UK man convicted of hate crime for Nazi-salute dog video

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Attached: M8 Yer Dugs A Nazi.webm (1016x560, 12.98M)

*forgot text

LONDON (AP) — A Scottish man who filmed a dog appearing to give Nazi salutes was fined 800 pounds ($1,200) on Monday after being convicted of a hate crime, in a case that has sparked a debate about the limits of free speech.

Mark Meechan filmed his girlfriend’s pug responding to phrases such as “sieg heil” by raising its paw and posted the footage on YouTube in 2016.

Meechan — a comedian and video blogger who uses the name Count Dankula — said the stunt was meant as a joke, but he was convicted last month of posting “grossly offensive” material.

Sage for shit thread
Report for e-celeb shit
Report for promoting tranny-loving commie faggot
Report for the insult of thinking Zig Forums gives a shit

this truly shows how crazy the world has become due to kikes

inb4 nuinquisition burns 8ch at the stake

Fuck off cunt.

Forced supression of ancestral culture by threat of fine, jail, or death is "hate crime" of the highest form.
Also startpage censors 'tetraskelion wikipedia' search.
No results.


One skelly is spooky enough, but four, FOUR!

You seem upset.

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isn't this sorta old news now.

Wasn't he to be sentenced today? Try again with actual info after you're done sucking cock, OP.

Attached: yesterdays news.JPG (1055x700, 99.04K)

He was sentenced to 8 years.

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A UK man? Motherfucker, that's Dankula. Get the fuck of this board


if he would have known it would have been more worth to just actually gas a jew

These cuckold faggot "classic liberals" don't give a shit when Ursula Haverbeck was imprisoned for thought crime, but now that the law lands on them, all of a sudden it's everyone's problem? Fuck them.

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Part & parcel. F

Did they take his dog away?

we should make some fundraising to this man and his doggo.

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Only 800 quid?
Easy for spmwonw with his efame

Fuck off

reported for being a reporting faggot who cant even sage
not really, but yer still a fag

I can tell that image was by a kike.

No, because people in the UK actually give a fuck about animals.
The judge would have been hung, drawn and quartered, then reassembled and burned at the stake.

Fuck over their rights? Create a huge chilling effect on free speech, or even internet jokestery? Not a whisper of complaint.

This is why the west is falling.

Sadly your destruction will bring about at least a hundred years of dark age again, but eventually East Asians will take our rightfu place as rulers of the world.

Maybe we'll even keep whites as pets and cross breed them with niggers so they have black spots all over their skin and their jaw is too malformed to let them eat without our help.

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The good asians keep dogs too, retarded.

Only the retarded chinks and gooks eat them, and even they still keep dogs.

Somehow I don't see that happening. Besides, the chinks have already bought up all the real estate in white countries. Nips are already behind the mongoloid horde.

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Keep dogs =/= value them above humans
You give your cows off-the-shelf antibiotics, but deny it to your own people, causing millions to live in pain until their next doctors appointment months later. You put as much money into a dog as you do into a child, in fact you replace your own children with the dog, even GIVE THE DOG YOUR FAMILY NAME!

We keep dogs for work, for keeping away rats and vermin, for warning of burglar, or for pets.
Never as a replacement for children!

Now that's a strawman right there, there is a reason every big extended family back then have dogs, and they don't do it because they don't have children.

Lurk more, faggot.

Yeah, it's in the double digits for hours now.

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Really initiates my cashews….

It doesn't show but it does show which looks like the same page.

Sounding like the average butthurt non-white there.

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I'm telling you that obsession with animals is part of your programming, moron. And I'm telling you this as a friend, it would be best if you didn't go extinct.

You damn well know he would've gotten a heavier sentence too if the case hadn't got as much media attention.

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And I'm pointing out that saying "the west is falling because they have veterinarians" is retarded. It's not because we treat our canine pets too well. It's because jews and cucks treat their simian pets too well.

What honestly bothers me the most is that they have a monkey doing the exact same thing in an Indiana Jones movie

If you alert the British government about that scene, they will probably respond by ordering talmudvision channels airing Indiana Jones to cut that scene out, and all physical copies of the movie will be pulled off retail shelves.

Fined 800 quid ya daft cunts.
Now watch this guy rake in the shekels for years to come as a "political prisoner." Best selling book coming soon.

Frankly, i think the basically-fucking-nothing conviction is a good sign, it means to some degree they're scared of the blowback that would come from actually giving this guy jail time. A small white pill in a sea of Pakistani semen.

