Who won?

who won?

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Well, they are both sold out and there dosent seem to be any huge launch problems, people like them
The consumer?


I dont know, but we lost

Me. managed to get my friends to ditch console for PC.

>That guy who, whenever video games are brought up, starts shilling
You didn't win anything

No one because no games

Nobody wins except the soulless suits

not people who like videogames

they're both fucking retarded

PC gamers

Xchads are in the lead

We lost, 2 undewhelming consoles.

PS5, and i am speaking as someone who bought a Xbox Series X at launch, the Xbox One launch was just a disaster and it got less games than the PS4 and Switch, and people thus came in more excited for the PS5.

Even looking at the number of threads, videos and the number of views when it comes to content related to both consoles, you can tell that the PS5 is winning, honestly, it feels like Microsoft is still trying to recover from the dumpster fire that was the Xbox One launch and the fact that exclusives got delayed was not a good thing.

I still like it and i am one of those idiots that like Xbox controllers more than Dualshocks(though the Dualsense looks good) and i decided to go with Xbox one more time, but even as a Xchad i accept that the PS5 is winning and will win this generation again.

Um no sweatie, while you have bugsnax, a ps3 remake, and some other snoy shit I've been playing fight cade with my bros. One of them even built a full fledged arcade cabinet. So yes, I've won this gen as I've had more fun playing random fighters and bullet hells than anything this last gen


Whoever won, we lost.

Why this will not be the case
>netflix based game service (xbox game pass)
>80$ video games without that service
>low tier xbox series x console to make up ground
>superior backwards compadibility
>better hardware

but the main reason will be the game service. PS5 has nothing comparable - and this is coming from somebody who will probably end up with the PS5 simply because it makes no sense for me to own an xbox series x when my PC hardware will be better.

80$ per video game or 20-30$ a month for access to every single video game. Microsoft will win this generation based on their game service subscription fees alone - and the studios they bought.

Sony is fucked this generation - they dont even have the best hardware anymore.

>Zig Forums losing AGAIN
and this is a good thing!


xbox has no exclusive games and normies love paying for new shit so 80$ for a game is nothing. They also know the next uncharted, the last of us and those big games are playstation exclusive and the excuse of "multiplats sell better" stopped being true this gen, only super famous franchises sell 20 million or more, fucking ghost of tsushima sold 5 in 5 months and it will keep selling, spiderman sold what, 15? same for god of war. If xbox starts outselling ps5 (it won't), they will put more games on psnow

every big streamer is playing Demon Souls right now,



Ask in 5 years. The launch is not that relevant, especially when MS is going for the Netflix model of revenue.


>Demon's Soulless
>70$ 4h DLC (also on PS4)
>Ratchet & Bland 2
>Horizon: Zero Fun 2 (also on PS4)


Boy, this sure is an excitng launch, huh?

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Xbox emulates ps1,ps2 and soon PS3 games

The switch you fucking retard

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OP here
so the hardware of the xbox is better than the ps
the exclusives of the ps are better than xbox
but what if i dont give a shit about movie games you play once through the story and then never play again?
surely the xbox is winning then, right?
exclusives doesnt mean that much, or is it just me?

So does a PC. It also emulates Wii U and Switch.

it's funny how console discussions are mostly Playstation VS Xbox because everyone knows Nintendo btfos both so they fight for 2nd place

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Sony always wins

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