Filthy kike fertility doctor impregnated many women with his own sperm

this is disgusting. this kike (((norman barwin))) was impregnating women that came to his fertility clinic with his own disgusting sperm instead of the fathers since the 70s. was found out after womans ancestry test comes back 60% ashkenazi.

doctor is "well known member" of ottawa jewish community.

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I WAS RIGHT AGAIN. Fertility clinics are disgusting kike shit.
It's against evolution and thus can only be abused.

Let me guess, he will be let off with a small fine, thanks to efforts of his lawyer Ezra Shekelgrabstein and a ruling by judge Debora Schneiderowitz. Or he will mysteriously disappear and reappear in Pissrael.

No, it simply produces misfits, who in turn will die alone and crippled by their multigendered mothers.

Could this be the reason behind the 2 recent cases of sperm and embryos at fertility clinics being lost due to failure of storage equipment?
Was it in actuality destruction of evidence because its practice is more common than just this one doctor?

Death would be too good for this kike. He should suffer more than Prometheus.

More common then once. Sure. How am I, goy, supposed to know weather or not this is planed on large scale?

forgot article:

oh canada…


Or reproduce, even if it's just by more garbage sperm.
Do you see niggers actively mass suiciding because they're stuck in evolution?
See it doesn't work like that.

did i read this before or is this a new case?

You probably read something like that before because it (((just happens))) but this is indeed a new case.

Over a fucking year and a half!
Yeeah, pure cohencidence…

$10 says he learned he had some kike genetic disorder that would disqualify him from donating sperm. Realizing he wasn't fit to reproduce he decided to take revenge on the world by spreading his diseased genes.

I found them appealing myself.

Donate sperm and get guaranteed off spring.

Well maybe some of them will be off shitty with a garbage mother but surely some will continue to carry on my bloodline.

I understand why this kike doctor did what he did. He assured himself that his bloodline will carry on. Which is a very clever trick. In my country its regulated by the government though.

Usually cases like these involve the overuse of one donor for some odd reason (usually corruption related, sometimes pure ineptitude).

Or he just wanted a bloodline so big that his genetic material wouldn't leave this world so soon.

Fertility Clinics can be Eugenic or Dysgenic.
It depends on who makes the decisions.

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jesus, i thought i read this only once
trying to find it, i find a bunch more

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Anything besides impregnation through actual fucking is a kike scheme to kill your posterity.

at least a few of these cases were hetero couples who couldnt conceive. besides the 11 in the class action suit, 16 more children werent genetic matches to their fathers. not sure if the (((docs))) or he was passing out swimmers of his fellow kikes

never trust a jew

Or he wanted to do his part as a member of the tribe to reduce white birth rates.

jej This could be the beginning. Bitches suing their kike dads for giving them massive noses.

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I hope they all get financially fucked, and at least we have specific targets for when shit goes down. Kikes like these need to die, sick minded fucks.

Well the offspring are now kikes as well.

If that was the kike's intent, he missed wildly on at least the one french-indian in the article, producing the heavily asiatic kike daughter featured that now has reduced vision slant-eyes.

No doubt, kikes have great plans. Soros's father gained his greated and most successful winnings from kiking his own.

You may be on to something there. "Generator Failure" is evidence destruction.

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Well looks like we should make this even more well known.

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Saddening digits. If I found out someone in my family had this happen to them, I'd hunt the kike down and end him. And normally I'm not one for abortion, but if it's a kikelet, it needs to die, even if it's reaaaally late term (like 1-4 years lul)

Cucked by Big Pharma. Lesson learned, unless he's your closest friend never trust a fucking kike doctor.


Bertold Paul Wiesner (1901–1972):
A (((British Austrian Jewish physiologist)))
Obsessed with parapsychological phenomena
Infatuated with claiming credit for research into human fertility pregnancy

Biological father to an estimated 600 offspring by (((donating))) his sperm, at his fertility clinic, assisted by his wife, to perform artificial insemination on women, out of his house, on Harley Street, London, England.


Unfortunately it IS an evolutionarily valid mode of reproduction. Kucking fike.

Fuck. I suspected this. This is full redpilling on these "clinics". Keep them coming. 5 year sentence? My first impulse would be holy revenge if I were the victim but I suppose these rapist demons are better off alive as the family's money slaves (assuming they didn't weasel out of that either).

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So what about Brazil? Don't they get a shit load of sperm from the US? How kikes are they getting?

