Buy your tech toys now before the poo poo hits the fan

Buy your tech toys now before the poo poo hits the fan.

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what are you going to do once used thinkpad parts become hard to find? at some point you will have to leave the stone age behind. you think your little shitpad is safe from the NSA? LOL. I'm sure those old cpus have backdoors too. you just don't know about them yet.

Tech is dead man. Just build a gayman rig and have some fun while it lasts.

Also if you were a real autist you would be running Linux on a Risc board not using a thinkturd.

He didn't even say he was using a thinkpad.
What if he's using an old G5? what then, faggot.

yeah, keep on being a good consumer

buy, consume, obey

buy more shit to fill the void in your life caused by how awful modern life is

?? care to clarify/elaborate/provide more context?

Will this shitty meme stop? A great deal of them come from Korea and Japan. A lot more quality than Chinese shit anyhow. And most computer components like CPU and memory either come from Taiwan or the USA (Samsung, Intel, AMD, Micron Crucial.etc) . This will largely only effect shit like cheap Chink shit, and iPhones, because Apple sold themselves out to the Chinese to get into their market at the expense of Foxconn worker suicides.

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posting this from one of my raspberry pis

Not him, but I don't buy Thinkpads anymore (or anything else x86 based). I moved onto ARM boards, the older ones with Cortex-A7. These will be available for a long time to come, because they're used for industrial applications.
And you can still easily find Z80's to build RC2014 and other retro computers. So the older ARM stuff that doesn't need any firmware or driver blobs and doesn't do speculative execution will be available for decades to come as well.

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pls, Lad
Samsung is Korean.
Definitely. Can't wait to laugh at them.

I can't think of anything apart from chinkshit myself tbqh.

OP, wtf? Just kys, you damn kikel.

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Trade war with China probably. But as said, there really aren't any electronics that you should run out to buy right now other than iPhones.

They have Chip fabs in the USA retard

Doesn't make them Muricaaaaan

Chinese ARM Applications processor boards are not used for any industrial applications, I can promise you that. Industrial applications will use embedded controllers, like the Cortex-M series, or AVR Microcontrollers. The Cortex A-series are not meant for "industrial applications"
But you're a retarded LARPer so who am I to say otherwise?

That's not the point. ARM is owned by the based Japs but we still consider most ARM processors Chinese trash although a lot of them come from Taiwan (real China)

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No, it doesn't , but I didn't say they were, I was just pointing out that they are unaffected by the trade tariffs largely, you know, the point of this thread, you raging autist

Speaking of electronic goods made in Taiwan vs. mainland China... is it preferable to get a graphics card with a PCB saying "made in Taiwan" rather than the exact same card with a PCB saying "made in China"?

You're stuck with ancient Sunxi kernel builds from a company notorious for GPL violations

God I want all these fucking LARPers to leave

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still not as good as RISC V

I'd say it is preferable for the most part, but good luck finding one. Taiwan's native name is the "Republic of China" so technically speaking even Taiwanese products can say "Made in China" on them. Especially to appease the mainland commies. Remember, Taiwan was founded when Chinas original government was chased off the mainland by commies, then the commies named their new country the Peoples Republic of China just to rub it in their faces.

Ok, so which one of the two (pics related) would you buy if price similar?

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The main chips on both boards likely come out of Taiwan anyways. Most CPU/GPUs outside of the big American, Korean, and Japanese companies with the exception of Nvidia and Apple are fabbed in Taiwan

sage for samefag, to reiterate, I'm saying its probably a saver bet to just get the "Made in Taiwan" PCB because that's where most of the chips came from. Both otherwise look identical

Not 100% though - look about an inch below the "pcb made in taiwan" writing on the first one and compare with the other, there is some difference. Also the top one has some of those wierd stains that sometimes occur on the back of motherboard or graphics card pcbs, what is it? Does it mean the card could be more prone to failure?

So far my 4 years old hardware is holding on.
I only need to replace 1-2 hard drive.

