I need some opinions Zig Forums. I was arguing with a friend about DmC. He says its a horrible game all around...

I need some opinions Zig Forums. I was arguing with a friend about DmC. He says its a horrible game all around. While I do agree to an extent, my argument was that it's a good game, just not a good Devil May Cray game. So that brings me here with a question, Would the game have gotten as much flak as it did if they kept the plot, but replaced all of the key characters (Dante, Vergil, Mundus, Sparta, ect.) with different characters and changed the name?

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It would've gone down as a sub-par GoW clone with a cool goth aesthetic. It's not a great game on it's own merit, but people would be unable to look to the better installments in the series as proof of its failings if it were an original IP.

I still think it would've been panned for its terrible enemy design. If it launched with all the fixes that DE brought, then it would probably considered pretty damn good. I think DmC is a better action game than anything else the west has released in the past 10 years.

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feels like playing a simplified dmc with none of the cool advanced moves people like the games for. theres no good montages because theres no way to really make art out of it and thats what these games are all about

>remake DMC
>let's make it even more arcadey with even more linear levels
It was genuinely the worst fucking iteration. The only interesting off-canon reboot would be an open world gothic setting with drivable cars and shit

>While I do agree to an extent, my argument was that it's a good game, just not a good Devil May Cray game.
Yet the guy in charge of making Devil May Cry games loves it, and it was a strong influence on DMC5, and the only reason DmC2 didn't get made is because Ninja Theory were busy.

>capcom now considers its outsourcing a bad idea
>IP lead doesnt talk bad about company product he barely had anything to do with(outside of being dragged away from dragons dogma to help with basic enemy design and the vorgil campaign)

>>capcom now considers its outsourcing a bad idea
What is Resident Evil 3 Remake, then?

You're kinda unselling how much DMC5 rips off from DmC. This is like when Hitman fans pretend that Absolution is some kind of aberration, yet Hitman 2016/2/3 have Absolution's fingerprints all over them.

its one of those "its a dmc game but its an okay game itself" types

Didn't the Japanese team help NT with the combat? Makes the question of "what if it's not a DMC game" kinda moot since god knows what they would've came with by themselves.

interesting video about this game vs MGR, check it out
but yes, DmC could've not been shit on as hard if it didn't try and steal the DMC brand name and ruin it

It's not a "good" game on its own, at least not the original release, but it's nowhere near DMC2 levels of bad despite what the fanbase would have you believe. A true example of poor communication between publisher, developer, and fans where no one won.

>IP lead doesnt talk bad about company product he barely had anything to do with

He went farther than that. He actually wanted DmC 2 instead of DMC 5

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Your friend is correct. It's bad all around
>don't believe the Zig Forums memes
>get it on sale and try to play it
>huh ok this is OK I guess, combat feels pretty floaty and slow but-
>ok the characters are annoying
>this level design is spooky though
>why do I have to unlock all the most extremely basic shit like jumping attacks? Let me look at the tree
>...oh fuck no
>why are enemies attacking me 1 at a time?
/blog this was one of the very few games I have ever refunded on Steam. The other was Zombi, in which I encountered a game breaking bug that prevented me from progressing, and the third was Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 which was so bad it hurt my fucking soul

>the only reason DmC2 didn't get made is because Ninja Theory were busy
Nah, Capcom isn't dumb, they know exactly how horribly recieved DmC was and opted on ditching them. NT weren't brought back, not because they were "busy" but because they just didn't want them back.
They clearly weren't happy with how it sold
>You're kinda unselling how much DMC5 rips off from DmC
It takes ideas from DmC for sure, but it overall isn't the same in many aspects. It doesn't feel like a crossbreed between the two either.

Just curious can I get a source for this interview? Not doubting it, I just want it.

>Hideaki Itsuno liked DmC so much more than previous DMC games that he wanted to continue DmC instead.
Zig Forums have no taste in games

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not him, but googled it and came up with this

Yes. DmC without capcom helping them would have played more like the other games NT made like hellbalde rather than a different version of DMC.

No matter what DmC is better than dmc2, so DmCfags should be happy. I think the game is definitely looking less harsh in retrospect, this board especially was caught up in the tameem madness.

Good is stretching it. It was an above average western action game in terms of gameplay, but this was clearly because they emergency called in Itsuno to fix it. The writing, story and character designs are all extremely below average and laughably bad. The level design aesthetic is very overrated. Not bad, but it's something a lot of people latch onto because they really want to say something good about the game.

I had nothing to do with the Tameem madness - and Tameem was a fucking bell-end anyway - and I still hated the game

Itsuno obviously wanted to pass the torch to someone else, he taught NT all what there is to know and moved on to continue making his dream game that was ever so often interrupted by DMC ever since 2.

DmC was also part of why dragon's dogma was unfinished.

I thought it was because Capcom didn't want to go through with the original scale of the game in the first place?

More like Itsuno couldn't deliver despite the game having a massive budget

He did deliver, though. Dragon's Dogma is a great game.

DD is pretty shit. Dark Arisen is much better and what we should've received in the first place.

Thats only because Tameem was the gift that kept giving, the man was an utter mong.

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He wasn't wrong, DMC4 Dante is the faggiest design in the series. Even shirtless Dante from DMC3 was less of a homo design than whatever they were thinking in 4.

A low effort cash grab.

It was and it still is a very good slasher made by western developers (though I heard Itsuno had his way with mechanics). But it still doesn't come close to any great titles made by Japanese devs. It being released month before Revengeance was humiliating too, as even despite MGR had a mess of a development cycle and the final version being cobbled in less than a year, it was still more fun and intense than DmC which took what, 3 or 4 years to make?

>DMC4 Dante is the faggiest design in the series.
But user, you are wrong

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Still not as bad.

Go to bed Tameem

This shit looked more interesting than the actual game

>Still not as bad.
>Donte fingering hole in his chest crying in a bathroom.gif

The tameem haircut also looked better than the "mom says it's my turn to play" shit in the final game.

that trailer was quite good yes. If they had kept with the grunge, punk rock vibe it could've been good.

The city bending and trying to kill you was cool and it introduced the music being depended on the style system.

youre absolutely right OP. if it werent a devil may cry game I would put it in the same tier as shit like dantes inferno, darksiders, metal gear rising. A decent game but not a dmc or a bayonetta. But seeing as it IS a devil may cry game, its god awful toilet trash I hate.

Nigga the fuck is wrong with you? the Tameem haircut looked awful

It was an interesting concept for sure

Agreed, thanks Tameem