Why is there literally 0 western game with a school setting?

Why is there literally 0 western game with a school setting?

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Cool video games thread. I can tell that you're interested in discussing video games because of the video game related picture you posted.


Get the fuck out.

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>Western school game
>NPCs just make up a bunch of stuff about you for no reason and everybody believes it

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because school settings are fucking gay

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hello twitter

hello twitter

What would vee like to see in the next game?

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Isn't it great how a game like this could never be released today for being seen as "problematic"?

don't you love modern humanity and how everything is a giant fucking problem and nothing can be just for fun anymore : )

This board fucking sucks

There's at least like 10 Harry Potter games.

>Its a twitter/reddit tries to fit in episode

Idk i hated high school. I liked college though because I got to chill my bros, play smash 4 and watch jojo together

literally bully
did you even try or did you just want a JK thread

Because a high school fps wouldn't go over well for obvious reasons.

why is 16 peak performance?



Japanese idolize grade school since it was the last days of freedom before the soul crushing adulthood kicked in
Americans don't because we all realize high school was complete shit unless you were a chad, and even then it's not worth talking about past the age of 20.
Just two different cultures

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Built for BBC.

A school doesn't seem to be an interesting setting for a shooter game

why do third worlders wear a uniform well into their late teens? this hole is like 19

Because school sucks.

She's 16

We don't romanticize highschool in the west, most people know everything about life after it is way better and more interesting. Not to mention how horrible it is being in school especially here in the US.

School is just as soul crushing in Japan as adulthood.

The real answer is just Japs crave youth because they're all pedos.

what now, dumbass?

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this except you're just a whiny faggot and this game could easily be released today. fucking HATRED got a release. you fucking retard.

Call Sneed, ask for Chuck.

It "COULD" be released today, but it won't because companies aren't retards. Hatred was generic MUH VIOLENCE shit. A game about school bullying has 0% chance to be released in the current state of the world.

here you go user :^)

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God I wish I was that bench

isnt this one of those arguments that's asking for proof of a negative so basically it's a totally moot conjecture since no one can actually say anything to that claim that you won't just respond with that to

what im saying is fuck off retard

There are some but they are Obscure.

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you're conveniently forgetting that they changed it so girls can't be bullied in bully, and that basically everyone is a bully, and that no one today would see it as promoting that behavior in the same vein no one sees gta promoting hooker murder. retard.

>thongs under skirt

>they changed it so girls can't be bullied in bully
Thanks for proving my point :^)


A game about bullying can always be released, all it would do is spark yet more dumbass debates about videogames as an art form. All that it matterd is that it's either gonna be Bully 2 or Sierra Burgess: The Game by David Cage.

>don't you love modern humanity and how everything is a giant fucking problem and nothing can be just for fun anymore : )

you know you're posting on Zig Forums right. fun is a buzzword and has been for over a decade the only acceptable mental states for a proper Zig Forumsirgin are ironically enjoying something, shitting on someone else for enjoying something, and crying about trannies

legal in my country

>Don't spec into spending time with the shy kid
>Game ends with him shooting up the school

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because a modern day high school game made by the west has a chance of it ending halfway through with a shooting if you don't befriend a specific character.

That one american school shooting simulator made by the glowies

One job