Lonely seniors in Japan are so alienated, they shoplift in order to go to prison and have a sense of belonging

"When I was young, I didn’t think about stealing. All I thought about was working hard. I worked at a rubber factory for 20 years and then as a care worker at a hospital. Money was always tight, but we still got to send our son to college."
"I was imprisoned for the first time when I was 70. When I shoplifted, I had money in my wallet. Then I thought about my life. I didn’t want to go home, and I had nowhere else to go. Asking for help in prison was the only way."

"I enjoy my life in prison more. There are always people around, and I don’t feel lonely here. When I got out the second time, I promised that I wouldn’t go back. But when I was out, I couldn’t help feeling nostalgic."

"I was living on welfare. It was hard. When I’m released, I will manage to live with 1,000 yen [$9] a day. I don’t have anything to look forward to outside."

"Prison is an oasis for me—a place for relaxation and comfort. I don’t have freedom here, but I have nothing to worry about, either. There are many people to talk to. They provide us with nutritious meals three times a day. "
"My daughter visits once a month. She says ‘I don’t feel sorry for you. You’re pathetic.’ I think she’s right."


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Other urls found in this thread:


"The first time it happened, or at least the first time it drew national attention, the corpse of a 69-year-old man living near Mrs. Ito had been lying on the floor for three years, without anyone noticing his absence. His monthly rent and utilities had been withdrawn automatically from his bank account. Finally, after his savings were depleted in 2000, the authorities came to the apartment and found his skeleton near the kitchen, its flesh picked clean by maggots and beetles, just a few feet away from his next-door neighbors."
"The extreme isolation of elderly Japanese is so common that an entire industry has emerged around it, specializing in cleaning out apartments where decomposing remains are found."
"The way we die is a mirror of the way we live"

"Mr. Kinoshita had lost everything before coming to the danchi. He had lost his company to bankruptcy and also the money he had borrowed from his sisters and brothers, who told him, “You’re the one who’s ruined the Kinoshita clan.” He had lost his house, and his second wife, who told him, “There’s no use staying with a husband who’d sell away our house.”"
"Yet he had also enjoyed a moment of glory, one that he clung to the way Mrs. Ito clung to the Tokiwadaira in her books. During the construction of the Channel Tunnel, he had supplied a major contractor, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, with equipment — a reel for a hose — to help bore under the Strait of Dover."
"To community leaders in the danchi, the powerful odors coming from the apartments of men like Mr. Kinoshita — of sweat, urine, stale food and garbage — were the reassuring smell of life. When that came out of the letter flap of an apartment, they knew no one was dead inside. It was, perhaps more precisely, the smell of somebody clinging to life, which Mr. Kinoshita carried with him whenever he went outside."

"Her cremated remains would be buried under the headstone. Her possessions, even her exhaustively chronicled autobiographies, would almost certainly be incinerated."


For us prison is no option though.

In murica you get gangraped or stabbed to death by niggers and mexicans.

In Europe muslims torture you and make you kill yourself for fun.

In the retirement home sheboons will laugh at you while you're dieing and treat you as shitty as they can get away with.

Japan: When you want a Protestant work ethic with none of the Protestant family or community ethics

Sad, it make me want to hug their loneliness away.

Where are their children?

This is the result jewification of their culture, family structures completely broken, women who would rather work than start a family, men who would rather marry a pillow with a picture on it than start a family, nihilism, worship of foreign peoples, etc.. It's always crazy to me when people say Japan isn't jewed.

Japanese prison sounds like a very /comfy/ place.
Too bad about the lonely old geezers but it sounds like they can keep eachother company.

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We need to create a whites only prison

They do but they can't visit them often. Everyone in Japan are literally overworking and don't have time to make loves and have kids.

Idk what their social structure was before WW2 but afterwards it was clearly work centric with men spending virtually all day at work, barely any time with the family and a large percentage of the next generation opting out after seeing this + women in the workforce. Idk if the jews planned that far ahead and made some Marshall plan for Japan but it sure as hell seems like it.


Why don't the nips make some sort of old person's group? They can meet up in some local hall and play board games or something.

I mean, she is right. Just buy a backgammon board, go down to the local old people hangout, and ask to play backgammon with some.

