What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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Nothing. His potions were fit for a beast, let alone a man, and the knight couldn't handle them.

This. A customer dying after consuming your product would have been bad publicity for Potion Seller.

But how did he make his money if all his potions were for the top 1% of the land.

superiority complex

He only sells to a select few whales.

If anything, it would prove his point more and would prevent pussies from buying from him again

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Who is he to say the knight could handle them? He didn't know the night, he just made assumptions of how weak he was.

Not all of his potions, only his strongest. He simply had the good sense to only who was strong enough to take them.

He inspected the knight's stats.


The knight outright asked for only his strongest. Rather than suggest weaker potions, the potion seller stuck on the point that the knight couldn't handle his strongest.

Right click the knight's icon, and go to inspect.

The intuit of a seasoned salesman can be correct

Why didn't the potion seller just give him a potion that would be good for the knight instead of just outright insulting him for 4 minutes and calling him weak?

With a potion of truesight.

He sells other potions. The knight wanted his strongest. And if the merchant sold the knight his strongest and something wrong happened, his reputation would be on the line. He had the right to do business as he wished with the knight. Especially because the knight didn't specify which potions he wanted.

Clearly he meant the strongest potion fit for himself (the knight), yet the potion seller was an absolute ass and just went straight to calling the weakest of the weak.

Because he had been slighted by the notion of a mere man demanding his STRONGEST potions who did not expect them to be lethal to weaker men.

Because he's a respectable salesman and won't scam his clients by giving weak potions when they're asking for the strongest. He has a reputation to uphold.

But it was a battle of egos. The knight wished for the strongest potions because he thought he was strong. Therefore, the seller made a judgement that would preserve his business, for his intuition told him that the knight could not handle his strongest potions.

>slighted by the notion of a mere man demanding his strongest potions
What happened in his life to make him like that? Did his wife drink his strongest potion and outright die or something?

t. speedwatchers
the seller delights in bragging about how all of his potions are too strong for the Knight
ALL of them, even his weakest ones
Either the seller is selling to a small clique of the strongest adventurers in the land (in which case why have a shop any loser can walk into off the street?) or he was bluffing because he has personal reasons to hate the knight.

The potion seller is a narcissist and only wanted to feel that his potions were of the strongest when clearly they were of the weakest.

he never said 'all'

>(in which case why have a shop any loser can walk into off the street?)
If you were a shopkeeper selling the strongest potions in the whole land, it would be a good idea to blend in with the common sellers, otherwise you'd have a huge target on your head from people who want to obtain your strongest potions to become immortal.

Maybe the seller was of lower social class, and simply wanted to "punch-up" to break the knight's ego.

He said his potions are for the strongest and that the knight isn't of the strongest.

Nothing, the knight never gave his intentions of how he would use the seller's potions, only requesting the seller's strongest potions.

The potion seller was in the wrong. The Knight was going into battle, who was he to deny the Knight what he wanted on the eve of his war? I hope the Knight lost the battle because he didn't have any potions and the Seller was raped to death by the invading orcish army the Knight could've stopped if only the Seller would've put his ego aside.

I guess, but that would put your highly valuable wares and mixtures at risk of being stolen by randoms

In a perfect world discussions like these wouldn't exist
But this is not a perfect world

His reputation is insulting anyone that comes into his shop asking for his strongest potions because his ego is clearly of the weakest and is hurt easily

the knight is presumably, well, knighted, while a merchant is a commoner. good theory.

>i am going into battle


He could be battling alcoholism.

>defending the seller
The seller could not know for sure that the knight couldn't handle his strongest potion. Therefore the seller made an assumption about the knight that was unwarranted. Regardless of what the seller might have thought, the knight requested his strongest potion and therefore it was his decision to handle any consequences.
If a morbidly obese person goes into a fast food place and orders a bunch of shitty food, they cannot reject giving it to him even if he is killing himself. No matter what the 'morally correct' decision is, the customer deserves their right of choice.

if the knight wants to butt-chug it that's no one's business but that of him and his order

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>If a morbidly obese person goes into a fast food place and orders a bunch of shitty food, they cannot reject giving it to him even if he is killing himself. No matter what the 'morally correct' decision is, the customer deserves their right of choice.
many bars won't serve you any more alcohol if you're already clearly very drunk

>''I don't understand what right to refuse service is: the post''

You are applying our humble world's rules to the realm of gods. There is no reason the seller should be forced to give up his most powerful potion to some random knight

this could all have been avoided if the knight had just said "i'm gay, and" before anything else

potions aren't fast food or alcohol retard

The knight could possibly use the potion as a poison or bomb considering how the seller stated they were too powerful to be consumed by normal humans. Despite this, he gives no clear intention of how he was going to use the potion in battle, where the seller immediately assumed that he will consume it.

What did he mean by this? His potions are weak?

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The Potion seller is a fraud as to be a seller one most sell potions and he clearly stated that NOBODY can handle his potions, and therefore, he does not sell them.

That isn't comparable. A drunk person is exhibiting obvious symptoms and most right of refusal is done based on probable cause. There was no probable cause here, as the potion seller made a baseless claim about the knight, one he could not prove.

Perhaps the potion seller was a former knight, who was banished and had to adopt a different identity and became a merchant, which is why he said:
>"Why respect knights, when my potions can do whatever you can?"

If the knight isn't mortally wounded he doesn't need the potion, hence the potion seller was in the right