What remake is this?

What remake is this?

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Ezio trilogy

Warcraft III Reforged

Demon's Soulless

Every beamdogs faggotmake

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Halo CE Anniversary


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NWN is fine because they didn't add any 'original content' like they did with BGs, and the graphical changes are optional

all remakes

thank you except REmake1

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There's nothing wrong with NWN:EE you absolute faggot retard. I can't believe people as stupid as you are allowed to walk this fucking earth.

Just jew my shit up

silent hill 2 + 3 HD

RE2 was kino too

sometimes paintings have already been "restored" at one point in time and people aren't even aware what they really look, or looked like.

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This is a good restoration though. Thats what the painting actually looked like

All of them.

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97% of them

Damn did Bluepoint paint this?

Either you played something shat out by a group of massive faggots or even worse you gave money to Beamdog, I think you are both the bigger faggot and stupider.

>Remake adds soul to the game
I don't know of any game that does this

Only correct answer. The new art direction is absolutely abysmal

around what time were these made? they all seem to follow the same style. it's like that particular era had some really skilled scammers retouching other people's work.

The right one is the original though

I'm pretty sure they all are. The point is that the remake added a fresh, pretty coat of paint. But completely ignored what the original artist was going for.

Resident Evil 3 remake

just give us backwards compatibility on everything you cowards

apparently they're mostly from the 19th century and the yellowing is usually varnish. really weird seeing old paintings in their original colors.

warcraft reforged since like the painting, the original is also destroyed
sure you can pirate an old version, but that would be like looking at a photograph of the original painting


Yeah, beamdog is pure cancer.
>giving money to shitdog
>defending their faggotry on the internet
>attacking user that pointed out their cancerous faggot ways
Kill yourself faggot.