This makes a lot of sense. I seriously hope there are no anons who think anime will somehow magically make things better. Anime is not a glorification of Western culture and a motivation to adopt it, but pure escapism from the corporate prison hell that is Japan. It's still the least Jewed medium by far though. We'll see how long that can last.

Japanese prison is actually kind of weird.
I saw a documentary about it and its like a weird mix of prison and military boot camp

Japanese women or rather all women have very little empathy for men, but in Japan they're much more blunt about it.

If you aren't playing the part of the good worker bee that never ever vents his frustration they'll treat you like a weak piece of shit. Japanese men whose only option is jobs they don't enjoy go MGTOW in ever greater numbers due to this.

Can someone get them some fucking community centers or something, holy shit. Why are japs so bad at socializing?

Doesn't seem that weird to me user. I've heard about some historical prisons training inmates for the army. It may or may not be true but an user ITT should give me enough evidence.

Has anyone else noticed similar shit with Boomer relatives? The ones I know (especially the women) can't think of anything to do apart from shopping, eating (restaurants/takeout/coffee) or going on holidays. It's kind of a sad indictment on society when people don't have any genuine interests or hobbies. Think of 9-5 office workers, the ones I know get up at like 7:30, eat breakfast, get on public transport/drive to work, work, get on public transport/drive home, eat, watch TV, sleep and repeat. On the weekends they might go out for food, shopping or watch the game. We're literally living in a society where people have been that manipulated by their own dopamine receptors that they don't do anything (apart from work) that doesn't give them big positive emotions.

That does not change the fact that she is not wrong.

This is pretty fucking pathetic man.

with that lack of empathy and reading ability I almost mistook you for a shitskin liberal

the only "good" option is to retire alone or with family then die there.

This is your old age when you have few or no children and start going senile.

Same applies to South Korea. Old people die in their homes surrounded by Soju bottles and then the hazmat teams show up and scrape their corpses off the floor. I watched a docu about it. Human fat oozes out and congeals around their corpses. The confucian family structure has been town apart.

I think about this every single day. I currently work at least 50 hours a week. sometimes 60. its depressing as fuck, and whats worse is my coworkers WANT that. they actually get upset if they dont get those hours because they are so fucking stupid, they got a car and house where they need that overtime to pay for it. So whats the point then??
I have some little hobbies but Im too tired and depressed to even enjoy them any more. I never even turn on the TV for an old black and white movie like I used to, I dont make little radios anymore, I just work, eat, and sleep. so im becoming like them and it kills me.
I guess this is why they say married couples live longer. they have a reason to do things at home besides drink and eat.

It's depressing that (((they))) destroyed the family values.

get a different job, move countries (in b4 traitor) or w/e

I don't think family values were destroyed but rather female hypergamy was enabled to the fullest

don't underestimate the gender jew unleashed…

If only he had the strength of character to spend his remaining days larping on pol like yourself.

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I am amazed young people are signing up for 400k mortgages. And every penny is spent toward consumerism.

yeah. fucking jews and their lies.
my favorite is hearing old married guys tell me "if I was youre age, id be going out every night maaaan"
fuck you, you fucking fuck. When do I have the time to go out??? sometimes I have to get off then come back to work in less than 8 hours because of THEIR demand for it! then I get to hear my parents ask why I make good money and arent married and dont give them grand kids. how do these normies even get married? did they literally run into each other one day on the way to or from their slave job and decided to get married?
boomers and gen xers are such hyper normies its like their from an alien planet.

400k for hole in the wall studio apartments in the vibrant parts of LA mind you

Fuck off boomer

when people from my job relocate to LA or jew york, they are forced to sell their 2000+ sq foot home and get a tiny apartment for their family. what a beatdown. why does anyone want to live there?

i think the point is your supposed to have a career or job you enjoy doing, something that's similar to the hobbies, productive hobbies, building things, making things, contributing to society in some way that you feel decent about. not being productive leads to depression.

thanks op, reminded me of a manga

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I am not entitled to have that loan. The houses in my country is too expensive so eff you for being unrealistic.

The living cost is high so there is not much for me to buy.

Ghost in the Shell called this in Solid State Society.

no, it was the same for them, but the loss in quality of life is accelerating for the less skilled.

