ITT : oh yeah, this happened

ITT : oh yeah, this happened

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How does such an untalented fat amorphous blob get so popular? Doesn't make sense.

how did this even happened in the first place

but why?

Jews have perfected entertaining White people.

Because funny cough man and ugly tranny wife horse smile while staring straight into the camera.

They needed money to pay for lawyers and shit because they got sued by some guy years ago, and devs of Payday 2 decided to help them by making them a DLC that would finance their lawyer fees.

He actually used to be somewhat funny and relevant, believe it or not. That was in 2015-2016, however.

Huh. Thats make it less annoying

The story looses it's charm when you find out that they begged people for money under the guise of making a sort of mvoement named FUPA to help others when they got falsely accused of copyright infrigement. Once they had the money, they used it all for the lawsuit, after changing lawyers and spending a whole lot of it in the first lawyers "for nothing".
After that, they never gave back none of the money they used for their own well being as youtubers. Once that was over with, and they became rich, they could have donated back the money to the FUPA fund, or to the backers, . Instead, they bought a 10 million dollar home, even though Ethan spent years making fun of such things and criticizing rich people for buying them.
And when they got called out for it, they made a video flexing their 10 million dollar mansion and their cars, and their fans ate it up.
So yeah, they are shitty people high on their own farts and blinded by their fandom to the point where they can't do anything wrong.

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that's just how the internet works. the bar for talent is incredibly low compared to any traditional field of etnertainment so you end up with a lot of untalented hacks with inlfated egos. you wanna see these two worlds clash, watch Bill Burr on the H3 podcast. Bill Burr dragged Ethan through the mud in his own house. He was humiliated.

Relax, gokanaru

Their videos used to be so charming when it was literally just poor Ethan being filmed in his tiny little apartment, reacting to videos on his crummy low-budget pc monitor.

huh now this is fascinating

I knew what that video was going to be before even clicking on the link, that's the video that blew him up and it is the only thing people reference when it comes to how funny Ethan is, that show is horrendous boring shit to listen to and they managed to buy a 9 million dollar home out of it, it proves that all you need to have is the nerve to put yourself out there like this and apparently there's enough consumers to eat it all up, absolute dogshit

I don't consider myself a racist but it's very clearly kikery, absolutely no question. He even lets people get banned easily because of his connections.
The second he moved away from ripping off sam hyde and started showing his true face with his embarrassing podcast most people saw what the score was

None of the claims I made are refuted in that video.
>They used the money that was supposed to be for everyone who needed it exclusively on their lawsuit, I believe they mention one or two other cases, but it's anecdotal evidence. 95% of the money went to them and their lawyers.
>They didn't do anything after that to make it up to their followers. Once they got called out, they decided to do giveaways to random people of, i believe, 100 dollars. Didn't care enough to follow on that, but in any case, they had no intention to do anything until they got called out.
>Ethan spent years making fun of Papa John, DJ kahled, Bezos and other millionaires because of what they did with their money. That is also true.
>They did make a video flexing their home and cars.

I agree that Ethan had good moments. But then he needed to finda job for his GF, so he shoved her down everyone's throat for years and then bought her a clothing company to keep her busy.
In fact, the thing that bothered me about their video flexing on people was precisely how Hila appeared right at the beginning of it, to flex her new porsche, and at that moment, I realized that she actually believes she did something to deserve any of it.
It wasn't her boyfriend trying to give her something to do. No, it was her all along.
Now, years later, Hila still speaks like a mongoloid on camera, which is just sad at this point.

Deus Ex on PS2. I've never played this but I'm tempted to check it out because the original pc version is my all time favorite. The quintessential PC game on a console.

Attached: ps2_deus-ex.png (1440x1080, 1.14M)

Remember when Ethan made a video on Leafy calling him out right after sucking his dick on his DMs?
That's all you need to know about Ethan really.


This and I have Jewish ancestry. It's is so obvious with h3h3, it hurts. He also stole 90% of his shit from other people while also stabbing every one in the back after using their clout. Such a hack.

man those dummies really fucked up with going after that keemstar fella lmao

it does nothing to help the jew positivity though which is already completely gone for me despite me thinking it's just a Zig Forums meme from reddit retards trying to get me to buy into this bullshit. It's like every single case of these people when they do "podcasts" and openly show themselves just exposes their true nature more and more, when you aren't filtered it's clear

but thats not funny

Let me guess, they're bad because jewish? Or because they think trump is retarded?

Was friends with people far funnier and more talented than him.

I care and I kill

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>Oh yeah, this happened
>Posted first every single one of these threads

There are many cool Jewish entertainers, this has nothing to do with it. Don't care about American politics.
H3 is still unfunny and retarded and Ethan is a shitty person


>$10m for a house

Is it an actual mansion, or is it just a normal house in a really high end globalist major city location thing?


There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to play this over the PC version. It is the same exact game with technical limitations. The only thing that MIGHT be better are a few of the new cinematics, but I'm pretty sure the originals are just better and not soulless.

In an alternate universe there's a Sam Hyde DLC instead
Can you imagine?
Would he have an option to wear the plastic Spartan Armor?

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Nobody watches him anymore, though, right? I haven't heard about him in probably at least a year. It's kinda like idubbbz, who was outed as a literal cuck and people abandoned him.

It's a mansion in Bel Air, L.A.

Attached: ethan-klein-house.png (681x383, 381.41K)

His neck is so disturbing. I'm looking at pictures right now. How do you live with yourself with that attached to you?

It's almost as if people don't want to listen to Ethan and his crew of yes men talking shit for hours and instead want to see well edited, short and concise videos like the ones that made him famous.
I'm probably wrong. everyone loves to see Ethan ramble for hours while shilling literally ANYTHING that pays him.

I assume you're referring to his podcast, which I know exists but I've never watched. Is that his main focus now?

Oh, sorry. Yeah, that's all he does now.
Lots of podcasts that started off strong with good guests but ended up becoming a nightmare fueled disaster.

Jews have a penchant for assuming positions of influence that they never earned. I bet he stays up at night, seething at the numbers that Pewdiepie gets just by being a charismatic and handsome white man

i stopped playing not long after that 120+ cop spawncap retarded update

i copypasted the wrong quote