Glenn Jacobs, the former WWE superstar known as Kane, appeared to have won a mayoral primary race in Tennessee on Tuesday.
Jacobs, 51, was leading Brad Anders by 17 votes in the bid to represent the Republican Party in the race for Knox County mayor, Knox News reported. Jacobs was leading 14,633 to 14,616 with 100 percent of the precincts reporting.
The former professional wrestler declared victory in a tweet thanking everyone who helped his campaign win the Republican primary.

Thanks to everyone who helped win this historic victory!! The people who cast a ballot for me, my great team, my wonderful volunteers. Looking forward to VICTORY in the general election!
— Glenn Jacobs (@GlennJacobsTN) May 2, 2018

“Thanks to everyone who helped win this historic victory!! The people who cast a ballot for me, my great team, my wonderful volunteers,” he wrote. “Looking forward to VICTORY in the general election!”
Jacobs’ campaign is a far cry from his WWE days wrestling under the moniker Kane – “a monstrous abomination that seems to have been extracted directly from your childhood nightmares,” according his WWE bio.
The former champ is running on keeping taxes low, focusing on quality education, job creation, improved infrastructure and limited government.
Jacobs is hardly the first WWE superstar to take a run in politics. Jesse Ventura served as the governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003. Former ECW competitor Terrance Gerin, known commonly as Rhyno, ran for the Michigan House of Representatives in 2016 as a Republican, but lost in the general election by more than 8,000 votes, according to WXYZ-TV.
It appears Jacobs will be battling Democrat Linda Haney in the mayoral race, according to Knox News. The county’s general election is set for Aug. 2.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Professional wrestling confirmed for taking over politics.

B-but Kane still wrestling…

Slack-jawed faggot.

This should end well.

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Thank G-d we have BASED libertarian jews like Glenn Jacobs to save us from the evil Demoncrats!

It's amazing how many coincidences there are in this universe.

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Haggar is now real. All he needs to do now is fight degenerates on the streets to save his daughter from a drug lord.

So, did anyone figure out if Janos was a hungarian jew?

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I hate kikebertarians, but this is hilarious. I wonder if he's going to feud with that one guy who body slammed a journalist.

corporate kane was just his training


We don't say his name.

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Ya' idiot.

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How hard are you looking to be slapped, nigger? Overhead gutwrench backbreaker or DDT?

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"Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!" t. Jewy Ventura

This is what it feels like to get old. I'm ok with it.


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So is politics just becoming a thing for wrestlers and WWE stars?
I mean the president is a former WWE promoter/owner and is even in the WWE hall of fame.
Now we have an actual wrestler entering politics.

Are we going to see more wrestlers entering the political arena?
Think any of them will do it in costume?

You're a big red machine?

For Nod

The Rock entertained a presidential run recently.

But wrestlings fake
So it'd be much the same as it is now but more entertaining.

That would be as efficient as it would be entertaining.


That's not good for Kane then. Him and fire do not mix well.

It's fake, but it's still very physical and has had many horrific injuries.


Redneck America relates to them user.

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Even candles send him packing, like he is genetically predisposed to heat trauma.



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He seems like a pretty big guy.

So's politics for the most part.

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He lives

Remember Hogan is a thing too

The Hulkster ran for office?
When? Where?


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For you

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Wait let me get this straight former people who have participated in a sport which hundreds of millions of people watch despite being fake are going to enter politics using there past wrestling careers to jumpstart themselves into politics. Are they conservative over at the WWE?

fer sure

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>(((Jacobs))) was leading

>(((Glenn Jacobs)))

>it appears (((Jacobs))) will be battling


Fucking "news" reporters.

This has meme potential.

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Yay America!!!

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Okay, now prove it by researching his lineage. We do facts here, not speculation.

Jacobs was born in the Spanish town of Torrejón de Ardoz to a United States Air Force family that was stationed in Spain at the time of his birth. He grew up near St. Louis, Missouri and attended high school in Bowling Green, Missouri where he excelled in football and basketball. Jacobs earned a degree in English literature at Northeast Missouri State University, now known as Truman State University, where he played both basketball and football.
I understand you can't prove anything with a statistical fallacy, but Jews in the Air Force are exceedingly rare.

What kind of mutt is that?


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Really what? She looks like a dolled up nigger.

She is a well known.
And yes she showed her DNA test and she is like 20% African. Either way back to the topic of Kane. I cant find much on his religion but all the anecdotal evidence says he is not Jewish. That nose though… Does anyone have any further info?

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Kane=Biblical reference to Kane & Able=Jew

That's not a kike nose. It looks more like a nose from somewhere on the British isles. This doesn't mean a solid yes or no, however.

Is he really Jewish? I live in East Tennessee and was rooting for this guy.

This nose.

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Isn't this the girl who flipped at Ayy Lmao?

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That's the nose of a man who got punched in the face one time too many.

But that's simply not true. As a side, the fucker's nearly 7 feet tall and athletic as they come, both traits not found in yids.

That's what I was thinking he definitely doesn't look quite like a kike, or very kikey rather, but jews hide well (sometimes, most of the time they are your typical rat faced kike)

Good point.
Jews don't serve. This doesn't prove anything by itself but it's a good indicator.

They weren't Jewish, there were no religions at this time.

I believe, she does look fucked tbh. I don't get why people find her attractive. Her face is like down syndrome but with out the downs, just the spaced eyes and facial structure of one.

Fuck it I'd vote for him

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Come on, Zig Forums, give me something to work with, kid.

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I know who she is, I just never saw her in high enough resolution to notice the horse hair, and Nelson Mandela face shape.

Whether or not he's a genetic or religious jew, he's still claimed to be a Rothbardian ideologically, so his influences are suspect. He's a move in the right direction, though.

First /tv/ and now Zig Forums? Fuck off, Patrick.

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