[Huffington Post] Anti-Abortion Leader Emerges as White Nationalist


Anti-abortion groups are distancing themselves from a prominent writer, activist and thought leader in the movement who has leaned into white nationalism since Donald Trump’s election.
Kristen Walker Hatten, former vice president of the anti-abortion group New Wave Feminists and a contributor to The Dallas Morning News, has spoken at universities and events around the country about the need for mainstream feminism to embrace women who oppose abortion rights. She has written articles for Live Action News, the organization behind the heavily edited “sting” videos that inspired Republicans in Congress to investigate Planned Parenthood, and gained media attention in early 2017 when New Wave Feminists was ousted from a partnership with the Women’s March.
Hatten wrote in late 2016 that she found Trump to be so “creepy, gross and tacky” and such a “repugnant chauvinist” during his campaign that she quit the internet for a while to avoid reading about him. But after he won, something changed. Hatten began sharing white supremacist content on social media. She self-identified on Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter as alt-right and “civicnationalist” ― the same term used by white nationalist icon Richard Spencer. She mused on Facebook that immigrant “invaders” are replacing white Europeans in their own countries, and shared a post imploring Trump to grant “asylum” to white South Africans.

“She basically pulled a complete 180 from anything we had ever seen,” said Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa, founder and president of New Wave Feminists and a former close friend of Hatten.
Hatten told HuffPost in an email that she doesn’t consider herself to be a white supremacist or even a racist.
“I admit to being racist by today’s standards, but I also think almost everyone is racist by today’s standards,” she wrote. “Is it racist to live in a majority white neighborhood? Send your kids to majority white schools? When I was a kid ‘racism’ meant hatred for another race and/or acting on that hatred. Now you’re a racist if you touch a black person’s hair because you think it’s pretty.”
Hatten added that while she is proud to be white, she does not identify as a white nationalist or a white supremacist because she believes all races have a right to their own homelands.
“I do see that Europe and the US are becoming… well, not European,” she wrote. “This concerns me not because I hate anyone, but for the same reason Japan would be concerned if the Japanese were becoming a minority in Japan. No people should be excited to become a minority in their homeland. It is contrary to human nature. I wouldn’t expect it of any race and I don’t think it should be expected of whites.”
Hatten’s views present a problem for the anti-abortion movement as it continues to jockey for mainstream acceptance and tries to distance itself from right-wing extremists. Throughout the history of the abortion wars, a great deal of violent energy has been generated at the confluence of anti-abortion activism and white supremacy. The first known murder of an abortion provider was committed by a former Klansman. The kinship isn’t hard to understand: Both are movements of the status quo, dedicated to preserving a white patriarchal order.
Today, white supremacists emboldened by Trump’s election are a lot more explicit about their political fellow-traveling. Neo-Nazis have been showing up at March for Life rallies around the country. A Rewire analysis found that the Family Research Council, a powerful evangelical anti-abortion group, is also deeply influential among white supremacists on social media.
And the movements share heroes: Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), one of the most vocal opponents of abortion rights in Congress, infamously said that children of undocumented immigrants have “calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.” The conservative congressman, who has narrated a sonogram at a House hearing and compared abortion to “black genocide,” became a white supremacist icon after Richard Spencer compared one of his tweets ― “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies” ― to neo-Nazi David Lane’s infamous “14 words” (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”).

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Ahh. Here we have a classic case of a goy that learned too much. Sleep now Goyim! Sleep for the 200 years your race has left!


lmao this timeline wew

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Hope she can grow her hair, get tasteful glasses and become somebody's tradwife one day. Then use her kiked-up feminism training to instead write tracts telling other (angry, ugly and disaffected) feminist women how much happier and content she is.

This is how Hitler saved Germany.


> Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter as alt-right and “civicnationalist”
Word filter strikes again.

All you've got to say is that all groups of people need to do some bloodletting for the long-term health of the said group.

I get that only a minority of the blacks aren't niggers, but you don't have to tell the truth.

All you've got say is that you would like to eliminate the dead weight so that future generations won't have a 500lb weight around their neck.

By arguing that way the normies think gang bangers, and would certainly agree that those people are holding back the black community.

Like like Jared Taylor because he can remain calm, and give an hour-long lecture with the normies screaming in his face. He doesn't budge while looking very professional.,and sounds very gentlemen like. Hell if he didn't have those WN ties I bet he could do some good voice acting for some KFC anime.

We need less punk sterotypes and more people like this abortion guy,Jared Taylor, and stefan molyneux to be our representatives. People who can give an hour-long thoughtful conversation while in a struggle session.

Would like to see some WN to become Bill Oirley of our Generation on the internet as cable TV is dying.

