Dark soul 1 remaster look weird

Dark soul 1 remaster look weird

is this normal?

Attached: sif.webm (396x224, 3M)

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Not ds1

is that a webm made for ants?

is this the new ass creed? what the fuck were they thinking?

elden ring looking wild

tf, straight up does 1-2 of sifs moves

Attached: 1604105500319.png (325x244, 74.81K)

>PC loser have to play ubishit games

Holy shit, they just don't even care anymore

what historical event is this?

its not historical because you play as a white male during these encounter.

That's shameless, holy fuck
Did you miss the part where the series was about Templars controlling everyone with artifacts from ancient aliens?

Westacucks are so pathetic.

Attached: 1605183457788.jpg (736x712, 46.99K)

Transitioning into soulless ripoffs circa 2020 colourised

Holy fuck this is awful


Go back to your cuck thread

>Go back to your cuck thread (Cross-thread)

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Why is there almost no sound and no music?
Might pirate it just for the Norse mythology theme

I think they turned off the music in settings for copyright, or at least I hope so otherwise its a fucking mess

Attached: yru.gif (256x246, 1.53M)

this fucking series just fucking die already

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imagine you have to play this instead of Des remake.

Attached: 34009736-8807081-Hedge_horror_A_loving_mother_attempted_to_create_a_hedgehog_cake-a-43_1601914835326.jpg (634x476, 50.8K)

Music is too videogamey you understand

>LITERALLY Sif's double spin
Is this some side boss meant as an easter egg?

This one seems to have the music on. Wasn't missing much.


There's actually very slight violin music in the background
I can't be assed to watch that garbagefire of a game long enough to see if it picks up into a crescendo when the boss is about to die

>we removed this word because it is offensive

>that buggy fucking throw of the tree or whatever Fenrir is holding

I can't even tell which game this is tbqh with you. I'm gonna go ahead and take a stab saying its the we wuz vikangz ass creed. If it is, I'll only say that I can't remember when this thing was about assassins.

Isn't Fenrir supposed to be killed by Thor or something? And they kill each other?
The only men who matter in Ragnarök are the two who will rebuild the world afterwards, I thought

Not to mention the entire lack of impact on the attacks, both sound and animation wise

Attached: EmdlUD8VoAE9G3d.jpg (1003x1402, 282.69K)

Didn't they remove some character or backstory because he was "disfigured" by flames?

>the tornado fenrir created just instantly despawning like a frame cut

Attached: 3465547754.jpg (165x319, 4.99K)

no, they just removed the word disfigured

Only game this year as weightless and floaty i godfall. Lol.

Is this for fucking real?

Odin. Thor is killed by the World Snakeas he kills it

I mean there's only so many ways a dog with a sword in it's mouth can swing it.

Right, yeah. Point is it's not some random fucker

Sure, but did they have to copy the "switch from right side to left side" and "whirlwind" animations?

Might be spoiler but male Robot is the same as Odin in terms of likenesses [/spoiler,] because he is non canon.

Eivor, not robot

holy fuuuck this is mage cringe like there's no weight to anything
at some points the enemy just stands there for at least 10 seconds just looking at the attacker
this is video games for beaindead nigger demographic

I don't know what "in terms of likenesses" is supposed to mean

Basically same face

It's him. Female is the canon choice but the animus fucks up and uses Odin's face for male Eivor because Odin is an Isu.

Why does every ubisoft game looks so jank in motion?
They shill all these pretty screenshots but when you actually play it you get this.

As in you meet Odin and your guy looks the same?

>Literally just sifs moveset
Western devs are fucking shameless parasites that contribute nothing of value to the industry anymore.
It wasn't always this way, but its just pathetic to see the absolute state of these "AAA" studios compared to a couple decades ago.

Its Odin's face yeah.