Possible, but the women can also sue for back child support too because (((canada))).

I figure this is common. They either don't do anything and say "I'm sorry, it didn't work", or they pump you full of kike semen. I wouldn't trust ANY fertility clinic and Europe or North America. TBH I'd rather chink doctors do it in Japan or Korea.

This is worse than being a serial rapist. How this doesn't qualify as sexual assault is beyond me.

- (needs a meme)

seeing a very disturbing pattern here
I suspect its the tip of the (((iceberg)))

(Picture unrelated)

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In vitro fertilization is dangerous, stupid and immoral.

You make babies by getting married and having sex with your wife. Anything else is unacceptable.

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The correct term is that it's dysgenic. If an organism is defective and cannot reproduce normally without the use of machines then for fucks sakes let that dud of a bloodline die out. It is better to let die that which is destined to die.

Have you heard of WORLD STAR nigga?

Imblying anyone should ever be so fucking RETARDED as to befriend a kike

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Evolutionary biology at work lads.
Same reason healthy people are appalled by miscegenation.

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The whole system is probably a set up to boost jewish blood in the world.

Getting scared

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You know what to do if that's the case.

You know now that I think about it it's my 100% old stock American mother who has curly hair.

I think that i'm safe.

stop being r-selective. you clearly dont have very good genetics anyways based on your rabid and probably terminal reddit spacing
when do we get the government to start forcing sperm donation clinics to carry only the most absolute pure cream of the crop ubermensche sperm? i mean this just seems like one of those eugenic things that's very simple and has no real downsides. china government created yao ming by putting together two basketball players and i think i read that the nsdap began doing a similar thing but for top tier aryans. i think spartans may have had a similar program. come on guys we gotta git gud if we want mankind to conquer the galaxy. as Richard Walther Darré probably would have said at some point, "the unity of blood and galaxy must be forged"

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Our society created our genetics. We must not give away our genetics to other societies.

what do you mean? i'm not talking about letting subhumans get a hold of white sperm. "bleaching" just means further propagation of nonwhite dna, and it might not be a bad thing if nonwhites were treated as an alien threat to mankind.
but if a white society is to have sperm doner facilities at all (i like the tried and true family unit myself, but i guess there could be possible exceptions), then they should at least be made to carry sperm that is very good quality dna.
or are you talking about something like people with certain haplogroup mixtures not getting haplogroups of others, like a spanish person not being allowed finnish dna? or brown hair not mixing with blonde or something?

My reply was not in opposition.

Forging the old way works better, than splicing as the new way. Crossbreeding is opportunistic consumption of other works, and cannot be done with serial iteration / repetition without further reductionist losses from incomplete "pre-optimizations."

A false 'more'.

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normal 120ish IQ people
I couldn't be one of them, r-rght?

My understanding though it might have been kike-ified, who knows at this point is that genetics are reasonably uncorrelated with schizophrenia. The best input correlation is for stress during pregnancy. I get the want to breed out negative traits like schizophrenia, but it's not really clear what the cause is.

Checked. I can't feel sympathy for anyone stupid enough to trust kikes.

Also checked. Actually, your pic is related. *It's the answer.*

Expulsions are somewhat explained by the fact that kikes put themselves into middlemen positions, doing the dirty work of the government (tax farming being the most infamous of these (Jesus called them "tax collectors")). This meant that they would be seen as overly loyal, at times, to a previous regime. It isn't to say that the one expelling them was doing so out of love for his people, though I am doubtless there were those who were good men, fine leaders, who saw the parasite for what it was, and removed it to great effect.

Might want to check out your grandparents, too. Your genes don't begin and end with your parents.

This is why you should only be able to do it the old fashion way. The jew is always scheming there has never been and never will be any good jews.

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There are two highly probable answers:
1) You're adopted
2) Your mom fucked a tall, intelligent man, probably a doctor

They are probably all way over 30 and their parents can't sue them. This would be the case in most countries in Europe.
And in some it could very well be that this isn't even a crime per se. Some judge could be convinced it is fraud, but this opportunity is gone after 10 years. Some law concerning land rights have a time out of 50 years. If this dude did this in the 70ies, it is time to look into it.

A different one in America did this too, a (((Gerald Mortimer))).

This fits in perfectly with the psychopathology of the creeping, malformed, diseased abhorrent jew. They disgust me so much.