I have a young friend, she went to college at 17-18, graduated with her BS from Emory, she then went on to get her masters, got that at 26, now makes about $130k. She used to forward me BusinessInsider headlines a couple times a month. What did you do?

And this is why you guys need to have children, and raise them in such a way that they want to be around you when you are old. Life gets lonely towards the end.

The East Asians in general are like that, it's pretty brutal. For a lot of women in the bigger Chinese cities you won't even get a look in as a male if you don't own an apartment and car (and literally own, not be paying off). A chick once told me her whole office is full of single women because without men who are completely set up financially they just don't consider it worth it.

women are the goodest goys, that's why jews want female supremacy

they're natural followers, obedient students and wageslaves who can't think beyond the paths laid out for them

they spend all their shekels on beauty products, fashion and travel, they're dysgenic if stronk and independent as they'll naturally choose antisocial men during their 20s before they look to settle down to a beta guy of superior earning potential in their 30s. This alienates high IQ guys who wise up to this when they're undesirable in their 20s and some will never even look to settle down and go from ex con to ex con and sometimes even race mix with anyone more savage than whites, whether its mexicans or negros.

Even the ones hitting the wall?

Jesus Christ, aim higher, you faggot.

but they have cat babies and dog babies…

Honestly I think they need the real babies. Have you seen the way they treat the animal babies like the human babies? It's creepy.

I'd guess most are in their mid 20s to mid 30s, so yeah their market value is on a sharp decline anyway.

Awwww. everyone in their 20's needs puppers

breeding is for normies

Reminds me of another story I heard from a guy who lives in Taiwan. He said he went on some weekend outing somewhere, and there were probably 20 or so young couples there. Not a single one had children, and literally every one of them had a dog.

idk about Taiwan but in China if you don't have a kid by your mid 30s you're consider a failure and a disgrace to your family

carrying their lunch around

Yeah it's panic stations in your early 20s already.

as it should be

Japan has never had "protestant work ethic" (unless you just mean working hard in general) it's pure hierarchical consensus culture. The difference is the corporations used to support workers and their families in return for basically selling your soul to them. It wasn't uncommon for people higher up in the food chain to have some sense of noblesse oblige for the younger/lower workers and support them in life not just in work, but that has been completely replaced by soulless corporate subservience. It's Amerikwa's corporate culture amped up to 11.

I have the same feeling. I do the bare minimum amount of work to get by but even so there's a constant push to do more and I see retards eating it up and asking for more. I just don't understand the desire to whore yourself out to some shitty ZOGcorp that will throw you to the curb once they find a cheaper bindi or robot to replace you. This is one reason I'm pretty passionate about bringing not just manufacturing but craftmanship back to the US. Making quality items by hand is one of the most satisfying jobs.

Not everyone is intelligent enough to be unhappy doing soulless shit. Of course these people will still be unhappy, but they'll never understand why. They'll wither into old age wondering why, after having thrown themselves so thoroughly into the path they were told was right, they never found any satisfaction. Then they'll die thinking "If only I'd worked just a little more, surely then I would have won. Oh wel-".

Nips need to consolidate all their resources, rile up their population, and work towards space colonization, they need to fucking expand, all civilization needs to expand and have a goal for their race to work together towards achieving it.

The ones that are not idiots do.
They play "go".

Bringing more future debt-slaves into this crowded, polluted hell-hole just so you don't have to 'die alone' is the height of selfishness.

I remember when I was first reading about how National Socialist Germany made people attend parades, clubs, and other events. My first reaction was disgust. It deprived people of choice; it's quite a selfish and disgusting mindset looking back on it. But this, right here, makes it clear why socialization programs are so important. It's quite fascinating how impoverished areas tend to have a much more healthy social life than their first world counter-parts. But Japan is a country that less than a century ago had such a unique culture, and strong honorable men; it had community as well. Look at all the damage Jewish capitalism has done to them. It is completely unimaginable that countries should live with more wealth and resources than ever, yet are worse off than every past generation, save for a few instances of extreme plague and war. Imagine how much worse it could all get if we lose our struggle. Imagine how much worse it would be right now if there had not been men fighting them in the past.

Antinatalist detected. Newsflash: everything people do is selfish, but doing things well yields the best rewards. Have kids, raise them right so they can do well in life, and the rewards come back to you in the form of a loving family that is happy you created them.

