Golang is a community owned project


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i thought that it was for google language

Goyim work, Goojew owns.


This. If it weren't for the Google branding, the soys wouldn't even pick it up.

Ehhh I mean the self contained runtime is a nice feature for people using docker for deployments. It keeps the docker images pretty small since you can have a scratch container with just the binary and run that binary


Sorry I mistyped I meant kubernetes

Just use GCC-GO

Have you actually used Go? Things like channels, goroutines, the C FFI (which could still use some work, but is nonetheless great), and first class networking primitives are a fucking godsend.


I'll take that as a no.

time, err := go.TimeWastedWithObviousShitLanguage();if err != nil {fuck this

what is that if err != nil { ? its everywhere in go code and looks like some error handling thing but theres just too much of it to be just that

GOLang is for Google Owned Language
And their current target, the Golan heights.

Java/C#/Python/literally any language has all of those

If you want to emulate a language that doesn't have multiple return, you can just do
time, _ := go.HelpfulFunc()
and handle code by writing entire functions to consume the returned value. I'm not sure why you'd want to do that, but there you go.

You aren't even required to handle errors if you want. That's your mistake to make.

I never said that they were unique to Go, just that their implementations and combination of such are a good combination. I know that there are other implementations of green threads, channels and networking, but Go does that best.

Unless you're willing to give evidence for your stance, it's not an argument; it's just inane mumbling.

*handle errors, not handle code


When speaking of a real language, you'd end this "use this alternative error-handling abstraction". But Go can't into abstraction.

I didn't say don't handle errors. I'm saying that you're offering a false idea of what's happening in Go's error handling.

package mainimport("fmt")func main(){ good, bad_or_otherwise := ret(); handle_error(bad_or_otherwise) fmt.Println(good)}func ret()(int, int){ return 1, 5 }func handle_error(input int){ fmt.Println("Error: ",input + 1) }

Erlang isn't bad and I've used it quite a bit. I never said it was bad. That being said I do believe that Go has a better balance of features.

racket is a better erlang than erlang is

was just wondering why that iferrnil stuff is everywhere in go code. most other languages dont have anything like that.

Yeah, it's a multiple return. You could really return any kind of var in that second place. It doesn't have to be an error. Doesn't just have to be two either. In something like C or the like, you can achieve something similar by returning an enum or struct. This is just syntactic sugar. Then again, anything beyond asm is just syntactic sugar if you look at it a certain way.

To expand on that, using it as error checking is just common usage. It's not enforced by the language's standards.


Miss me yet?

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write some code to convince me

Courtesy of Damian Conway
# All the primes... constant p = [ (1..∞).grep(&is-prime) ]; # The definitions of "strong" and "weak"... sub strong (\n) { n > 0 && p[n] > p[n-1, n+1].sum/2 } sub weak (\n) { n > 0 && p[n] < p[n-1, n+1].sum/2 } # All the strong and weak primes... constant strong-p = p.kv.map: ->\n,\pₙ {pₙ if strong n}; constant weak-p = p.kv.map: ->\n,\pₙ {pₙ if weak n}; # Print out the first ten... say 'strong primes: ', strong-p[^10]; say 'weak primes: ', weak-p[^10]; say < Rust Go C C++ Java Python Haskell Ruby ATS >.join("Niggers BTFO\n");

Of course the retarded Gopher is from reddit.

I wonder how this situation could have come around.

Attached: jewgle_congregate_of_mentally_ill_human_rejects.jpg (1200x825, 125.32K)