Loyal Zig Forums poster gets banned from gab for posting the dox of that gun-grabbing kike judge because muh optics...

loyal Zig Forums poster gets banned from gab for posting the dox of that gun-grabbing kike judge because muh optics. he was trying to use gab to garner support for his podcast on soundcloud. obviously, he's already been banned from Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter. thought you all would be interested, since the Zig Forums thread with the dox was also in the article that caused Torba's vagina to quiver.

archive is not working for some reason, so here's the media matters link

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wowee. You got banned from a kiked twatter replacement? How unexpected and wonderful. You killed a thread for this faggotry, kill yourself next.

no need to fear: no threads died because all the important ones are (clearly) stickied by the mods! also, no need to apologize. i know you see the err in your comments. :^)

lmao reactionary hippie, after sperging out about archiving everything you couldn't even do it for this thread?

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thanks. not reactionary hippie so i don't know about this sperging

No worries

definitely one of us, if a bit autistic

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banned from twatter for dis

Threatening judges is a felony. Nice try though. Sage because i can't really sympathize with people this dumb.

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Man, I recall having to deliver that harassment-enabling book called The Yellow Pages. Kids today don't know the value of a dollar, uphill, both ways, etc.

That surprises me. Brock and company usually go out of their way to avoid saying out name because of the Streisand Effect.

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You personally should shoot the judge

t. the fucking fbi

where's the threat, tho?

says the retard that claims posting public information about a public figure is "threatening"

hey faggot, tumblr called and they want their logic back

top kek. i, too, was made to contribute to the harassment of tens of thousands of citizens. jerky boys be damned - i don't know how i've lived with myself all these years.

i think they did it because they wanted to tie le ebul hatechan with gab and this reactionary hippie guy. otherwise, they probably wouldn't have posted about it at all.

clearly, the reactionary hippie guy had gotten the attention of SPLC sock accounts and was being followed. that's probably where the investigation started, contrary to what the article says

well i hope he doesnt get v&

what's he gonna get arrested for? nothing he did was illegal

Reminder Steemit pays you when people upvote you and theres a lack of right wing posters so its hard to get off the ground right now.
Reminder its tied to your phone so you shouldnt organize anything on Zig Forums but should just go start an account and randomly find people who dont write cucked articles
Reminder theres also Dmania which is on the steem blockchain and pays you for posting memes
Reminder dtube is a jewtube replacement that pays you for views or something, I havent used it yet.

We should be hijacking this system and circle jerking votes to eachother for real money, except again, dont organize it through Zig Forums because we dont want to dox eachother.

Oh and use tags like politics, news, america, europe, individual european countries, nationalism… we can easily hijack just those tags and give eachother upvotes when we recognize Zig Forums tier writing.

this is stupid eceleb bullshit, also, that account is likely a 🍯, also, why not just make a new sockpuppet when banned. the end.

That guys a civnat or something btw, Ive seen him posting some pretty hot takes although I cant seem to recall exactly what it was. Nothing of value was lost tbh.

don't believe this cantwell-loving fedposter


good ideas here

Anyone who ever thought gab.ai was a legitimate free speech platforme deserves what happens as a consequence.

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Reminder the people asspained about Cantwell are pro-Ricky Bobby which means they arent allowed to post here at all.


Actually the entire reason youre arguing like a kike and pretending to be angry is because Anglin jumped to Ricky Bobbies defense, and suddenly a bunch of pictures which Cantwell put out as a joke are now resurfacing as the main pro-Ricky Bobby argument by kikes like you.

He gave the FBI information that will according to him at least result in the guaranteed conviction of 1 antifa and youre angry about that too, which makes you antifa. Get lost.

Go fellate your favorite face-fag somewhere else.

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Hal Turner said he was working with the Feds to uncover kike infiltrators and look how that turned out, retard


Tbh posting dox is a pretty faggy personal army request.
I'm not suggesting anyone do anything, ever, but it seems like they are motivated enough for happenings but just dont have the guts to follow through. IC operatives are just as likely to try and convincel you to incriminate yourself by proxy action, hell it's their fucking job to try…
Food for thought.

Also furious sage for wasting everyones time.

the dox were posted here, first, and i'm pretty sure it was a sticky


explain what this means. I'm honestly curious

most posting of dox is just to get someone fired or to screw with them indirectly. i never imagined anyone would actually do anything with the dox. probably too scared to even prank call, considering its a federal judge. though, i have to admit those vocaroos would have been pretty funny

please explain

i knew that poster. definitely one of us. got banned for posting public information about a public figure. big if true

poor retarded faggot got b& for reposting Zig Forums content smh

What's the judge information?