Based Nigger Judge BTFOs Drumpf Over ISIS Detainee; Imagines Herself Safe on DotR

Jamaican sheboon who nigged her way onto the bench has ruled Trump has to babysit an ISIS terrorist, maybe read him a bedtime story

Washington DC – A nigger judge from Jamaica has used her unaccountably high position of power in the federal bench to rule that the Trump Administration has no authority to transfer an American-Saudi dual citizen who fought for ISIS to another country’s jurisdiction. Apparently forgetting who the fuck is in charge here, the Honorable Tanya S. Chutkan **Negress, Esq.* ruled that the Department of Defense must keep the Allahu Akbar in custody, regardless of circumstances.

The jihadi in question is some sandnigger identified in court papers only as John Doe, because this is a common Saudi name. The raghead psycho got clipped fighting Based Assad by a pro-US militia, which means fuck-all since the US is aiding eleven fucking factions in Syria at the moment, including ISIS. Tl;dr: nobody knows shit about the guy, except Trump wants to ship him somewhere for nut sack electrolysis, except he can’t now because a nig foreigner says he can’t.

Judge Chaka Khan has quite a biography herself. Born in Niggertown, the capital of Caribbean Niggerania, she decided early on to soak up gibs from de onliest place dat’s wurf it man – the US. After using affirmative action and possibly pussy to get through her education at some shitty East Coast diploma mill, she became an exciting diversity hire at the lawfirm run by David Boeis, a.k.a.: the DNC lawyer other DNC lawyers point to when they argue that they aren’t all that sleazy.

On taking power, King Nigger appointed her to the bench in his usual way – by creating a wholly new judicial seat for her and then asking Harry Reid to invoke cloture to rail her the fuck through confirmation hearings before she could stupidly let the cat out of the bag about her real qualifications.

Her judicial history is a massive piece of work too. In 2014, she took a short break from casting gris-gris at her many enemies to rule in the case of American Society for Testing and Materials et al. v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc. The details of which are fucking boring, but it ended with her ordering documents deleted forever from the internet.

When questioned as to why she thought deleting trade documents from the internet would even come close to working, Her Honor replied by dragging hard on a foot-long spliff and telling reporters:
>Esaay, mon. Dis be ain't shit, brutha, dig it? Dem canopus be all like WAHHHHHHH
and then she shit her pants.

Even fucking better, last summer Judge Chukka-chukka was presiding over the case of Imran Awan, the Paki spy who worked for that nice Wendy Schultz lady. As a lawyer, she represented a biotech company called Theranos, which hired our friends at FusionGPS to threaten journalists investigating their fraud case. She really must have fucked up, too, because Theranos had to pay $200 million in compensation.

Enough backstory – what the fuck is this invader doing telling the President he can’t black-van an ISIS fighter?

Judge Chapstick has her reasons for protecting ISIS fighters this way. Reminder that ISIS works for Israel and the Deep State, which is practically Judge Nigger’s patron saint, given how shockingly unqualified she’s been for every job she’s ever held.

It goes without saying that the kikes are euphoric after this reversal of Demon Drumpf’s dark will:
>"The ruling is a victory for the rule of law," ACLU attorney (((Jonathan Hafetz))) said.

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No kikes here. . . yet.

Jesus your postings are so fucking awful. You take a topic that needs to be discussed and then instead of just posting the info you run it through a meat grinder to make it a shit post.

Sounds like a major issue. My advice is to skip these threads and go back to rachposting.

I for one approve of your writing style OP and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. I'd also like to check those wonderful dubs of yours, and tell this faggot kike to neck himself.

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You have to go back.

Do you know where we are? OP wrote nothing but truth.

Such an enriching statement. I will ponder it always.

Yeah, you guys win. Diversity was a terrible mistake. This is fucking retarded and I thought I was reading the onion.

Do you know where we are?

And you are still posting. They pay you by the comment?

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Bump. Quality bread. Thanks OP

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Another to add to the list.

We love you Chad OP

I'd prefer he actually post facts while interspersing his shitposting throughout instead of just pure shitposting.

I'm not going to give kikepedia or some other bullshit kike rag the clicks and views when I can just read it here.

That's all I ask is include the facts/((("facts"))) of the article where its important.

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Next court will reverse it.
Too many people seem to think that "federal" judge says something, that it's the end-all to the issue.
Eventually, the Supremes will hear the case, and they tend to make the lawful decision.
After the God-Emperor packs the supreme court, they will ALWAYS make the constitutional and lawful decision.

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I'm looking forward to the eventual spate of SCOTUS rulings in a couple of years. It should make a nice prelude to the 2020 victory.

What's especially disturbing just now is how a Jamaica-born nigrito bandito got a federal judgeship while nobody was minding the store. She does seem to be a loyal Dem lapdog though, so watch for her eventual appointment to the Supreme Court, unless we get in gear and neck the establishment pronto.

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Chad OP, back again. And not a moment too soon.

So literally, Constitutional rights for enemy POWs in an ongoing conflict?

We need a new rule saying non-natural-born-citizens can't hold any public office.


So McCain and Cruz would be thrown out.

So what happens if Trump does it anyway? Just some kvetching?

More or less. Based Andrew Jackson showed America just how much actual power the courts have. The dirty secret of the Judiciary aside from how many Jews it has in it is that its power is almost entirely due to consent. If the President decides to ignore a court ruling and just do whatever, well. . . maybe there's impeachment, for what it's worth. Probably nothing though.

He's right Cancer OP needs to fuck off. It's hard to get through this OPs. The cringe is unbearable and it destroys the value of any information that could have been discussed from the news article because you can't tell what really happened anymore.

Speak for yourself homo. Every single one of his threads turns into an argument about his posting style as opposed to the content of the topic (which becomes muddled due to his autistic fanfiction re-writes). It's fucking attention whoring. May as well start namefagging and avatarfagging.

Tom Hanks is an asshole.



Shill or not, you're gonna learn today.

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