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Did you get lost? This isn't TheDonald. We don't water down our message one single bit. We are National Socialists.

I like the clean cut image they have, I don't agree with a lot of they say..

You need a clean cut get people to vote for you.

Molyneux has produced good content like this gem.

I'm not one of those "Everyone is a tranny" schizos but "she" does look a little off.

She must have snagged herself a WN boyfriend. Woman will always mirror the views of the men that they respect.

There is also a lot to say about the fact that she first tried to get in with the feminism crowd only to come crawling to the alt-right when her "sisters" didn't let her in on their scam.

Voting is rigged. The jews control fucking everything. God you civ nats have to get up to speed, we need a unified front for the good of the people. That being said, I agree with your intentions and I believe part of war is managing good outreach. We want to live our philosophy after all.

Trad as fuck. Also, why is abortion bad when it kills mostly leftists (white or nonwhite). Don't see too many right-wing women getting abortions.

So a coup d'état then? I don't know if there are any good men in the military that see through the (((bullshit))) of fighting and dying for Israel, though. And we also still have troops in Afghanistan.

We've tried the smooth boomer way for too long friend. These are revolutionary times, don't worry though, the uniforms will be slick.

You have to understand how women think. She doesn't care about the right, she just wants to be on the winning side.

The only thing we can do is shift the over ton window culturally on the internet.

Notice how the military had to be forced to put troops on the border,and how not a single ship is in the Med. to stop the invasion of Europe?

An interesting (check em) question. On the one hand it is a Margaret Sanger idea designed to kill blacks, and we agree negroids are on average inferior, however, if we are to win we must emulate the SS and employ people of all nations as long as they remain ideologically pure and seek to better their genetic deformations and weak genes (no mutants or cripples). Blacks can gladly have their own lands and colonies in space if they work towards it. We are a meritocracy united against the jews. Let's see what happens.

The time has come to be reasonable


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first we go after the gang bangers, then we go after the dead beat dads,then we go after the students who refuse to study because it's "white" to do so…

Welcome to Zig Forums, PR newfag. Remember you're here forever.

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Yeah, she just feels the wind turning. Meanwhile, our girl Electre is being relentlessly censored and banned from everywhere. Fuck that world.

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>I don't know if there are any good men in the military that see through the (((bullshit))) of fighting and dying for Israel, though
how old are you? can't imagine you have much life experience with that perspective. try talking to infantry sometime (who are overwhelmingly white and high T)

This isn't the current year. If you haven't been networking in the real world these past few you are way behind the curve. There have been many opportunities.

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What the fuck are you smoking, Hitler?

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Has anyone else been hearing of grumbling of people saying that why should we continue to mess in the ME when the border is unsecure.

I've been also hearing people say "wait a minute, we spend all of this money on the military…"

So what exactly happened here?
Is she juts your run-of-the-mill bandwagoner? Was she smart to see the signs of the changing tide and decided to jump ship on feminism? Did some openly-WN dude caught her eye and got her so wet that she decided to reinvent herself so he'd find her appealing?
This is just bizarre.

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So basically your average Trump supporter, not even all that redpilled.
Wish I lived in that world instead of the one devoid of freedom of association and with minority quotas.

>(((media))) announces a new WN figure

So I assume she's a coalburner, cryptokike, what?

I agree with him, blacks should be allowed to have their own colony if they work for it and build it on their own.
In other words they can't possibly have their own colony because niggers are too dumb to ever build such a thing.

Abortion is eugenic by its very nature - the sort to get them are not fit to be mothers anyway.

could be user, could be….

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Yeah, husband is definitely redpilled on niggers.

When will "Jewish Nationalists" or "Black Nationalists" be "outed"?

Jewish Nationalists run our country.

What if she went offline for good during the campaign and someone else has been impersonating her this whole time?

No women is to be trusted. They're all whore looking to jump on popular bandwagons to attract men. And no one should give ashit what their political opinions are. Can they run a vacuum, cook a good meal, suck a mean dick, and birth strong children. That's all women are good for.

No, she's just mirroring her husband's views, see

If she can turn.
Many more can turn.

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It's a word filter.

If blacks earn, on their own, why not? I genuinely want to see every race become as honorable as whites. I want humanity to evolve as much as possible, especially in that way. I mean, if only whites survive, that's also fine. But, why not encourage other races to better themselves? If they refuse, there's always the rope.

Could be she used the down-time to assess Trump voters and ask the question, "well, what do they like about him?" This was more or less how I transitioned from a civic-nationalist "diversity minus Religion of Cuck™" position to WN. In my country, one of the popular "patriot" groups suffered an internal meltdown with one half of the leadership accusing the other half of being "nazis". Faced with dissolution of the group, I took the time to find out what the supposed nazis believed; they were people that I had formerly respected, and I wanted to know why they thought the way they did. So I went looking though the pages the accusers said they were following. Turned out that I agreed with them, and haven't looked back since.

