One of the most ambitious games of all time

>one of the most ambitious games of all time
>not a single thread about it

Attached: Godfall_cover_art.jpg (296x337, 65.51K)

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Borderlands + Destiny

What could go wrong?

What the fuck is it even about?
It doesn't make sense

Dude what??? Have you played this piece of shit?

It's a looter but with always online like Genshin Impact

is this game even out yet?

The last time Gearbox tried to make an ambitious game, we got Battleborn.

Imagine buying garbage like this just because your new system has nothing of value to play on it.

>always online
oh noonononono oooooooooooooooo

>ambitious games of all time
>game is just combat and loot
>story is shit
>levels are all the same
>enemies are shit
>bosses are blatantly broken or bullshit to give the illusion of difficulty
>basically no content
>all the valorplates are just skins that give different stat buffs, devleopers lied about classes and different playstyles
>while combat is fun, only 5 weapon types
>builds are shit and non-existent

I legitimately thought this was Battleborn, just forgot the name.

>Gearbox Software
Into the trash it goes.

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What's so ambitious about it? It just looks like another grindan game where you collect colored loot for marginal bonuses and are never really sure if you're actually having fun or are being tricked into working a second job.

>Epic and PS5 Exclusive
Yikes, i'll just watch a Walkthrough then


If was the original borderlands team I would be hyped

Because it's shit


The sword combat is Valhalla tier, and the looting too, just breakable boxes laying around like in any other game

Why do shit studios keep making games, it's a mystery

>Literally just made a Godfall thread
>Already one up

Well shit, my bad for not looking through the entire catalog first. Anyway I'm loving the game, despite what the critics said. Visually it looks great on my PC with everything on max settings, though I will admit some things are too gaudy and everything is gold and shiny. I also don't like how there is only twelve valorplates, and sadly most of them look stupid and are reskins of other valorplates. One does bleeding, one does poison, one does ice, one does fire, etc.

My second favorite valorplate is probably Greyhawk just for the aesthetics, kind of looks like a cool templar/paladin armor, but I REALLY want to get Armistice. It looks cool and has some cool abilities, so probably gonna main that valorplate once I unlock. Overall I'm having a blast though.

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Because retards keep buying them.

Lol how?

it's a generic launch title

>always online

it seems like they designed the combat then forgot to do everything else

>combat looks fun
>duelyst devs are cool
>apparently the endgame is nonexistent

I'll wait for an xpac or something

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how fucking retarded can Zig Forums be?
this isnt developed by gearbox you illiterates

wait, this was made by the duelyst devs?

in the sense that they published it expecting a financial success

it's just a full-priced shittier version of Warframe though?

Worked for borderlands

>run down a corridor
>get to a suspiciously flat, circular area
>kill a half dozen enemies
all the gameplay footage i've seen follows this pattern
does it ever change


that sucks, I hear this game is meh at best. Duelyst was pretty unique and fun with gorgeous sprites.