Inspector General Refers McCabe for Criminal Prosecution

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rolling for full swamp drainage

So close.

I'm not seeing Did it go in an anchored thread?

That would be

Satan would never give us holy dubs

Oh hey, a title that isn't a lie. How about that. Also
Rosenstein Told Trump He Is Not The Target Of Mueller's Probe
>According to a Bloomberg headline which instantly sent the Dow Jones 100 points higher from intraday lows, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein reportedly told President Donald Trump last week that he isn’t the target of any part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. As Bloomberg adds, Rosenstein, who brought up the Mueller probe himself, "offered the assurance during a meeting with Trump at the White House last Thursday," a development that helped tamp down the president’s president’s desire to remove Rosenstein or Mueller, and probably explains why Trump hasn't gone postal yet following the raid last week of his personal attorney Michael Cohen. After the Rosenstein meeting, Trump told some of his closest advisers that it’s not the right time to remove either man since he’s not a target of the probe. One person said Trump doesn’t want to take any action that would drag out the investigation.

I hope yall learned something about kek today

Inb4 nothing will happen

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McCabe is going to jail


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Good. But is not, as yet, in jail.

War is the only way out of this mess.

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Yeah, they got to him. Not to say there was much to get to, what with him also being a kike, but they're obviously using the illegal shit they stole from his office against him. Also you're a paid shill for saying that war is the only way out, and you'll be banned for saying it just like everyone else. Clearly you are FBI.

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Its fucking buzzfeed, who gives a shit. IMO it implies something bigger at work.


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I want to believe, but its been a series of disappointments thus far.

It doesn't matter if you believe you dumb kike, it's happening.

Jeb! is less of a mess.

fuggin checked

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He'll flip, he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison.

That's the problem with plots like the one he was involved with, he already knows his chicken is fried, as the OIG has all his text messages and emails and everything. There's no point in resisting. He will hang up that pussy hat of his and put on his snitch suit.

Finally. Here we go!

I didn't hear much pushback about the IG report on McCabe 6 days ago by the MAN. Isn't there a full IG report coming out soon, and McCabe was just a couple of pages on it. When is that being released?

They better throw the Bushes in prison too. All neocohens deserve the chair.

*by the MSM

is it? or did your Messiah "Q" tell you it was?

Supposedly it's coming to a head in the next few (3) weeks. We're going to get Session's measure as AG, good or bad.

The IG has to prepare the criminal referrals for Comey, Strozk, Pate, Gates, Lynch, etc. first.

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Nah it's happening. McCabe will rat out everybody.

You can just wait and see.

Several of those already have been prepared.

he is among us; praise KEK

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I still didn't get banned you sperging kike

No idea what you're talking about.

It's literally not, yet. Also since you're a torfag, please denounce Q-LARP.

It says in the report that McCabe took a call from sally yates to drop the investigation into the clinton foundation. To me that is the real meat of the story. Fuck McCabe look further into who was instructing him what to do.

When do the Clintons enter the bunker and start taking the capsules?

McCabe is getting his birthday present a little late.

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I'm not sure if they'll do it, but then again Barbara B. just offed herself so idk anymore

outted himself as a kike pretty much right out of the gate


Is it? Or did your supervisor at the shill farm tell you it was?

Try harder, faggot.

You're a nigger.

It's extremely telling that you won't denounce Q-LARP.

Looks like (((they))) found (((their))) (((scapegoat))).

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Checking those Hitler dubs.

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I denounce your blackpill

Shut the fuck up and go back to reggit, you stupid fucking LIBERAL, or stop behaving like them. What he said has not happened. It would be spectacular. It's not statistically likely. If it happens, we know exactly what to do to get the normalfags around us to learn about the jews. If it doesn't, it doesn't. AND AT LEAST WE'RE NOT FUCKING DEMORALIZED AGAIN.


Two prophecies with Hitler Dubs, on Uncle Adolf's birthday. HE IS WITH US

Holy dammit, you fucked up the other thread, and now you are here shitting all other the place. I don't believe you are a shill, just a huge asshole that cannot have a conversation with anyone because you have the superiority complex of being negative. I am replying to you just to piss you off and push your blood pressure higher in hopes that an atheroma breaks off and you get a headache from the silent stroke that will put you into the sweet long sleep tonight. As you try to smoke a joint and your grey ass boomer beard falls onto your motorcycle patches you will curse my id as you drift in you cannabinoid haze. Goodnight my sweet old man. You were obnoxious and negative, and no one will miss you.

You're funny. Go away forever.

You're not. Kill yourself, kike.

Keep being furious that we don't fall for your tricks.

You let the kikes win by being such a faggot, you know that right?

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Okeedoke, I'm now convinced this is the kikes' attempt at sliding and delegitimizing this story. Neck yourself.

both you guys are faggots.

At some point you need to just shut the fuck up.

Two years of 'muh russia', but still nothing substantial. While I know it's likely McCabe will cave like the faggot he is, what is the likelihood of him even surviving to trial?

We know.

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This x100. See it all too often, but especially lately. Like, take a break. Stop being such a fucking try hard.

Jesus fucking Christ, How can you stand being so fucking miserable and shitting things up for everybody else. That fucking way of thinking doesn't get anything fucking done and just makes you a pussy bitch that should have offed yourself years ago.

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I've got the assist!

They will flee overseas, like Obama did. He's off on an extended don't-know-when-I'll-be-back in Jew Zealand.

You were proven to be a liar. Suck it up or fuck off, rebbitor.

Post your autistic fantasies there. Post your shitty "memes" there. Quotes because the shit there doesn't deserve to be called proper memes. We deal in fact here.

Holy shit did you just jump to a different VPN?


I stopped reading right here and assume you are a shill. No one here talks like this. 2 year rule applies to you, also.

Stop arguing with shills like they are trolls.

Reported for not even trying. Kill yourself, DOTR.

Possibly shills arguing with each other.

Thanks for proving me right.

Cry more, torfag. Why should we care about a Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. redditor like you? Why can none of you obvious paid shills reply to the topic?

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just ignore me, lads


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Get your shit together Zig Forums

Checking those sweet trips.


Checked, Comey's fucked and Mueller's fired.

Get the fuck off Tor, you fucking yid shill.
Yes, I know you're a shill. Yes, I'm using Tor. I'm Anonymous and you're a kike shill.
Neck yourself. It's easy, just tie a noose to your shill cubicle, put it around your neck, jump, and kick towards your chair.
Kill yourself before we kill you, because we're not going to gas you, kike. Oh no, no gas for you.
You're going in the oven alive and awake, kikey.

Kill yourself moshe.

I'd rather see kang nigger and the cunt executed for treason
Thanks in advance Kek