You do realize our influence has only grown with our reputation of literal autistic hitlers right? Any good PR through more mainstream channels like Lauren Southern still get a lot of hate from the left. PR never fucking works, you're on 8ch of all places, its like you don't know shit about the event that caused this place to be born AND why muh PR failed for them.

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Oh Christ you're right.
God damn I hate the moderators here.

I don't know how many times it has to be said, so I'll keep saying it:
Women's opinions are completely irrelevant

It's nice the tattooed degenerate has decided to whore for attention by going 14/88. It's better than nothing and it's one more conversation piece to getting )))certain views((( out there. But the best thing a woman can do for WN is shut the fuck up and bear white children. Their ideas are changeable and dim, and they're more of a liability than an asset.
Stop listening to women

Also, sage for e-celeb bullshit.

You are also correct.

How in the fuck can an anti-abortion group be considered feminists? Isn't feminists' whole thing "we want 100% control over our bodies (the ability to kill a parasite inside of it)"?

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That's one brave lady. I would rather pet a hairy spider.

She's a fed.

You always say they're a fed, but yeah she probably is.
General rule of thumb is that if they don't talk about the JQ then they might glow.

ahhhh the comments!

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Well the move from WN to National Socialism really starts when you start to notice jewish influence. If she is attacked more than just superficially by the media she might start to connect the dots. Like the other user said it's not that we should worship her for her change. It's more of a litmus test, if she can turn any woman can turn they just need the right dick

Didn't mean to sage

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We have found it! Tardtlantis: The Land of the Low IQ.

checked. The wider real world is ready and receptive to discussions of community, tribe, family and jews.


This is less e-celeb bullshit than a small but telling whitepill.
Doubt is one of our greatest weapons.

These people never stop defending savages who scalped people, enslaved people and threw them into volcanoes. Niggers too. Never Palestinians though. They're the one group the noble savage worshiper never seems to bring up

I just want to know what's the fucking cut-off date when the place a people conquered can be considered their homeland? It seems like a moving target sometimes.

Whenever I hear shit like:
I know I'm reading words from someone who has minimal meaningful contact with any woman of value in their life. I raised two daughters after I had to remove their mother for falling to cultural marxism when she went to university. The woman would not see sense and she was spouting all kinds of bs like polyamory and would not repent. My daughters are now young adults who have not engaged in whoredom, achieved excellent academic results and have both been in long term relationships that should progress to marriage. My eldest daughter has stopped me in my tracks a few times and showed me a better way to go about things and I'm truly appreciative.
The more stories like this that get out, the better. This isn't eceleb bs, this is a feel good story about a woman realising the truth and breaking free of cultural marxism. Better late than never and she can light the way for anyone other woman who seeks freedom.
There's a cultural shifting afoot and strong white men need to be getting these white women pregnant so they can be truly happy raising beautiful white babbies. We need to shift it back to when women were getting pregnant in their mid 20's. The ball is in our court.
Stop being fat cunt.

Yeah, right. The same group of people who didn't have a written language, didn't invent the wheel, practiced ritualistic cannibalism and were barbarians. The only thing they accomplished was happening to arrive here before we did. That's literally it.

The Cherokee did develop a written language, except they were the only tribe to do it out of thousands of other tribes, and they only developed it after we arrived here. So no, they were just hunter-gatherer primitives. WE (white western europeans) built this country from the ground up, not amerinds.


Just because your daughter is intelligent and well-taught enough to remind you of your own points and to show you your own mistakes does not negate what the 'fat' user said.
With the wrong Idol, like literally their mother, both of them would have fallen.
Women are by nature submissive and subservient, them give you lip here and there doesn't change that.
Had your girls not been taught by you, they likely would have fallen and never would have figured out the way to White Nationalism on their own.
Women need to be led. By us. You guided your girls well, but others would have led them astray and into degeneracy in much less time than you needed to make real women out of them.

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Guess what nigger, that is what happens when girls have a father figure in their lives. Father figure, not a soyboy cuck who lets his wife win every argument. This isn't because women aren't dumb tit animals, it's because they had a frame of reference that wasn't feminism.

Aaahahaha (that nose and slightly a kilter eyes) nothing is written in stone faggot.

In agreeance with the majority of what you said.


The white Americans' claim to dominion over the New World is not rooted in having gotten there first, it's that whites are better.

Gonna say that again, because it bears repeating and I almost never see the argument made properly:
It doesn't matter who got where first. Civilization is not a game of red rover. Whites found America populated by bipedal animals with weak immune systems and took over. The hard men who won the West were not immigrants, nor were they guests in someone else's land – they were invaders and colonizers, as their superior society empowered them to be.

