Feminists must be very proud! The last white male is dead!

Feminists must be very proud! The last white male is dead!

Attached: white rhino2.jpg (768x530, 90.13K)

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Another species doomed thanks to niggers poaching them for ivory.

I'm still alive

Because OP is a fag
and to try to keep this from being a slide thread

Sudan was being treated for age-related complications that had affected his muscles and bones and also gave him extensive skin wounds.


It is a shame it is politically infeasible to tame them or simply put them on reservations. Never understood why the Europeans didn't smallpox blanket Africa. For such a noble creature to be decimated by these niggers for no other reason that selling it to gooks who want a hardon. Fucking savages.

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Thats what happens when you let the nigs control the fauna. It ends up with all the animals going extinct.

Too late now but why didn't they just artificially inseminate the females like they do with every domesticated animal?

We should move the remaining Rhinos & elephants to the USA.

Another hoax, lets call it the smallpoax.
Scientists are now saying that the infectious diseases that were blamed on the Europeans were actually transfered by sea lions before the Europeans actually came in significant quantities.

Smallpoax is just another anti-white myth.

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Remember that the white man established safaris that anyone not explicitly given permission to set foot upon were shot dead. Then the white man left and the niggerboos ransacked them of all their worth.

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May not always take I'd assume. Rhinoceros reproductive augmentation is not something I've ever looked up.

Thanks user, interesting. Let me rephrase- exterminate them instead of attempting to sell them as (((livestock))).


Fuck off

You pompous spoiled fucks


No, reported.

Fuck you.

Cry harder, literal nigger.

24742c see and stop selling rhino hornsell albino nigger bones instead!

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I see you hanging with niggers

Right Wing Sea Lion Squads

Literal nigger confirmed.

Come get served.

Douglas Adams fought for much of his life to save this species, I understand.
He failed. Here we can see the beauty of the white rhino vanish from the earth.
Death is everlasting.
Extinction is possible.
Survival is imperative.

Cry harder muh sticker ..muh service. Muh spoils.

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You will never be real

Almost like germ theory wasn't a thing yet…

Sorry, we don’t speak non-white.

Learn your history before embarrassing yourself next time.

The woman in the picture IS a femenist you piece of shit

You have the hair of a rat nigger no matter whom you go to to transform your hideous green slime

The smallpox winter that wiped most of the remaining red-men out was in 1837 - 1838. If it wasn't RWDSeals as posits, some mind in Europe could have come to the same conclusion. Granted the Indians were an easy target because of their extremely low immunity to any European disease but there was plenty of time to save the White Rhino by exterminating the indigenous populace of the Sub-Saharan region before we came to this fateful day.



Also germ theory didn't see acceptance till the end of the 1880's. I realize, though, after making the germ theory argument, that's a counterproductive effort that suggests whites would have simply virused their way across the continent if they had thought of it. We could have genocided our way across with any other technologically, and strategically superior means, but we didn't. White's are actually interested in other cultures, and respectful of life in general (too our detriment sometimes).

We can only hope to learn from our past mistakes.

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Easier to concentrate into smaller areas if they are moderately tamed but understanding they can never be domesticated. Think of the variety of species that would have been saved if whites were the custodians of Africa. Again the snuffing out of this poor creature is a by-product of liberalism and feels based political decisions.

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I wouldn't dare taint such a beautiful piece of elegant machinery with dirty nigger blood though. Just kikes, only kikes. Although it wouldn't be such a bad idea to get out a pair Curb-Stomping Rockports.

not sure if niggers or chinks are to blame for this one

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What if we didn't domesticate, and instead relegated them to national wildlife parks where their natural way of life is preserved, rather than corrupted by technology they're not ready for? Could even cull their numbers if they start expanding too far. Treat them like any other animal in the ecosystem. Africa had niggers for a long time without suffering devastation like we're seeing today. It's foolish whites trying to bring white civilization to things that aren't smart enough for it that fucked up Africa.

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I should say that's a factor, not the (((whole))) problem.

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Its like you want aids. That machine makes sure everything is purified.

The only reason colonization of Africa happened at all was because of the malaria vaccine enabling whites to venture into the jungles alive.

Meaning, germ theory was well understood by that point. The problem is that christcucks were determined to be benevolent and "uplift" the niggers with muh teachings of (((jesus))) rather than wipe them out and take the land.

