No bonfires between start of level and bosses

>no bonfires between start of level and bosses

fuck that shit

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Just go back to the nexus pussy.

>that walk back to tower knight

this game is a fucking slog

Dermon souls is about creating shortcuts that allow you to get back to where you were from the same starting point easily after you progress further

Dark Souls 3 levels are over designed trash.

1-2 has got to be the worst case of this, but even then, it only takes a few minutes to run the top route
For everything else, is right

Souls game are just so easy to just run around everywhere without fear of dying

This is the first Souls game dude. It's gonna have poor level design compared to the rest. I'm just mad that Bluepoint were so scared of the purist cucks that they didn't even bother to upgrade the combat. Why aren't there any leap attacks? They could've used a jump for more intricate level design and redesigned puzzles. Why are fights like Dragon God still a meme?

>tower knight walk back
you better pray to kill Old Hero on your first try user

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I'm just gonna not play this dog shit game that I dropped in 2009 now that I remember why. Simple as.

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And yet the level design is pretty simple for the most part, and at the same time, you have a gorillion shortcuts everywhere. Not that the game had really hard fights to warrant continuous boss runs, mind you.

Filtered so easily user, you probably haven't even tried valley of defilement yet.

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I beat DS3, Bloodborne and Sekiro. Demons Souls is shit.

filtered like a bitch. go play smash bros or something

>I beat the easier games, so the hard one is bad

Sekiro is harder than Demons Souls cheap poorly designed challenge.

Sekiro is harder than Demons Souls so stop complaining and get fucking good.

>1-2 has got to be the worst case of this
what? 1-2 is easy. The worst ones are 4-2 and 5-1. I almost quit the game because of them.

git gud


Not true for DeS, there's only like 4 shortcuts in the whole game. It has the worst run ups in the whole series.

But it doesn't really matter because the game is piss easy.

lol, so happy for the "NEVER EVER" crowd to be experiencing demon's souls mostly for the first time

the game sucks compared to any dark souls

This frightens the casual

>the game sucks compared to any dark souls
what a fucking retarded take

No it's exactly true for DeS

>the hard one
DeS is the easiest Miyazaki game my man.

Dark Souls 2 and 3 zoomers are really used to be coddled, huh?

soulsborne newfags that only care about this genre for the HARDCORE DIFFICULTY AND CHALLENGING GAMEPLAY
eat shit and die, you'll never understand. You'll never get it.

I find it a bit sad that Bluepoint changed everything about the aesthetic and tinkered with the atmosphere instead of doing literally anything else.
The feel of Demon's Souls' world as well as its narrative were always its strongest parts, and it beats out all of From's later games in certain ways.

hows the old monk?
how are invasions?
and how its the scrapping spear?

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Thinking of it, the only time I ever got invaded was because of Old Monk. Later when the servers were about to shut down, I invaded someone and got the head piece.

Get good faggot.