Europeans found the world populated by barbarians and elevated the discourse a bit by the judicious use of depopulation and total domination. Even if I wasn't white myself, I'd have to acknowledge that the United States was one hell of a level-up from Cahokia, or whatever fag society the Indians had going on at the time. Ditto for Rhodesia and Saint-Domingue and Hong Kong. Whites are incredible, we build amazing things, and everybody in the world except Honorary Nippons is better off as our slaves.

Next time, however, we won't be taking slaves. The robots will do our donkey work for us, while nonwhites will be surplus to requirements. The great lesson of what we've allowed to happen to America, Canada, and other places is the lesson Shaka Zulu learned from fighting his fellow niggers left and right: Never leave an enemy alive behind you.

White colonists treated the natives exactly the same way they would have treated other Europeans given half a chance. That chance wasn't there though because of technological parity between the nations.

look at her face, the mouth set is kike with the v shape mouth and her nose… c'mon this bitch is jew through and through

that sounds pretty cringeworthy, honestly.

why the fuck did I laugh so hard at that?

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I've heard that statement throughout both the Bush and Obama administrations. It never seems to get beyond that.

I'm 32, my cousin served in the Marine Corps and went to Iraq from 2004-2007. He still doesn't get the whole picture, and I don't push him on it because he doesn't like talking about it much. It's just a good thing he doesn't suffer from mental issues from coming back. My uncle is a Israel-admiring boomer, and I tried to redpill him on Syria and that Assad is not the monster that the (((media))) paints him as. Just like they did with Saddam.

I even tried to redpill him on the whole mass migration being engineered in Europe by folks like (((Barbara Lerner Spectre))). The whole thing isn't really all that complicated, Israel wants to expand into Greater Israel, and migrate all those people in the affected countries to all over Europe to destroy both of their long-time hated enemies. He doesn't believe that Jews can be that devilish and devious.

Such an obvious plant. Thirsty faggots will flock to her like they do most ecelebs and she rat on every single one of them when the time comes.

>Assad is not the monster that the (((media))) paints him as. Just like they did with Saddam.
Everyone knows they're full of shit and are clearly losing the information war/narrative. (((They))) need rural america all gun ho and on board with this otherwise who the fuck are they going to recruit from, nogs and illegals? Illegals could use the mil as a pathway to citizenship, now they just need to walk across to a sanctuary city.
Not only could the kikes not knock out iran but now they're still stuck with: Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Palestinians, Backed with russian tech and military. KEK!
Not to mention the soon to fail petro dollar.

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I'm not so fond of Assad. I have yet to see evidence he's pro-white. I also have yet to see evidence that he's prepared to take on Israel. Somehow, it's a bannable offense to not suck the cock of those sand niggers. It's fucking weird.

nice thumbnail faggot


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good lass

good lass

Damn goys wanting to preserve their race.

True femininity is nurturing and caring to the point of self sacrifice. A healthy and womanly woman would rather die in childbirth than to murder her own babe in the womb, just like a manly man would not hesitate to give his life to protect his family and country.


Soon just looking like a normal respectable clean white person will make you a white supremacist.

He did murder someone.

read between the lines

When our information and ideas are turning prominent "New Wave Feminists" towards the light of Truth, you just know the tide is turning.
In time, we will right all these wrongs so never falter, never succumb to the black pill, the work we do is changing the course of history.
Hail Victory



Is that a gay Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter word filter?

Nice lips, she's probably fat, which means she can suck a great dick. I'd jizz on those glasses.

FBI is watching. Fuck em.

I don't care.
I don't trust women, they always fuck it up.

Or then its just a bait like Elysium. Make us support, like and trust her, and then release a video of her fucking a nigger or doing something awful.
She is being paid to do this shit, all of this is just a tactic to demoralize and humiliate us.

Don't trust women!

I don't remember what her name is, itssomething like this


True, but in the case of abortion, we can see three different phenomena occurring.

1) White people aborting white offspring. Bad. Part of why we're below replacement rate.
2) White people aborting miscegenated offspring. Mostly good, but the fallback of abortion encourages girls to whore around (i.e. coal burn)
3) Babies of color getting aborted. Good.

Ideally we'd just be able to legislate along racial lines. Unfortunately our Jewish legal systems refuse racially-conscious policy and were any effort towards such policy made, some kike judge would hold it up from being enacted then strike it down. But what we can do is advocate for abortion policy that uses proxy variables for race. For example, if we made abortion illegal for people that have more than $35,000 per year in personal income, you would allow for a lot of spic/nigger abortions while taking away the out for a lot of young whites (thus bolstering the white birth rate, relative to the muds).