Have you ever written any video game fanfiction?

Have you ever written any video game fanfiction?
Be honest.

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When I was 15 or so I wrote a story about my friends and I in a generic shonen-style setting except our power levels were measured by how autistic we were.
I was the strongest.

Never actually wrote anything down, but I made up OCs to self insert as to help me sleep

I'm curious, how did that help you exactly? Do you mean it was just a counting sheep kind of deal?

nope but i distinctly remember writing naruto fanfic in a physical notepad when i was around 10. my sister wrote a gay soul calibur fanfic though.

Same thing as a bedtime story, really.
Also lots of escapism

I think I understand now. Did you ever have any dreams based on your fantasies?

I wish. I've had dreams about some of the characters from series that I fantasized about, but those were rare because I didn't used to dream very much and was prone to nightmares

no but i submitted a "glitch" in sonic adventure 2 battle to some gay ass cheat site back in the early 00's

I see. I don't dream much either but from what I've heard about lucid dreaming thinking about and visualising the thing you want to do while you fall asleep is a key component.

Anyway I myselfnever wrote any vidya fanfics, but I did write some cringey Warrior cats stuff in my tweens which thankfully isn't on the internet .

Yes. 2 pokemon pieces and one WoW piece. All pornos

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fuck. guilty


i don't think so
but i'm sure i almost did a few times
now at most i'll wonder about characters interacting with each other and their personalities in games with more or less blank/customizable characters

Does AI dungeon coomer fantasy count? If so yes.

no, but i've written a pokemon creepypasta

Quite a lot actually, I need to get around to making an AO3 and actually finishing my fics.

No, just greentext shitposts and very occasional ERP. Never really felt like writing actual fanfiction until recently. I tried writing an actual fetish fic but realized I really didn't like thinking about the character being scared or uncomfortable so I stopped.

guilty as charged.
this hurts to put out


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What the fuck am I reading?

that's not even his best work

When I was a teen, I once began a Final Fantasy I fanfiction trying to retell the events as a standard adventure series making proper characters out of the six classes and having them rotate in and out of a party that follows the general route the original game did. But it'd also attempt to "develop" Garland and the Four Fiends and eventually turn into some twist that, I shit you not, is just literally what Zelda Skyward Sword later did with Demise and just making every evil in the rest of the games his eternal will or some shit. Looking back, it was pretty dumb but a bit of a learning experience in this field regardless.

And then I got into writing fetish shit about certain games.

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No, just for anime. I began a System shock fanfic but never got far, though.

No but I drew speculative maps for games like Paper Mario and Zelda when I was a child and I think it's what got me into cartography.

What's the trick to convincing yourself to sit down and write, dudes? I already gave up on drawing but at least writing comes semi naturally.

I wrote a for honor lemon between Warden and Nobushi im quite proud of

A good trick I use is convince myself to only write for 20 minutes. By the time those 20 minutes are up you'll naturally want to continue. Generally most people don't write for extended periods of time, though. Plenty of authors only write 500 words a day.

Weaver has some barely repressed rape fantasy fetish that he projects into everything he draws

Think of all the (You)'s you'll get

>By the time those 20 minutes are up you'll naturally want to continue.
How does that work? Also I have no idea how much 500 words is because I haven't had to write exactly that since grade school.

I don't want (you)s, I just want to put my ideas to paper.

Wow he's just like me

>I just want to put my ideas to paper.
Why bother? They'll always be better in your head than you could ever get them to be in text
Write for practice, write for money, write for attention, hell write out of spite if you want, just why would you ever write for no reason at all

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Shoo shoo, discouragementfag. There is more to life than (you)s.
>They'll always be better in your head than you could ever get them to be in text
The words are already in my head, though.

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Not him but I understand what he means completely.I can't stand having all my ideas cooped up in my head and by writing or drawing them I've brought it in to existence. Even if it comes out extremely flawed, I've made it REAL, and that's what's important to me.


Yes. It was a rapefic epilogue to Sonic Forces on pastebin or something and I can't find it anymore.

Only a lewd one.

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I tried writing a Pokemon one once, but I got bored like 5 paragraphs in.

Me and my buddy designed our own mega man ripoff in jr high. Complete with characters, abilities, bosses, some enemies, and stages. Just never made the game. I'm still good friends with him so perhaps we could make it someday

So did you fall for the "White Mage/Wizard is a girl" meme?

Then do it. Everyone loves Megaman ripoffs they don't have to pay for.

i have a 400 page Harry Potter / Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fanfiction
The main character is named Johnson Joe Jackson (Though his friends call him JoJo) A sixteen year old black basketball player in london, Who awakened his Stand「DIAMOND DOGS」, A humanoid projection of his fighting spirit, Who looks like a robotic large dark blue bodybuilder, When he was caught in a terrorist attack by muslim wizards looking to kill some infidel muggles, His stand appearing instinctively to protect him. Diamond Dogs ability is to Reflect Intention, Meaning if someone hate johnson, and intends to hurt him, Johnson can deflect that hate to another person, This is extremely effective against Wizards as many spells such as Crucio and Avada Kedavra are based on intention. Diamond Dogs is also very physically strong and fast, Able to unleash hundreds of punches in seconds, Guaranteeing a knockout towards anyone who gets within Diamond Dogs range of 3 Meters. After the terrorist attack, A team of Aurors led by Harry Potter flew in to investigate, Finding multiple muslim wizard corpses, Some that looked like they were punched to death, and some that seemed to have been killed by Avada Kedavra. Harry tried to contain this young, potentially very dangerous "wizard" but johnson called harry a bitch, punched him in the face with Diamond Dog and broke his glasses. He was bound by magic and brought into a holding cell, Where his parents were told that he was a wizard, and would need to be taken to Hogwarts Immediately to train his dangerous unpredictable magic. Johnson was placed in house Slytherin. While incapable of wizard magic, Diamond Dog allows him to cheat on tests by redirecting another students intentions towards Johnson or his project, While johnson pretends to cast a spell with a wand, like one scene where he must learn how to enlarge and shrink a beetle, He uses Diamond Dog to make another student shrink johnsons beetle. There's much more but character limit

If that's what you want to take out of my post then take it and go away, but I'm telling you you have to have a real reason to write. Tricks like what that other user may or may not help, but no trick in the book will do anything for you if you have no reason to bother
(You)'s are as fine as any a reason to write, the whole reason I finished my last thing at 23k words and also the reason I started it in the first place was because the OP in /terato/ promised (You)'s to writers, and I earned my due by finishing my story
>The words are already in my head, though.
Then leave them there where they're perfect, unless you have some real reason to put them somewhere else
>Even if it comes out extremely flawed, I've made it REAL, and that's what's important to me.
I don't understand that sentiment and so I can't comment, but if it works for you it works for you

Go for it. No matter what happens it can't be worse than Mighty Number 9