Kek, you're a high and mighty uninformed faggot. Olimex sells boards with T2 SoC, and industrial-rated memory and ethernet controller. The rest of the board is the same as A-series SoC. They have industrial customers which is why they ordered batch of 50K older processors, so they can continue to make these boards and sell them.

Oh look, another uninformed faggot calling others larpers. You really should do your homework before taking pot shots at someone who's running recent 4.x mainline kernels (without any blobs whatsoever) and NetBSD 8.0 on his A20 board. I picked that one for a good reason (it's well-supported).

No, fuck you, I am done fighting with uboot device trees and other such retardation. You can keep your Chinese trash. If you want to be stuck running only a specific set of software then be my guest.

I didn't have to fight with u-boot much. Actually Linux distros tend to provide a u-boot and dtb for use with whatever kernel they ship. Well they can only support so many boards, of course, but if you stick to common ones then you won't have many things to tweak. For example, Devuan supports these:
And I'm not stuck to any specific software, A whole lot of packages are available for ARM.

Attached: sunxi-dtbs.png (964x316, 13.08K)

For the cost of the only desktop-capable RISC V board you're two thirds of the way to a Talos Raptor Lite.

Bought my RX 2070 at $550. No regrets. My bets are they're going to be $600 or even $700 in a couple of months.

Fucking wew lad. Using A75(?) cores on some high performance / data center items right now.

"High-performance / data center" = "My personal SBPC hobbyist cluster on my desk"
Its really cringey you want us to believe a company somewhere has a rack of A75s running and has the balls to call it a high-performance cluster. ARM is low-powered, not high-performance, it can never be both, it has an inherent IPC limit and that's never going to change.

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Do japs even make anything relevant these days?

The PS4 and Switch may be shit game consoles but they are far from irrelevant as well. Japan also still dominates the audio-video production industry with brands like Sony, Nikon, Yamaha, Audio-Technica.etc
Also Japan currently dominates the auto industry, Toyota is the worlds largest car company although a big chunk of them are made at their Kentucky plant in the USA and Nissan and Honda are both in the top 10 so the country generally leads by quite a huge margin in this sector.

Seiko who makes the best automatic watches Canon, and Casio are also very relevant Japanese brands

There are attempts to use low power cores in HPC, they use far less power and could be used when most of the computing is done by accelerators. Obviously not if you need to copy data left and right, but maybe for his application he doesn't.

It doesn't make much sense to use a low-powered ARM cores in a GPGPU cluster, for one having all those GPUs running completely mitigates the power advantages of those ARM cores and additionally there is concern it could be a bottleneck. ARM servers do exist, but they aren't used for high-performance computing (unless you consider high-performance for 2005 standards high-performance today) they are used for efficient low-power computing though, where it may not be necessary to have the highest performance and the power bill matters a lot more.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Have you not see the SoCs that use 24-96 ARM cores like Cavium's Octeon platform?

Octeon is MIPS you fucking retard, not ARM

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Thousands of terrorists can't be wrong.

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Look at the heat pipe.
I'd get the Taiwanese one no doubt.


Finally; all the exceptions do is hurt domestic electronics production, since it taxes components more than finished products.

I want nothing more than full tariffs on the PRC, then we'll finally see local manufacturing, or at least in less totalitarian countries.

Besides, like mentioned, you should be getting a Talos or Blackbird P9 system anyway.

Canon is the #1 world stepper manufacturer for semiconductors, without them many chip manufacturers would fail. Cameras are like 3% of their revenue, most is industrial and commercial. When the Canon EOS system was introduced way back in 1987 it was done just as a corporate pride project, they didn't even need the money. They just wanted to prove they could make the best camera system and it worked, since that day you can use any EF lens on any film or digital body you like.

Casio is similar, they make a LOT of stuff for other companies but it's not as critical as Canon.


I'm not really concerned about shit that happens 10+ years from now, you shit for brains NPC. Dumbfucks asked me this about 8 years ago about my Core2 shitbox from 2006 and that thing still has plenty of parts available for a few bucks a pop.

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No. Koreans.