Yeah, white people should just go extinct, right (((user)))?

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This is result of human society defeating biological mechanisms. Humans are not supposed to live 80+ years. Sex is supposed to rproduce children whenever you do it, but this is another story.

Shits fucked all over the world. Funny how the further we descend into a Jewish dystopia, the worse our hours and pay becomes. We didn't always work 40+ hour weeks.

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Why is the Japanese government not dumping the youth to live in the countryside?

Why do the Japanese need to live in the cities with technology such as telecommuting, and technology such as driverless autos that will soon be upon them?

I would have the Japanese government build estates that would be allocated to couples who have more than 3 children.

Downsize and rejoice.
Cynical living is the best.

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Enjoy your old people home where you get tended to by competent 56%ites.

Good goy.

>pension non-existent thanks to (((market crash)))
>children are overworking to maintain (((profits)))
>cost of living keeps increasing due to (((demand))) and (((inflation)))
>consumerist (((culture))) leaves you behind and pretends you don't exist

You didn't think this through, do you?

You are aware that I was using the classic definition of cynicism, or the personal philosophy of living with less, right?
Why else would I post a picture of Diogenes, the father of cynical philosophy?

I have impression that you believe that Japan is skyscrapers covered cyberpunk landscape. In reality Japanese live in oversprawled suburbia. You would not find difference between countryside and " the city" they are same.

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You would think she would visit him more often.

kill yourself nigger

Leaving only a patriotic high score as the correct way out.

The last generation with widespread respect and decency, it sounds /comfy/ indeed.

I'll check those Hitler dubs. Smart living is best living. You'll be /comfy/ and sitting on a pile of wealth when others who didn't wisen up to the consumerism con are blowing niggers in the hood for a piece of their gov check.

Sure, but he got a woman, etc.

What's more important to remember is that the average human lifespan is ~70 years.
So if you're 20 now, which already might have felt like an eternity, you will have over two times of that left.
Will you be able to fill it meaningfully?

Learn how to read, you fucking faggot.

Don’t kid yourself, we’ll all die in a drafted war for kikes before another 20 years pass.

Thats not unique for japan
probably every bigger western city has cleanup companies specializing in "decontamination" of apartments

you should have listened to putnam, boomer fuckers.

You have a job, you can find a qt if you ever find time to look for one.

We're already in it, pal. The rest of them are guards

Yes. You might have to teach by example, though, and keep your boomer parents around. If you're lucky, you or your wife will have at least one tolerable parent to keep around after their spouse dies.
It sounds shallow, but most women also wouldn't want to raise children they cannot afford.

It's a misplaced maternal instinct. They have no children and need something to nurture.


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Is this our future?


I have savings so that I don't have to work. By keeping my expenses minimized, I don't have to work as much to get by and could literally be out of work for a year before I have to worry about my state

Its like communist Russia, atheism is a poison.

bullshit. you can make it through prison without getting gangraped by niggers… low security for sure. anyway, shoplifting wouldn't send you to prison, but just jail (which sucks more than prison)

This very true, but only for single people. I know I could raise a family on little money if they were willing to forgo a lot of the bullshit they're addicted to, but good luck a getting a woman to follow you down that path. If you do, though, you know you got a keeper.

What a cunt.

Why are you even here? You're obviously on board with the the jews being in charge since it has no real effect on society; it is just all these low skilled while males being culled from the herd. The jews are the greatest blessing the white race could have heve hoped for. Nothing will remove as many of our weakest members like they can. We joke about them being our greatest ally, but you and I know that funniest thing is that it is actually true.

Valhalla is always an option, faggot

Underrated post.

think again, it's not anything in the same universe as comfort.


t. american who got busted in japan

She's right. The old bag was probably a shitty mother, too, if she's left alone by her family. Parents don't deserve sympathy for being parents. People deserve sympathy when they've been dealt a shitty hand, but were otherwise good. I don't speak to my mother because she neglected me in favor of trying out new dicks and getting thousands of dollars in debt at college when I was little kid, then started another family with an abusive alcoholic. Shitty people deserve no sympathy.

so she's over 26, how many children does she have?

t. (((benatar)))

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Good people wouldn't want to put the children throughout the shitty time. If the world is without the jews then the world would be much better than our current world.