The ((media)) is reporting Dr. Mortimer to be a former Mormon minister.

Why aren't you donating sperm Zig Forums?

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Why did he only do it 11 times?

Fuck off kike. Donate sperm so that a nigger can use it for a gene upgrade?
If you want a child that badly, just have sex with a woman who is eager to have a baby. In welfare state countries, men who are tall and aesthetic are often approached by women who really just want their sperm. It has happened to me a couple of times but I rejected them. if you're a manlet you're shit out of luck, even if rich a woman won't want a child by you unless she is married to you
I also worked with a Nigerian who was asked to make a White girl pregnant (he refused because he doesn't believe in race mixing).

So, it's become obvious that this needs to be brought into the sphere of public awareness.
How do we do so without leaving our fingerprints on it (which will certainly doom it to being shut down)?

It's also eerily reminiscent of the genestealers in Warhammer 40k lore.

It's already in the MSM, what are you talking about?

Are you missing the point of this thread? Even if you do, these doctors just use their own.

"Fertility" clinics are only a thing because of feminist women who delay trying for a child until way past their expiry date.
There is literally no reason for them to exist as they only encourage that which is destroying us.

Yeah all that disposable nigger income is really something to worry about, right? Not like they aren't fertile as fuck or cheat on their wives or anything.

More defeatism

"Don't breed goy. I wont even use it".

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What I'm saying is the MSM will cover it only because it's too big to keep under wraps and it's at risk of a blowout, so, they need to own it so they can spin their own narrative for damage control.
We need to get the truth out to the normiesphere: this is too important an issue to let them use our involvement to derail and distract.

This will probably get me accused of defending a kike, but it needs to be said anyway:
To be honest if the only source for this story is a major mainstream media station owned by the jews, I would be skeptical of whether it even happened.
There was a paki fertility doctor who did something similar, but he inseminated hundreds of women. Why did this one only do it 11 times? Sorry but it just doesn't add up. I would check the story of embedded gematria.
To be clear, kike doctors have done this before. One living in the UK knocked up an estimated 600 women at his clinic. Others have scores in the double figures. This guy has been at it for over 40 years and only did it 11 times? I don't really believe it.

Nah, your apprehension isn't unwarranted.
I, too, got the feeling about something being off, and we'd never hear the end of it if your suspicions were proven correct.
That said, we can't expect people outside our little Tibetan basket-weaving community here to take this threat as seriously as us: we're still going to have to take some kind of action, even if it only ends up being a meme campaign.

What's it like to have schizophrenia?

What is it like working for a doomed intel agency, the CIA, which will be defunded in 2028?

(((Roseanne Barr))) is also a Mormon IIRC so that means nothing.

I could've sworn back in the 90s when I used to watch (((television))) that there was an episode of Law & Jeworder where a jewish fertility clinic doctor did this exact same thing. This could even be part II of the same controversy that the episode was based on. The end of the episode was a stalemate where they didn't have enough legal justification to take the kike to court.

Can fucking vouch for this personally. Had a sibling who was born through some artificial insemination process. Sibling deceased after five dreadful years of sickness.

Something never talked about is in vitro fertilization produces a lot of DNA damage.
So after a bunch of generations you would have something like swamp thing instead of a human.

Scaphism isnt brutal enough for sadistic kikes like this.

Its actually really common for kikes to run fertility clinics as a means to muddy the genepool, in vancouver there was a kike Doctor Gerald Korn taht was using his students as a donations pool, and was uncovered after he intentionally infected a woman with HIV. Its all to secretly create mischlings and muddy the white blood with kike sperm.

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just how fucking insidious are these god damn jews?
I think I'm going to kill myself


That's what these cretins want. Don't give them what they want. Demons like this thrive on the blackpill lingering long enough, hoping you'll never take the pinkpill.

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Flamethrower like Ripley in that 1 Alien movie?

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Im pissed off beyond reason. Just imaging how many more times this has happened

Americanized spelling of German Klein or a Jewish (Ashkenazic) variant of this name. Variant spelling of Scottish or Irish Clyne.

serves them right for trusting him

the agony of the I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass

A_m3rimutts sure are angry.

I'm not trying to find excuses for this but I'm thinking that one reason for doing this is that the doctors don't have to spend any cash on proper storage facilities if they use their own sperm.

maybe some israeli clinics should receive some shipments of nigger semen? diversity is our strength.