This is so sad

just sad

Attached: modern_UI.jpg (1280x2886, 1.68M)

function > form
gameplay > graphics

It's a shame that the UI has been so simplified, but as long as it flows nicely and isnt clunky, I'm at peace with it.

I'd rather a simple UI than a mess or a gimmick


Attached: Demon_s_Souls_20201112132910.jpg (1200x675, 86.67K)

Best part is it all mainly just affects numbers. These games hardly give you new moves or skills with new animations and whatnot.

am I seeing things or godfall and nugow has the EXACT same font?

None of these games have good function, form or gameplay though

>fucking God of War looks like an iPad UI

I like it desu

god of war used to be as metal as it gets

Attached: 5151549810.jpg (1280x720, 68.07K)

I cant be the only one that fines all these "simplified" UIs to be more complex and annoying than older ones.

Just give me a list of items separated under type... it doesn't need to be pretty I want the information.
How the fuck is it "clean" or user friendly to make me go through 6 fucking menus just to see what a helmet does?
Fuck. The one thing japan does right is that they don't do this garbage

God of War is the second best beat em up of its generation.

Attached: 1587315251386.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

Retard. Immersion, gameplay, form and graphics are not exclusive.

i like it better than most uis
destinys feels good to use.
its so buch better than a line of text and when you exit nothing is different.

Yeah bro, my wife's son also told me that, I'm sure it's awesome.

I really don't care about anything but the interface being fast. Anything more is gravy.

The moment I found out Godfall had no armor equipment, the game was dead for me.

Attached: 1533093363510.png (1426x2048, 2.15M)

I think this is about the bland UIs in all these games, not the half-assed rpg elements.

>beat em ups
>good gameplay

That aside god of war feels like every single other AAA game with "cinematic" combat. No focus on the actual function, it's all about making it look cool. And it doesn't even do a good job of that.

what are some good/creative inventory screens? I love the rule of rose one

Attached: Rose-J.-Hobbs.png (640x512, 278.12K)

add this to the list

I know you fucking retard, i'm adding on top of that

Why is it so fucking hard to make a good inventory/equipment screen?
You'd think game devs would have figured that shit out by now

they used to have it figured out

Attached: they already did.jpg (801x625, 261.88K)

didn't play much of it but I always thought RE4 had a cool inventory

Attached: bV0XaaF.jpg (800x450, 79.13K)

I fucking hate how most Action games have loots and stats now, it's like the devs admitting "Yeah our combat system isn't that great so we added a bunch of bells and whistles that will hopefully keep you distracted instead."

Runic attacks were a mistake.

the inventory is cool but the game is really shit

Attached: inventory.jpg (560x350, 48.34K)

I want to go on small fun adventures that have little actual danger with this Magic Swordsman.

>westernfags will defend this

>that feeling when you need to install a mod to fix a inventory system in a pc game
i will never forgive consoles

Beat em ups are like Streets of Rage or Battletoads. GoW is hack n slash. Less focus on grabs and slow movement with temporary item pickups, more focus on long combos and variety of movesets.

Wrong, hack n slash = diablo and torchlight. DMC is a beat em up despite the use of weapons, since nearly every beat em up allows you to pick up knives and whips and whatnot.