They changed the term male and female to masculine and feminine in and everyone is upset

They changed the term male and female to masculine and feminine in and everyone is upset

Why? This change is no big deal. And IMO welcome.

Attached: A9E79164-4262-477B-A2DB-1FABFB529D54.jpg (750x396, 186.84K)

It's the end of humanity

you will never be a woman

>And IMO welcome.


Someone post that "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" meme

> hahaha you sound TRIGGERED

Male and female aren’t the only genders. These options are more open to all now.

Yes they are.
There are only two sexes. There are only two genders. There is no such thing as non binary.

Male and female are sexes though

Look I used to be like you. "What does it matter?" So the question you need to ask yourself is "why?"

The only reason to do this is if you're a communist. And not just any communist, a raimbow communist. The absolute worst most pathetic kind. The latte sipping upper middle class rich white kids who disgust a working class joe like me.

I say kill em all!

Free marketing you fag. See how the memekids come drooling to this thread for sick memes? It's working.

>only the English version affected.

exo chads rise up

>commie fist
>hammer like in hammer and sickle
Westacuck trannies really can't help themselves

Sorry bub I'm not going to let you get away with redefining language like that.

The word you are looking for is "sexuality"

Hell, they even made our MODELS look better this patch compared to whatever the hell they did to human/awoken
Best voice too

What the fuck happened to communism as a whole anyway? They used to imprison homosexuals in the USSR

>there are 2 genders
>no there aren't
>yes there are
>no there aren't
>yes there are

The modern left only cares about what types of objects they're allowed to stick up their ass

look at this dude types like he knows the world inside out and thinks rainbow is spelled with an m. dont backpedal faggot, you're 100% the type who edits and proofreads his posts.

Somehow it got hijacked by ultra wealthy multi6 corporations. Hilarious how commies are now pro open borders and mass migration which are harmful for the working class. Commies are such a joke these days. Putting them out of their misery is a mercy.

Is it only the english version?

nigger I don't give a fuck, come get some

>see tranny
>flash the latest hate symbol

Attached: two-genders.jpg (1300x1145, 69.67K)

>everyones upset
what if I told you no one cares. I can walk outside and walk around multiple towns where I live. no one gives a shit.
its only probably five people screeching to their own minority of retards.
tomorrow, they will ree about something else.

There's going to be a lot of blood on the streets if the shit actually goes down, isn't it

How Is that a hate symbol?

get fucking rekt LOL umad


That some arab name?

Gender was a term invented by a pedophile psychologist that performed an unwarranted sex change on a little boy, made him do sexual acts with his brother to "condition him to be female", and drove both of them to suicide later in life because of his fucked up behavior.
Intersex people exist, but they're such a tiny minority of people that redefining language and opening up a whole cultural movement for perverts and confused retards to mutilate themselves is utterly reprehensible.

you must 18 or over to post on this board

Look back to history. Faggots and degenerates are used as cultural wedges to drive support for a communist society. Then, when they've used up their value once the party is in power, they are executed, just like the vast majority of the college educated ideologues that supported the rise of the party.

I'm so fucking tired of seeing this shit all the time

Attached: ac1c0337-e707-46dd-a18f-19e780bb1454.png (667x516, 168.43K)

Almost like politicians were never caught creating problems out of thin air so people would be preocupied with the (((problem))) and not the politician

Gender does exist though and it is different than sex.

>AAA western trash
fuck you and die

According to a pedophile psychologist that, in using this nonsense theory, drove two kids to suicide. Aside from as a synonym for sex, gender is meaningless. If you feel as if you are not the sex your body actually is, then you're mentally ill. You aren't "another gender", or any such bullshit.

They took communism seriously, Like 6 years ago guys were making memes and jokes about communism and it started getting popular enough that npcs with no way of understanding comedy took it seriously and tried to adopt the concept themselves with their ((own)) ideas.

They honestly think that a communist utopia is viable since they themselves never work or have the most cushy jobs ever that they think whenever their shitty utopia comes true they will still have their same positions.

Why do you think most commies are jornos or rich kids

Almost like the only real problems in society are the (((politicians))) and the shit they do to stay powerful. I wonder what a solution to that problem would look like.

The political stuff got in pretty steadily, this is what happens when you allow rainbow haired women into your company. Get fucked Bungo

Serious question. Why did they even change it?

Gender isn't real, only sex.

The solution is always staying informed and being aware of politician schemes. Spread the truth.

>some troon or troon ally bitched about it on T*itter
>game has dying playerbase, needed to pull back in players with anything they could easily have spread on media platforms

That's about all, peace out