GTX 1070

How are you holding up, bros?

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Still able to run everythin on high at 60-144fps

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This. The newest stuff is getting a tad bit choppy might need to upgrade in a year.

I literally just upgraded my 970 to a 1080. Know this is a 1070 thread but I still love both those cards and I still game in 1080p so I don't really give a shit about newer cards. It seriously might be 10 years before I upgrade again

Considering the only game I'm currently excited for is Silk Song, pretty good.

I upgraded form a 7870, I can hold out another entire console generation probably. Running everything at high/yltra anyway for 1080. I'm sitll running a 3770 though, if I do upgrade ill just buy a whole new comptuer.

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>970 to a 1080
>not to a 1070ti
1070ti is newer, cheaper and even beats OC'ed 1080 when you overclock it.
There is literally no reason to pick 1080 over 1070ti.

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newest game I ran was the shitty Black Ops Cold War beta, paired with an i5-6500. I had to turn that game's graphics down a bit to combat the choppiness, but it could just be the shitty optimization of modern CoDs. everything else I play runs silky smooth 1080p 60+.

Playing the F5 game for a 3080

Getting the 6800 XT next week. I got memed by AMD cards in the past. I'm hoping things are different now. It's just so good on paper.

I got this. How much longer can I hold out bros

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Waiting for early 2021 to upgrade. Will probably go with 3080 or Radeon equivalent. First time I'll be ditching intel in favor of AMD. I'm quite excited to be honest.

>tfw 970
>have 2 months trying to get a 3080
I can fucking wait. Finally being able to run 1080 and 60fps all the time its going to be great

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you're literally still fine unless you are trying to run anything over 1080p then you might have some trouble

Realistically, you should be upgrading already. But i would have waited for 3060/3050 if i were you.

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like 2 months. Next year is going to be full of next generation games

whoever made this is a retard and missed the point of the scene

gtx1050ti fag here, my rig is so old it's restarting randomly and will crash if certain sounds happen but it can still play 2016-2017 era games on high. Too poor to upgrade but I no longer play any real games now so it might not matter to me anymore

>late to the party
>what she bought is now shit compared to the rest
seems right to me

doing great at 1080p

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and if I have a h270-pro4 should I get a new mobo too?

yeah, it should be a 3080 user and the other girls should be 1060 6gb.

I'm probably going to grab a new-gen card once the prices aren't half a grand. Maybe treat myself to it when my birthday comes around. It's a good card, but it's age is starting to show a lot sooner than I expected.

when can we expect the 30xx series to be available for more than 15 min in any store? Next year?

It was slightly cheaper for me. A friend sold it to me new for 275 cash, no tax and it had never been used and had been sitting in its box for years...his company bought a few of them a while back and this one was never used. Yeah, it probably wasn't the best deal but it was fair enough I won't worry much about it plus I sold my 970 for $80. Yeah I probably could have done better but oh well. No regrets. I'm not not a huge pc gamer so it'll suit me for a long time to come.

I have a 1060.

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>tfw thinking about getting a 2060 until the 30xx series are a common thing.

I have to be strong

Waiting for the 6800 XT

I posted in this thread about finally replacing my 1070 pc. It's ok I guess but its really chugging hard now because of the CPU. I was thinking about getting a whole new CPU and stuff but then I figured theres no point since the 1070 is going to be quickly outdated anyway since even the consoles are supporting RT and stuff which is now a basic standard feature if all current gen GPU among other features like DLSS and stuff. If I buy a new CPU now and upgrade the GPU later I'm going to keep doing this leapfrog with my CPU/GPU like I did with this current build which eventually caused the CPU to be too outdated for the GPU. If I bought a new CPU now and decided to upgrade the 1070 in like a couple years the CPU might bottleneck that new GPU. Not worth the hassle. I'll just wait a few years and buy a whole new build with the latest CPU and GPU at the time. Series X should suffice in the meantime.

what card should i get if i have ryzen 5 and a 550w psu

Thought I needed to upgrade my 1080, but not so sure anymore. It ran watch dogs like trash, but does really well in AC Valhalla almost maxed settings.

Buy yourself a decent b550 motherboard, decent dual rank ram and a ryzen 3100.
You will be able to utilize 1070 to its full potential.
Next year, upgrade the GPU.
Later you can upgrade to 5600 non-x version if new games would start scaling better and 3100 would not be enough anymore.

Attached: ryzen 3100.png (500x838, 154.43K)

the only hardware that can run most tensorflow code so whatever. don't really basedface over graphics

>t ran watch dogs like trash,
if you mean the new one then its because its optimized as shit. Even high tier cards have problems with it

My consoomer acquaintances always buy the latest shit and become desperate to sell their current gpu. 1070 still working like a charm. Currently awaiting the next hand-me-down.

Consisering I mostly play indies and emulate these days, doing just fine. Worried about cyberpunk though, probably going to check that out.

This is the most based thing to do, I do it with phones, I haven't EVER payed for a phone since this badboy, have a galaxy s7 now.

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I just upgraded from a GTX 1080 to an RTX 3070. No scalper nonsense, just had to wait almost 2 weeks for Best Buy to send it after "successfully" ordering it on launch day.
My problem now is I've got an ancient i7-3770k.

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My dad just recently got a 4K OLED TV so I'm going to be using that with the series x as the main way I game. Not getting rid of the pc just retiring it as my main machine. I'll still use it for any lesser demanding games, emulation or shooters. I'm enjoying this 4k gaming. Really makes games look great especially with HDR. HDR on windows is still a broken mess. I'll build a new PC in a few years when price/performance of PC components go up in that mid gen period and when things like HDR issues get ironed out. The xbox was cheap anyway so I'm not too fussed. My family will inherit it once I'm done with it so it's not really any money wasted.

i still play at 1080p so i've no reason to upgrade

cucks whine that apex runs poorly when im maxing it with just 1070 lmao.