1 year later

>1 year later
>Still haven't reached for her hand
>Literally the first thing the game tells you to do in the song

Play her route already. The game is about her afterall!

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>there are still people that hasn't played all the routes

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Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!

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i played 2 routes + dlc and don't feel like going through the beginning half again 2 more times, but ill get to it eventually

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Reminder that Dimitri literally held out his hand to her and she tried to kill him

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good, he deserved it. better to die on your feet than live on your knees. Dimitri is not fit to be king in any way.

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more like reach for her axe and watch her head soar away lmao

I don't think she was trying to kill him. Dimitri gave her that dagger to "Cut a path for her future" but she throws it back at him basically saying "I don't have a future anymore. Cut one for yourself." A lot of people forget that Edelgard and Dimitri still care about each other.

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Murdering lizards is fun.

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>I don't think she was trying to kill him.
>throws it at his vitals

I did my first playthrough, but somehow missed the flag to take her route so I was a good churchboy that time.
When I finally did do her route, I was disappointed it clearly didn't have as much effort put into it as the others.

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It feels tedious to do a third class and doing CF to SS back to back would be boring since I'd use the same characters.

Poor Caspar, maybe he would've gotten more recognition if he was in GD instead of Chad Eagles.
She literally threw it at his shoulder.

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Tell me what major organ resides in your shoulder

God I hate this image so much.
It reeks of reddit

not that user, but there are much safer places to be stabbed then in the shoulder, theres a gigantic artery right about where the dagger hit

The only reason the other 3 routes appear to have effort in them is because they reuse chapters up to Ch 17, with SS and VW continuing to be mostly similar until their final map.
I feel like TH would benefit a lot more if it was a story with just 2 routes with some time put in to be different, instead of 3 of mostly the same thing until the last quarter of the game and 1 different but short route (which is also still the same thing until the half way point because fuck White Clouds)

Dimitri isn't a normal person. Edelgard says "If you were a normal person you would've died a long time ago" in CF.


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I disagree, I dig 3H suffering fanart, both for Edelgard and Dimitri.

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She was. She knew she had lost but her whole theme is never giving up and reaching for her goal no matter the sacrifices. If she can take Dimitri down with her then that is good too. She just missed hitting a fatal place is all. Getting stabbed might have thrown off her aim a bit.

Not just maps, the lack of cutscenes is also a turnoff.
>no cutscene for Byleth falling off the cliff in CF; just some still images.

They should have just cut VW honestly. They decided to put the extra house you could be in there last minute and just kinda rehashed all of the previously done SS levels. I prefer SS to VW honestly since you still get the cool moment of your lord betraying you and all that. You get no good moments in VW.

In the other 2 routes where she dies she basically gives up and goads Byleth into killing her.
Its not a stretch to consider it was a similar situation, just Edelgard ensuring Dimitri's hand was forced.

We can't be sure, but given all the symbolism behind the dagger it's likely that she wasn't trying to. If Dimitri had spared her then the war would have continued. There would be no peace or unification of fodlan which both of them wanted.

The cutscenes in general are not too spectacular anyway, the VW and CF finales are the only cool ones.

Byleth getting nudged down a cliff by Thales is dumb as fuck anyway.

Or she could have surrendered.

Edelgards men died for her ambition
She’d be a bitch submitting to Dimitri and not fighting to the bitter end.

Because Edelgard is in love with Byleth. If she has to die at least it is Byleth doing it. She loathes Dimitri in the end of AW.

Except Edelgard doesn't really care about that. If the world isn't unified under her then it isn't right. It always needed to be under her own hand and never anyone else's. Unification was always just her seething and taking the Adrestian red pill that they should still own the whole of Fodlan.

The people would still want her dead, and would be angry at Dimitri for letting her live. She would also have nothing else to live for.

She gives a whole speech in silver snow about how the conflict will go on forever if Byleth doesn't kill her. The only difference between Byleth and Dimitri is that Byleth has the determination to do it.