Imagine there's no twitter

Imagine there's no twitter

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Imagine all the posters
Discussing just the gaems

There would be no twitter if jannies actually bothered banning twitterposters and everyone involved in them.

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God I fucking wish
You forgot the videogames but I still wish the internet wasn't flooded

imagine beating your wife
it isn't hard to do

This thread can't be beat, unlike John's wife

>1960s John: Imagine
>1970s John:
What happened?

He was always a hypocrite.

There would be a Twitter equivalent. Be it a new platform or another pre-existing platform, like Facebook, would be converted into an equivalent. Human nature sucks.

The problem is not the internet, it's the deranged people who have access to the internet

Once Donnie goes to jail, it dies

this. Reminder he wrote Imagine in a Park Avenue apartment on a several thousand dollar grand piano.

Imagine there’s no Zig Forums

That's why the internet needs to be terminated

Why would he go to jail?

being based without a license

Are you >implying this song is John going crazy and being racist for no reason?

I mean he obviously went crazy but, this song is clearly just using shock tactics to make a point about muh soggy knees and actually saying nigger is ironic, whether that's good taste or not

Why would it die?

For all the pending tax fraud and money laundering cases New York state's been waiting to drop on him once he's out of office.

It would hurts, but it's for the best

imagine no game journalism

i wish this was not true
but it is
i'd kill for pre facebook internet

If Facebook and Twitter got sued, I think most people would go insane from the amount of free time they suddenly had.
I quit the one gacha I played and suddenly I felt less stressed and only used my phone when I was out of the house.

Whats "twitter"

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>imagine twitter had tumblr not flushed all its shit out into the web

Smart phones killed the internet, social media has been around since AOL groups

if facebook and twitter got sued into non existence the internet would be 100x better

You doooo-oh

as far as i remember there was only myspace and that was nowhere as cancer as modern social media

What dies?

>Iphone killed the internet
SP (black berries) had already existed but were normie proof. Then Steve came along with his phone and that's when things started snowballing.

Other people would just come along and make new ones, and in a few years one would reach hegemony like Facebook and Twitter before them.

We should get rid of religion altogether, it's been a good ride but it has outlived it's usefulness. People need to have empathy and behave like conscious humans who care and take care of others by their own volition, not because of fear or expecting to be rewarded, but because they love life, love humans and love everything that exists in this earth. That's why peace and love is the mantra, it's the goal that should be achieved by pure determination and cooperation, a bond between all humans, not a competition, not hating the other because they are not like you. We need peace and love, we must create peace and love within ourselves then share it all around, understand the other and care for one another. Why? Because life is absurd, and it's the only experience we have, there is no other, why not make it the best experience for us and everyone else? Of course this isn't something that's done in a day, or a year, or a century, but what's important is starting today, plant the seed and care for it as one day it will flourish.

Ok faggot.

*tips fedora*

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normies on the internet would not know what to do
it would get replaced by something with nowhere near the reach unless it was made by chinese people

No-one actually uses it though.
The only people that actually use Twitter are famouscunts or richfags trying to be relevant.

imagine elden ring, you cant eeeeven

You have way too much faith in people if you honestly expect them to treat other humans decently without some kind of external motivation or threat.