Black vidya characters

Holy FUCK Zig Forums has been so assblasted about black characters in vidya lately. Let's have a thread celebrating black characters. Post your favourites, discuss vidya, have fun. Everyone is welcome.

First user to post Donkey Kong (a monkey who raps and uses guns) gets a free (You)!

Attached: Fran.png (1367x1845, 1.19M)

mai waifu

Attached: angie.gif (401x367, 319.69K)

have to mention the GOAT CJ of course

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>anything darker than alabaster is a nigger thread

FRAN is not black you piece of shit

she is a Viera

this game generates critical levels of buttmad amung Zig Forumstards despite being just an FPS

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OP is a retarded faggot again. Fran Vieran. She is not black.

Having pointed that out I like pic related.

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she has darkest skin of any main character

her race is bunny or whatever. her skin is black

Bunny cunny

>her skin is black
shes tan and her face doesnt look like an ugly baboon so she isnt black

lol yup. that and the DeS remake causing anal devastation was the inspiration for this thread

This is bait. It has to be.

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She’s a Viera you mong!

Attached: 17B6B703-C8F3-489C-ACC3-40662748595B.jpg (1314x1096, 181.24K)

what other games have frans in them

She ain't black. She's a fucking bunny girl from a race of smoking hot bunny women. They have NOTHING in common with the "Black" people. Y'know, muh oppression and all that. She's about as black as Brazilians. She just isn't black.

On the other hand pic related.

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>she has darkest skin of any main character
>her skin is black
Wow, racist much!


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>She's about as black as Brazilians.
To be fair, a lot of Brazillians do originate from slave stock, the pure natives are a worrying minority. In cities especially you have almost zero chance of meeting an indigneous Brazillian.

The OG.

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>When ya soda isn't all ova tha fukin flow

Does her and Balthier fuck like bunnies?
Do her children with Balthier have Viera ears?

Haha you fucking anons are so stupid, OP is passing up a free (you) and you're sleeping on it

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Fran isn't black she is a rabbit.

Fran isn't black. She just ain't.
No. That's exactly why I picked that as an example. I had typed others in there but deleted them because them because Brazil worked perfectly fine by itself.
Get the fuck out of here. People like you are ruining EVERYTHING.

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The credit pics imply they get together at least

How come whenever there are light skinned characters in an anime or something who are literally drawn stylized in such a way that they lack noses or anything those people are safely assumed to be white

But whenever someone claims a character is black suddenly it's of utmost importance that they physiologically be identifiable as a congolese nigger from the darkest part of Africa

it just seems like a weird set of standards at work and I can only speculate this nigger denial is actually just coomers who desperately don't want their waifus to be blackies

Attached: gengar.gif (640x464, 1.44M)

Love this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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>Does her and Balthier fuck like bunnies?

Obviously. I doubt they have kids, though. Would get in the way of pirating.

Take it, friend, you've earnt it.

Came here to post her.

what game is she from?
is it a porn game?


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