayer etc.

if it wasn't a shitfest of reused assets yeah

I'm shit at rhythm games so at the very least it can keep me busy for a while
It'll be $30 in half a year anyways

>world outside of light and dark
>world of fiction

What the FUCK did Nomura mean by this?

are they going meta like danganronpa v3?

future tone is, this not so much

No. Its a KH game so it'll probably go on sale fast.


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For retards yes, otherwise wait for a sale.

A good rhythm game, maybe.

If you like rhythm games then yeah. I mean theater rhythm was a thing

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No, and certainly not for a single one. I got all three Persona dancing games on PS4 for roughly the price of this one game.

>It'll be $30 in half a year anyways

that was just 40 songs and tons of dlc and a port

I thought it's switch exclusive lol

Project Diva Future Tone was like £40 for 250ish

At least Future Tone and MoM have more differences between each release than PPT2 will ever hope to have

No, I don't think so. There's no telling what the fuck is going to happen.

>Versus XIII
>Verum Rex
>Sora in Shibuya
>that star girl that might be from Verum Rex
>Master of Masters
>Black Box

Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?

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Maybe so, but I also got three games so I didn't mind too much. I'll try out Melody of Memory once it comes down.

I won't lie, the DLC practices for the Persona Dancing games were pretty shit, so MoM definitely has the upper hand in base content for sure.

>World that exists outside of the light and dark and exists outside of reality itself and is "fictional"
What the fuck does any of this gibberish mean!? You already have a "nothingness" reality that exists outside the conventions of light and dark Nomura, fucking use it! And what the fuck is this "world of fiction" nonsense? Words have meaning Nomura, you can't play the meta card when one of the worlds is literally a goddamn children's book even in-universe

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is this hot?

It's a total asspull, but people are speculating that it could be setting up either:

>some Versus XIII world
>travel to worlds from Square Enix games like Final Fantasy

If you're not a rhythmlet, yes.
Rhythm games are almost eternal.

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>The Fairy Godmother can transcend the boundaries of life and death itself to travel to the afterlife, which Sora had to fuck up the laws of the universe itself to get to, on a whim because fuck you
Why does this series even pretend to have stakes

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Neither of those excuse jackshit, and for the record, I really doubt they're gonna do the "explore SE games" shit you lot are keep badgering on about.

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Nope. Wait for Kingdom Hearts 3.5

I paid Free for Future Tone on PC so I might be biased

Series as always retarded, so I don't know why you're acting all surprised. I'm more intrigued now for the future of the series than I ever was desu. I don't even care what stupid explanation they use to get to a Versus XIII/Fabula Nova Crystallis world, I just want to experience all this impending batshit insanity.

I'm not surprised, but I can't help but be offended by each new development due to some vain hope of me wanting to see it improve.

Also I'm fully expecting live action remake and MCU worlds for the next actual game.