Can someone explain this?

Can someone explain this?

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Earlier I was reading a thread that was I dont understand the hate towards sony famboys

reddit trashfire
im sure its the same with some shitbox fags, those literal children base their identity on having a low spec PC

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I believe nothing for what it appears to be in this day and age, everything is sides playing as other sides playing as other sides playing as other sides all trying to muddy the waters and seem as if they are the only sane ones in the world when it is everyone who is perpetuating the insanity. You can no longer talk about anything without the suspicion of confusion, every thread and every post is suspect, and even my pointing out of this only serves to make the problem worse.

A cuck on YouTube has a channel where he destroys stuff. Some fag on FB took a screenshot and changed the narrative to " Sony fanboy bla bla bla". Both are retarded.

trying to be shocking for free internet attention / money. id do it too If i could 100% profit.

A period I like to call Normalization.

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in like 2004 they did a thing on G4 where they reviewed the "durability" of consoles in an extreme mythbusters early 2000s style. they had more than enough budget being on a cable network so everyone thought it was hilarious. then the copycats came. somebody made a video where he actually paid out of pocket and waited in line for the PS3/wii/360. some people did it with the iphones. back then it was just for the lulz and the internet fame. then the new generation of monetized "youtubers" and now this autistic kid can make thousands a month to make videos like this

an xbox fan did that

Why's it always a nigger

You can make this shit up. PS5 really is their console

Why is the worship of mediocrity such a huge thing? Why are people listening to rappers and celebrities?

>If you break open your PS5, you get a Connect Four set

Games within games, people. This is the wave of the future.

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The absolute state of snoygers

mental illness also known as American brand loyalty

Blacks are violent and like to break things, we know it already

Snoyfags are mentally ill and feel threatened by everyone.

snoycels are mentally ill

>niggers are mentally ill

Children. Plain and simple.

found the snoy

(((Why))) indeed.

Meanwhile us PC Fags are divided into 3 camps:
>Gamers that Have RTX 30XX
>Gamers that Want RTX 30XX
>Scalpers selling RTX 30XX

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do americans really

>b-b-b-but PC??!!?

Huh, I tought they had green led
Instead ifts green tic tac toe board
Man do I feel cheated.
At least I got another game to play when armagedon happends and we never see electrisity again :^)

say what nigger, Id take the 6900XT instead

This is the most pathetic response I have seen in a while, is not even in the same context as OP, just looking for something to deflect.
I tought most console wars where just for fun, but Snoys are truly mentally ill.

Also even RTX 20xx series is better than nu consoles

I swear, you fucking LOLSNOYSUX retards have to be fucking 12 years old if you've never seen this before. It's happened at pretty much every launch since the 7th gen (especially in a post-Youtube world)

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console wars were always serious business.

no we are still keeping our 1060s

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Imagine buying 3000 series nvidia over 6800xt or 6900xt in 2020 AHAHHAHAHAH.

>why is the worship of mediocrity in a world with mediocre writers, mediocre movies, mediocre videogames, mediocre music, mediocre comedians and overall just general mediocrity such a big deal?

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>buying AMShart gpus
in their entire existence they have never had functioning drivers

Either way Snoy is the shittiest of all.
They lie, they pander to fags and they always release shit hardware just to resell you retards a revised one later on.

Xbox is a piece of shit and so does their shitty fanbase

1050 Tis*

Some retard flexing that he can afford a 500 dollar console

he's giving away free stuff why are you mad


American consumers are in a race to the bottom

Consoomerism at its peak.

This seems like something a black person would do. What a waste of welfare money.

Its big enough to be called "Connect Five".

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I'm none of those, idgaf my pc can run everything fine. I'll get it cheap later

mah nigga

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Beat me to it

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>t. nigger with sub 40 iq