Softbank is a Japanese company, stop grasping at straws

Thats not how it works

>he doesn't think new companies will appear in the US to get in on the massive missing niche of "cheap hardware" that has been gone since at least 2005

Does this mean Internet of Shit (((merchandise))) will fuck off?

Fuck everything.

But Masayoshi Son is the founder?


It all depends on what you want to do. Some people like it.

spoken like a tru gaymer

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It's like you're asking to have to use a chicklet-keyboard botnet ultrabook shittop.

Xi and Trumpy made up - no more tariffs.

At least Trumpcucks can go back to hating the government again after he loses in 2020

Real China, what does that even mean? In terms of culture it's actually less interesting than mainland China. Explain yourself

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Taiwan has more authentic Chinese culture than China at this point. Maoists smashed it all then made up storybook recreations for the purposes of Chinese Communist historiography. Moron.

Wait really? Source please. How angry is this making mainland commies who want to smash Taiwan's independence?


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Typical bugmen


"either now or into the future"
So right after the wall gets built as soon as he gets elected.

Taiwan has always been a mixing pot of cultures. I mean the Dutch were there before the Chinese and the Chinese never really wanted anything to do with it so the aboriginal culture with its Dutch influence was allowed to coexist and mingle with any Chinese that moved to the island, the Japanese were the first to try to culturally enrich the locals from ~1900 to ~1950 but it wasn't Chinese culture they were trying to enforce. The KMT in the 60s - 80s were the first and last to try to enforce parts of Chinese culture but this was more a geopolitical move than anything and significant parts of the culture were left unchanged, or changed away from Chinese values, for American consumer culture and Japanese business culture. Since then the culture has gone even more its own way.

Taiwan sort of makes most of their money being a ``gateway to the east and China has the whole ``Confucius Institute Scholarship thing going on so I think it's largely mutually beneficial.

There are rumors mainland Chinese plants subverted the election. Taiwan never really had a chance either way but its still not right.

Most wealthy Americans would rather do business in Taiwan than in the mainland because mainland China is really censorship happy and really likes fucking foreign business over in favor of their own. Taiwan is basically the new Hong Kong, since the mainland government began trampling over old Hong Kong

I think it's more rich western want to do buisness through Taiwan in China, because Taiwan has a large supply of educated people able to design quality things and have then manufactured in China where the labor is cheap and there are basically no enviromental or labor regulations without having to go through a language barrier. OEMs purchasing Foxconn is a good example of this, A taiwanese company that manufactures entirely in China. That is to say rich western like to do buisness through Taiwan because it's profitable. Mainland China is completely cucked by foreign industry btw, not sure where you got the idea that they do anything to interfere from, the only thing they really mess with at all is communications, which they censor, monitor, and restrict to local companies.

still sore

not true, taiwan was considered a satrapy since ancient times

but i don't have a job

ching chang chong you no got mirrion dorrar

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looking forward to his third book


He'll probably knuckle under. He has to perform damage control and stabilize the stock market (The market that he foolishly linked to his presidency...gotta keep "WINNING"!)
If not, I've hedged my bets. I placed early bulk orders on small components and controllers that I was going to purchase next quarter.

But Audio Technica is Chinese...


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

Nice try 50 Cent Army, Audio Technica is a privately owned Japanese company which manufactures some of its products in Taiwan. Taiwan is not China, and Japan is not China.

That doesn't work on the 50 Cent Army unfortunately, they are state agents so their internet isn't firewalled as strictly.

lets be honest though 中国共产党 is really just 太平天囯 electric boogaloo but with red propoganda instead of chrisitian propoganda.

I don't want to take this bait, yet I still post. Fuck you nigger you and I both know there are retards out there that will actually believe this

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There's so much shit that happened in China throughout its history that they don't reach you in schools (and evidently not even in Chinese schools). I can't believe people out there still think the China of today actually has a real continuity and lineage. China was about as fucked up as most European countries, hell, they were more fucked up than Japan. Japan was ran by multiple waging factions for much of its history but at least they all cooperated somewhat.

god i wish that were true

Attached: heavenlykingdom.jpeg (1440x900, 344.44K)

China and Japan are in radically different situations, Japan is a ethnically and linguistically unified island with no natural threats, China is a multi-ethnic empire with hundreds of mutually unintelligible "dialects" and a massive front with nomadic peoples who historically conquered and raided the whole country. Naturally they would be in a bit rougher a spot, but even with that what you see is the empire operating as one with a succession crisis of some sort happening ever few centuries after around the year 250.

