Demon's Souls

Now imagine if they had just released Demon's Souls. As in the actual game but maybe with a higher resolution and faster load times. With that having been it.

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>rerelease demon's souls at a decent framerate and higher resolution
There, that's all i wanted, not this american abomination

With RPCS3 a reality. Emulate the original at 4k & 60 fps.

Yes but it has no official support.
The remake is what millions are playing. Millions more than ever even played the original games at that. And the original game, while it'll still exist, will quickly fade into obscurity and be forgotten. Sadly.

Is that chink still there?


That's what i did, as soon as i saw the Flamelurker in the first trailer i knew i had to emulate it for the superior experience

That's the kind of ports Bluepoint used to make and they were doing a great job at it. Then they decided to start reworking assets for whatever reason.

Make a YouTube video about it

i doubt that many. BB undersold

now imagine if your shitty ass xbox had launched with a game so you wouldnt have to spend all of your time shitposting on Zig Forums

This game will outsell Bloodborne. Absolutely.
But even Bloodborne outsold Demon's Souls.

It's not one or the other. Two things can suck at the same time. I don't give a single fuck about Xbox. Never have. The damn thing barely even exists outside of America.
What's with all of you losers thinking that if Xbox is bad that makes Playstation good somehow or if Playstation is bad then Xbox is good? It doesn't work like that.
And this thread isn't even about the PS5. It's about Demon's Souls.

Then it would have never existed. Remake is a launch title, it needs to sell a lot, it needs to impress with graphics to sell PS5.
It also needs to be more generic to appeal to a mass audience.
A game is a product and a product is here to make money, it's successful only if it makes money.
What you fags want is simply not possible, it can not exist in the current industry.
If you really want to play what you described, you actually can, on PC, so now fuck off and continue to cope while getting mad that your impossible fanfic didn't happen.

They should have released a straight port of the original Demon Soul's that's 4K/60fps alongside the remake for the people that want to experience it. Would have been an even bigger incentive to buy the remake if they were bundled together.

>release Demon's Souls as it is but in modern resolutions and framerates on modern platforms
that's literally everything we ever wanted, you retard

Re-read the OP. But carefully this time, because it's in complete agreement with you. Retard.

>What you fags want is simply not possible, it can not exist in the current industry.
Nintendo did it.

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And they were hated for that.

As a launch title?
On a new console promoting graphics?
Also, do you really think comparing some of the best selling Mario games to a niche arpg that even most soulsfags never played is wise?
holy shit some people here are dumb or just in plain denial

And made millions. It was a huge success.
It was certainly possible.

>suddenly defending this trash
love how by trying to hate everything Zig Forums is biting its own tail

I doubt many people with care for the remake, and I'm pretty sure the moment the Next FROM title comes out no one will care for it, and if people want to experience it they will go back to PS3 DS since emulation and people will be telling them that version is better.

The remake is shit, but hopefully now that it can reintroduce stuff like world tendency and other mechanics that didn't make it past DeS, FROM will take notice and incorporate them back into their new titles.

This is what I want always with games getting additional releases. I suppose adding some cute levels or miscellaneous modes are fine, but I never like it when games change noticeably.

I always defended it. And kept saying before release how fortunate we were that they weren't some damn remakes.
And it's also essentially just a bundle of virtual console games. So I've never really understood how people can praise the virtual console while shitting all over 3d all-stars.
The only scummy thing have been the limited availability.

If they do a collection for Zelda next year they better not be the awful 3DS remakes. They better not be. They better not.

I’m emulating the game right now.
How much of content will i miss since the changing world gimmick is no longer a thing?

That price is not worth it though

it'd be as shit at it is. the ugliest, clunkiest, shortest, most unpolished, absolute worst souls game.

It's only like $10~ more expensive than the standard eshop prices. Which is kind of shitty, but otherwise it's all just the standard virtual console.

That sounds boring as fuck and it would sell terribly. The remake unironically looks a hundred times better than the original. Deal with it faggot.

>The remake is shit

No it isn't, you drooling cretin.

>The remake unironically looks a hundred times better than the original.
There is no way you actually think this.

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if you mean world tendency, you can influence that offline. (though it is harder to push towards white - if you fall towards black and the bosses are dead you might have to start over to reach pure white)

Amerimutt trash?

You can get online world tendency on RPCS3 by connecting to the private server.

Its some vomitable mutt shit, Amerimutt