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Sorry my Low T buck tooth friend but this isn't 4000 years ago.

yup, and a few weeks ago that oldfag that was finally let without charges for killing a home invader in uk after all the public reaction

they are getting scared

Thing is that you are not even exaggerating. It’s because of this that muslim hatred of dogs is so hushed up that most people in the UK don't, won’t, believe that it can be true. If anyone wanted to end Religion of Cuck™ in the UK they would just have to show the population what muslims really think of dogs.

I think that you are right for the wrong reasons, responding to the mob is old hat. People getting visitations for tweeting though is enough evidence to suggest that they have no creative ideas on how to preserve their power going forward. I don't know if that will be good or bad.

their biggest fear and enemy is a non controlled narration

this was impossible with the old media: the political parties owned the media and the media owned the political parties, they were all in the same page, but with internet and social media they are having a hard time

In the past newspapers came once every 24 hours, which gives plenty of time to craft and manipulate, and all you had was an article and maybe a pic, nowadays news are instant with hidef videos of some refugee driving a van over pedestrians. They can no longer hide reality nor sugarcoat it

even if they control the internet platform owners and the social media platforms themselves, like twitter and facebook, they can't control everything, there's always a new platform or forum or a new user, and they can't go too far with censorship before the critical mass realizes it and turns their back on them

right now we are living under politicians that live 20-30 years in the past and simply can't grasp all that happens in the internet, the brutal changes in media of the last 3 decades, and how to influence new voters

that's what scares them: those criminal organizations called political parties are used to control everything and everyone, even those in democracies, but now it's impossible, all it takes is an user post calling you a fagget or a shit photoshop meme to instantly derail all their crafted narrative

look at the example in syria: 10-20 years ago it would have already been bombed and invaded with 80% approval in the usa, now they can't because of all the exposure, everybody knows what is happening and they can't control it anymore

but I'm sure this will change soon

They just also gave a teenage girl a fine and a conviction for reposting Snoop Dogg lyrics.

They said "nigger" is offensive regardless of context.

Literally no one in the mainstream british media has thought to ask how this applies to random 19 year old girl posting Snoop Dogg lyrics on their private snapchat feeds, but not to the BBC playing the very same song on the radio.

Checked for accuracy. I've said it before, Jewry and other deception-dependent parasitic activities cannot survive the information age.

(also checked)
Show those bongs vid related at every available opportunity.

You seriously think that putting a higher value on an animals life than on your own family, isn't contributing to the downfall of your society?

Dogs get killed if they attack people. Where are you getting this bizarre idea from that people care more about their pets than their kids? If you're trying to judge the entirety of society by a few childless catladies it's nearsighted, although what you say is comparable to the altruism white societies tend to give to non-white invaders.

Your kid gets sick today, it's a simple bacterial infection, how long before he gets treatment? Make appointment with family doctor, wait a few days, get to his office, wait an hour, get five minutes with him. He writes you a scrip, which is a permission to help your child. Go to a pharmacy where you have to show your permission slip, the pharmacy assistant then gives you a dose that needs to be taken for ten days to have an effect. Total time up to two weeks.

Your cow gets sick, same malady, how long before it gets treatment? Walk to locker where you keep liters of antibiotics bought wholesale, give massive dose to cow, its cured almost instantly. Total time fifteen minutes.

Your child has to suffer two weeks longer than your cow.

This is why you are dying as a race.

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Or if you want something closer to your pet obsession:
-If you abort pups, you go to prison. If you abort a baby, you get a government subsidy.
-A dog locked in a hot car is rescued with the same urgency as a child locked in a hot car.
-In order to buy a pet dog you need to have a home of sufficient size for that dog to be happy in. Yet you as a human are bigger than any dog, and there is no "minimum" space your home can be.
-Your animal has a right to food, water, and home, yet you yourself or members of your family are left to rot in the street.


Not to treat animals as humans.

I think that's a bad analogy. We're perfectly willing to stick any old syringe into our animals and cross our fingers. With human beings it's different. Have you ever worked on a farm? We try to alleviate their suffering as best we can, but they don't exactly get hospital-level treatment.

If a cow dies because the medicine was the wrong dosage, or it was bad, or whatever, that's a lawsuit. If a child dies for the same reasons, that's prison time. Medical care for humans is more complicated because the lives have more inherent value, so any amount of fuckup is bad news.

Sorry your mom liked the dog better then you.