Why not both? Only whites have ever even thought of taking care of the natural environment. This is evermore proof of them being non-white.

No, that's a bigger leap than it appears to be. Smallpox vaccination also existed for a long time before it was understood why it worked, so your above conclusion needs a little more concluding.

Rest now. You were too beautiful for this world.

You watch those nature documentaries on the cable? See the one about sea lions?

I have thought this for years
build sanctuaries for interesting and endangered wildlife in the US.
a good idea, I think
it won't achieve anything unless White people take back White countries.
"the diversity" destroys everything, and White countries are being invaded by it right now.
unless White people drive out the diversity nothing we do will amount to anything. our whole lives will mean jack shit if we do not secure a homeland for White people and a future for White children
man, this pisses me off
a magnificent creature passes from this world because of decades of nigs nogging
damn it. just damn it to hell.
and the marxists and kikes will be screeching about how this somehow means we must bring more black shits into our countries.

the disgusting normie wantons refuse to see what their "diversity" and "progressivism" and all that shit leads to.
I ask you, leftards who may be reading this:

the blacks and chinks will rape Africa until everything interesting and unique on that continent is reduced to ash and bones.
It did not have to be this way.
It should not be this way.

one of the most potent redpills for "ecology" types is the fact that NO ONE ELSE CARES
as a group, only Whites give a damn about preserving wilderness and the natural world. there may be a few exceptions, but not many. everyone else just doesn't give a fuck.
I guarantee that the (((media))) will spin this as somehow White people's fault, though. They'll act like the poachers were all White or something retarded like that. can't let those zogbots question the narrative, better blame Whitey for what the nogs and chinks did.

One more victim of the diversity
One more victim of the kikes
One more victim of this rotten (((world)))

If only we could convince the chinks to make their Fu Manchu magic shit out of nigger parts instead of rhinos and tigers.


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Actually there is one (1) historically attested usage of smallpox in bacteriological warfare in the north American colonies; some soldiers were besieged in a fort by natives and in an attempt to break the siege they send out "goodwill gifts" of smallpox-contaminated blankets to the besieging force but there is no record of whether or not it worked and at any rate smallpox was already present in the local population.


don't suppose there's any mspaint artists to draw up niggers poaching, chink medicine and a dead species in white hands?

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I'm not sure which disgusts me more
Niggers razing entire species of animals in their own homelands for profit
or chinks for paying the niggers for their animal-based magic dick powder.
I think I'm leaning towards chinks.


As much as I hate niggers for their complete lack of empathy and care for nature, they poach to sell to the rich. I wonder (((who))) buys ivory, tiger pelts etc?

This is one thing you can't squarely blame on the kikes. It's chinks and niggers. You can blame the kikes for seizing the opportunity and blaming it on white people though.

You sure? Niggers and chinks certainly have a history of animal cruelty, but they wouldn't care for poaching if there wasn't a market for it.

Dipshit, the market is in China. The rice gremlins think if they turn endangered species into powder and rub it on their rice dicks, they'll get an erection.

The one animal that will really affect me going extinct is the cheetah. I have always loved those animals and would wish for my grandchildren to be able to know what they are. Filthy arabs are using cheetah cubs as a status symbol most of them not even making the trip. No amount of conservation efforts are going to matter as long as niggers, arabs, chinks and other assortment of shitskins continue to exist.


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The results of human black locusts.

I have a soft spot for big cats in general, probably more than any other species of animal except wolves.

Along with the Rhino, Elephant, White people. Another African native animal will be joining the Extinction list unless niggers are euthanized.

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Don't compare humans to black locust niggers and chinks.

We've gone weak in our state of luxury. Time to bring out the horror.

The majority of the earth's large predators, not just in Africa, are going extinct. With nothing to cull the R-selection, the R will keep reproducing and devouring everything on site like locus.

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That's exactly what they do. Pic related. Billy Bob Mayonnaise Smith-Jones here is going to wipe out all the lions unless white men are banned from owning guns or traveling to Africa, according to kikes. The reality on the ground is that niggers are the ones butchering all the wildlife, either to kill them for their ivory (African blacks are the primary sellers of the ivory trade) to rich fucks or Chinese guys who want their Ancient Chinese Secret version of Viagra, or sometimes just for the sport of it. The ones protecting the animals on nature preserves (since niggers don't give a fuck and just trespass into them to poach) are PMC soldiers, usually Saffas and Americans, all White.

