ITT: Games with autistic MCs

ITT: Games with autistic MCs

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Ugly arabic mutt not buying this shit

I would say OP ,but they ain't a MC

based Itchybum

Ichiban is based and my friend

every yakuza game

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based incel kiryu

Couldn’t feel anything good for him after 120+ hours of playing. Really shit mc. At least make him look like a japanese

at least try to be convincing

you're a fucking idiot

is this the same shitty apartment from yakuza 0?

why do the Japanese care so much about the shitty franchise dragon quest?

he has to be a homo or asexual?

Young Link (MM)
It was literally the first jrpg

why is your bait so bad

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>wants to be a hero
>becomes a gangster

the fuck?

imagine how principled and stoic one man has to be to withstand such an assault to his his senses.

Every Shovel Knight campaign but especially King of Cards. I love this royal retard.

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incel has lost its meaning

is this game fun by yakuza and turn based JRPG standards?

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No that gets burned down

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the reception of the new MC in Yakuza kinda proves that all weebs are racist Zig Forumsfags and, probably, Trump supporters

top kek

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kiryu is a volcel
he could have any woman he wants

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Literally first jrpg and every single one is try to recreate the miracle that was DQ3 at the time.