Groove Coaster: Wai Wai Party!!!! 2019

Groove Coaster: Wai Wai Party!!!! Hololive collab event

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this reminded me of musedash banning hololive from streaming their game, fuck.

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friendship ended with chinks now taito is my best friend
if you think that's bad, amelia has a black spade tattoo on her chest irl
you just know

>miku reimu, and a bunch of vtubers walk into a bar

>if you think that's bad, amelia has a black spade tattoo on her chest irl

id gas all of u faggots if i could

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nvm clubs

that's clearly a green clover that's being made transparent by her green-screen, dude

sorry if i'm stupid but how is that a bad thing

what does WAI WAi mean


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yippie yay horary

I just looked it up. Looks fun and only $3.

it's very fun, it's just that the publishers are chinks and banned hololive from streaming it because "NOOOOOOOOO MUH CAPITALISM!!!!"

I hope both games get a huge discount someday because the don't with their price

How's the controls on the Switch version? I can't get into it on the PC Groove Coaster as I can't find a controller set-up I like.


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Oh wait why there's such huge difference on their price on switch it cost 20 usd

There's a groove coaster game on switch?
Oh fuck yeah

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The switch version comes packaged with the 20 dollars DLC, which unlocks all song packs currently and any song packs that they might add.

the steam version contains only the base game, the DLC is separate.

I think he just doesn't like tattoos on women.

alternatively, black spades, typically with a Q, is a logo for the Qanon retards

Is that what hololive Amelia Watson looks like? I thought Hololive was made up of Nips and Nips that know English.


that's not too bad actually, thanks for clarifying.

Could hori flex be good for rhythm games?

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the main japanese hololive branch is.
hololive EN is mostly mostly westerners who happen to know both japanese and english, except ina who i think is korean.

This game is pretty ridiculous honestly. Taito, Touhou, vTubers including Hololive, Vocaloid, anime stuff, stuff from other rhythm games, fucking Undertale... I’m genuinely surprised I don’t see more people talk about it.

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because the game as far as rhythm games go is actually kinda bad, and is also really hard to find because there are like 10 different games, all named the exact same and with varying degrees of cost and in varying platforms.

>because the game as far as rhythm games go is actually kinda bad

I'm not a big rhythm game fan, but I liked groove coaster, what's a good rhythm game?
Preferably for switch also

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Physical when

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Can someone explain the appeal of groove coaster to me? I tried it on android, and it was so basic I couldn't get into it. I understand music is a big hook, but if the music is good but the gameplay is boring, why even bother with the game part of a rhythm game? Might as well just listen to the music.

The price, only neets know vtubers and Touhou, the price, other rhythm games got stuff from other rhythm games as free content and this one has it as paid dlc and fucking undertale is on taiko which is cheaper than this

should clarify, i personally found the mobile version of the game rather bad because of the boring visuals, weird control schemes that put more emphasis on figuring out the correct input instead of focusing on the rhythm, and the bad ad-lib mechanic that forces you to either use the ad lib reveal item, look up a playthrough of the song or play the same song hundreds of times tapping like a psycho if you want the full chain. I don't know how good the switch version of the game is.
Also, I don't know jack shit about switch rhythm games since i don't own one, but I'm really into Muse Dash, which has very nice and cute visuals, and a simple 2-input style gameplay that only requires a single button press or a tap. Plus, it has a PC port on steam which's kinda nice.

I played it in an arcade and it was really fun.
I tried it on android and it was pretty disappointing, honestly I just want that high I got from the arcade version again, but I don't think the switch version will do the same for me.