I mean it doesn't all exactly line up but a significant amount of it does, mostly you just need to replace bible with the little red book here's the Taiping Policies copypasta'd from wikipedia:
The subject of study for the examinations for officials changed from the Confucian classics to the Bible.
Private property ownership was abolished and all land was held and distributed by the state.
A solar calendar replaced the lunar calendar.
Foot binding was banned. (The Hakka people had never followed this tradition, and consequently the Hakka women had always been able to work the fields.)
Society was declared classless and the sexes were declared equal. At one point, for the first time in Chinese history civil service exams were held for women. Some sources record that Fu Shanxiang, an educated woman from Nanjing, passed them and became an official at the court of the Eastern King.
The sexes were rigorously separated. There were separate army units consisting of women only; until 1855, not even married couples were allowed to live together or have sexual relations.
The Qing-dictated queue hairstyle was abandoned in favor of wearing the hair long.
Other new laws were promulgated including the prohibition of opium, gambling, tobacco, alcohol, polygamy (including concubinage), slavery, and prostitution. These all carried death penalties.
Promoting the adoption of railways by granting patents for the introduction of locomotives; 21 railways were planned for each of the 21 provinces.
Promoting the adoption of steamships for commerce and defence.
Establishment of currency-issuing private banks.
Granting of 10-year patents for introduction of new inventions, 5-year for minor items.
Establishment of a National Postal Service.
Promoting mineral exploration by granting control and twenty percent of the revenue to the discoverers of deposits.
Introduction of governmental investigative officers.
Introduction of independent impartial state media officers for reporting and disseminating news.
Institution of district treasuries and paymasters to manage finances.

That's just sad.

Of the various cities I’ve lived in, I’d say Taipei, Taiwan is the most “cyberpunk” experience you can find. I spent my time there in a comfy little studio with just a futon, desk, and bathroom/shower; almost all my time on my laptop indoors except to go out at night to get street food and drink at cheap bars, about once a week going out to parties in its small underground techno/noise scene, usually finding ket or mdma. It’s clean and safe like Japan but has some of the rawness of China and blends Asian modernity with it’s own strong Tradition in Daist and traditional Chinese culture, which is most useful for the daoist medicine shops. Very cheap to live there, rent is super low especially. It’s not gross like Vietnam or China, feels like GITS:SAC, not Blade Runner. Would recommend.

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The Taiping Rebellion was started by a failed imperial examinee who converted to antitrinitarian Christianity.
What's surprisingly impressive that they happened in Karl Marx's lifetime, and forshadowed China's next century.
The rebels actually attempted to stamp out degeneracy because they were Christian crazies who appropriated the Classics and Confucian tenets into their own fucked-up (by that time) ideology and tried to restore the greater god Shangdi.

You also forgot that they created a new currency of their own and most of them used Western weapons.

Uh oh.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-06 Canada arrests Huawei CFO, China demands her release .png (955x3674, 1.19M)

Uh guys... Isn't Huawei part of the "commie corporations" that Xi praises all the time as the pride of the nation? C-could this lead to WW3?!

Buy all your Christmas gifts with stolen gift cards! cww3ggjgpw56wter.onion

funny you should mention a G5 imac, what are some things I could use it for? previously when asked anons said install linux and something about using it as a home server. how would I go about doing that OR making it suitable enough for regular shit, given that it is incredibly obsolete, and also an apple product.

My missus' dad works for the Met office in the UK, they have huge ARM machines for HPC designed by Cray.

I should've bought the Olimex LIME instead I bought the inferior and bulkier Olimex Micro (I though it was smalller... )

Accurate pic