The Jew uses their media monopoly to twist that reality into evil Whitey killing the fluffy animals and the poor oppressed blacks dindu nuffin, or at best >Muh poverty (which is also Whitey's fault).

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The woman in the picture is a femenist and a murdererof white males

The woman in OPs picture is an ultra femenist. An air force correspondant with cia entanglements and a servant of niggers

Makes sense, this picture is very symbolic.
Last male White rhino, feminist lords over its death, poses for inane selfie.

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Hi, nigger. Nothing you have said is coherent. Kill yourself.




Unrelated, I heard some German bragging about how they’re indoctrinated about everything wrong they did in WW1 and 2 and American schools don’t, and going off about how schools don’t teach how “the Europeans systematically made the Indians addicted to tobacco and alcohol” WHEN IT WAS THE INJINS THAT INTRODUCED TOBACCO TO EUROPEANS AND ALSO HAD THEIR OWN SOURCE OF ALCOHOL. I had to do everything I could to not sperg out

Fuck off "sun" shitter shifter texaco nigger

Cry some more. You are not white and never will be.

We're gonna lose every single large animal on this planet because = 8 billion people, and growing fast. I don't believe for a second population will decline until we've stripped the Earth bare of every animal and every drop of oil.

Hard measures need to be taken to reduce the shitskin global population drastically.

#1 Deport all non whites from white countries.

#2 Cut foreign aid, zero dollars go to shitskin countries.
#3 Drop weaponized ebola on them.


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You are a literal nigger. So eh who gives a shig about what you call white you dumb cunt

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We need to take africa from the niggers for the wildlife, to be honest.



The poor thing finally got some relieve

Wait, so sea lioning has yet another meaning besides butt-flustering feminists?

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My dad wouldn't let us drive through because we had a vinyl roof on the Oldsmobile.

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smart dad

I was recently watching some nature shows and the hosts went to several different african countries.
when the hosts were talking to the locals they were, of course, all black
when they mentioned overfishing, overhunting, etc the fishers and hunters were all black (although the hosts acted like the decline in stocks was some strange mystery)
when they visited "protected" areas to see the "pristine" habitat (not for long!) that they are looking/ advocating for.
All White
Every single one of the wildlife protection people
and yet the multicultists learn nothing

3 is not necessary and far too dangerous
1: deport all non Whites from White countries
2. import breeding populations of all the at risk iconic/ valuable/ etc animals
partial alternative: deport all non-Whites from South Africa, or a large portion of SA and make enormous wildlife preserves which are secured with walls and overwhelming military force
3. end all foreign aid
4. secure the borders of White countries with overwhelming military force
5. wait for the inevitable apocalyptic die off of blacks and browns
6a. if 5. does not come to pass (for whatever reason), then maintain status quo indefinitely while colonizing space
6b. if 5 does happen, then build more preserves in the now depopulated regions and reseed with earlier-saved stocks. secure new preserves with overwhelming military force. and also colonize space

bottom line: the status quo is leading inevitably to the genocide of all good things (including Whites) and a nightmarish shitscape of a future.
how can the "normies" not see this?

Thanks user, first time I've seen a reference to somewhere near my place. I live down the street from African Lion Safari and when I worked there as a teenager my dream job would have been the border enforcement in the monkey zone. Basically, chill in a hut, wait for tour buses, inspect them and spray monkeys with a watergun so they can't hitch a ride in to the next zone. Fuck, user, I still want that job…

We warned you. You didn't listen.

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But..but if whitey would stop buying them the niggers wouldn't kill them!



because BO himself is a cockroach

based sea lions tbh

oy vey thats racist
are u a racist goy? should we call your employer?

I am my employer, call away.

The male was too old to breed. Couldn't collect semen from him presumably.

If only we could convince the Chinese that negro bones make your dick bigger and they'd hunt themselves to extinction.

I wonder if it will ever get to that point. Just dropping all the pretense of equality, calling a spade a spade, and fighting for one's own race. Unfortunately, cucked whites will have weakened every white country and introduced so many brown hordes, the fight will be much harder than it should have been. It's hard to cure a cancer when they keep shoving more tumors in…

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