Completely forgotten

>Completely forgotten

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Good, looks like generic shit.

Unironically true. Although I'm still going to play it, the last delay so close to release date really killed a lot of the hype and enthusiasm for the game. Expect hardcore followers and fans of CDPR to still be there, but the mainstream audience they were trying to capture will pass this over.

good i didnt give a shit about this SJW propaganda piece and never will. good riddance to it and CD projekt red

Imagine completely derailing your hype train and pissing off all your diehard fans who took time off work just so you can release the game on Google Stadia on it's launch day.

I want one more delay for full Maximum Despair and amusement

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>still spouting this meme
Stadia wasn't the issue, why the fuck would Stadia be the issue? For example Larian said that putting BG3 to stadia was very painless. Not that it fucking matters when CDPR themselves explicitly said that it's the last-gen consoles (Xbone and PS4) causing issues and every other version of the game is already ready to go.

>inb4 stadia shill
I don't give a shit about Stadia, never used it and never will but this is just retarded.

Imagine if it was cancelled. Holy shit, the46% would be 46 no more, more like 89%.

they've pretty much cut the hype to a third of what it was.

the theory still stands that they may have done it intentionally to soften the disappointment, backlash and hit to reputation. not many people seem to think this may be the case, but i think it'd obivously be the farsighted approach.

stadia is bullshit, the game is obviously an unfinished mess

whenever I hear about CP2077 it's always negative news. The game is not even out yet and I'm sick of seeing it. Wish the game would just release and fuck off already like tlou2 did

My guess is they have already hit their milestones for pre orders.

nah, everybody interested just filtered your shit treads since you absolutely lost your fucking minds
youre among yourselves now, exclusively

the hype was so big that no matter how good the game was it would still be a disappointment

I only got interested in it recently but the delay made me lose a lot of that, especially since I think there's a reasonable chance it'll get delayed again considering they already had to do it at the last minute once
I might start getting into it again soon, but once burned twice shy

what game?

It does not have to have multiplayer expantion - standalone mulltiplayer title
It does not need to have cyberpunk music in it
Or visuals
I used to shill /defend cyberpunk , im sory bros ,im actualy ashamed but it was not my fault

exactly. people don't seem to realize that hype death may be calculated. the management is probably not stupid as they currently look like.

To baad thats the argument they going to use if it scores below 90 , probably wont happen because devs pander to niggers and sexual/racial minorities freaks

what a surprise the brain dead user that cant speak properly used to shill cyberpunk

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>Completely forgotten

I've learnt to cool my hype for games now. I've been looking forward to this game for years but I'm not frothing at the mouth to get it.

Why would a company deflate their own potential sales and reception with a false delay?

>Why would a company deflate their own potential sales and reception with a false delay?
that's a good question and the answer is not certain, but the fact that Witcher 3 by itself sold the masses on CP77 speaks to the value of reputation. blowing all goodwill on one release may not be the best move. besides, people are still buying the game, but with

The game looked fresh and new in 2018 without all of that SJW shit.

Now it just looks like Deus Ex on steroids.

next episode of NCW announced, choombawambas

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To avoid their reputation for future games going down the shitter?
Remember No Mans Sky's launch?
Remember Fallout 76 launch?

Games industry is scared shitless of reddit and twitter.

Somewhere at CDPR some poor ass crunching dev is having a really bad time right now

neat, maybe theyll squeeze in 6th one

Looks like they're not hiring more shills after the delay.

>Games industry is scared shitless of reddit and twitter.
reddit is relevant too, but i think it's usually youtube where games are torn to shreds

>NCW5 on the original launch date of the game


The only arguments of Zig Forums. Sad. It's gonna be a massive success and you'll hate to see it

Attached: sluuuuurp.png (1080x1932, 2.69M)

and here we have the brainless consoomer shilling his favourite game releases without any semblance of thought like a mindless zombie

>less than month to go
>still no gameplay from consoles

And you're mindlessly following the hate and lies of Zig Forums