Only four states let you take the bar exam without going to law school

>Those four only allow you to do it if you are under (((apprenticeship)))

Why is this? I'm pretty sure there's plenty of people who are deterred from getting into law because of all the hoops you need to jump through and cash you need to dish out.

Taking back a nation has many aspects and as long as a (((select))) group of people are overrepresented, there will always be the obstacle of unjust laws.

Any resources on studying and practicing law would be appreciated as well

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're using triple parenthesis and asking that question?

Of course we know who, but I should have asked 'how?'.

When did these slimeballs move in and sweep our legal system right from under out feet?

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Law is one of the oldest philosophies infiltrated by kikes, it allows them to maneuver with impunity by tailor making laws for for them and their (((practices))) while also punishing and enslaving the goys.

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It happened thousands of years ago, probably starting with the fall of Rome. Back then kikes were killed in droves, culling the stupid meaning that only the most sneaky, underhanded and cleaver kikes survived. This natural selected created a gene pool that was genetically predisposed for jewing and subversion if it wasn't already

Now since then, kikes have gotten fat and stupid on the work of their ancestors because their enteritis power and money as weakened them and removed selective pressures. They have lost the smarts and underhandedness required to perpetuate their survival strategy without the use of massive amounts of money. No money=no power for kikes now.

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Already taken this thread from law school to anne frank? I did nat zee that coming….


Here's the best part, before 2-3 years of law school (depending on your state) you need 4 years of college in any field. Even if you do electrical engineering (I did) you'll probably have to spend around 2 years on diversity/indoctrination classes that aggressively weed out people with the wrong beliefs. What's left, before law school even starts, are people who are thoroughly indoctrinated, indifferent, or filled with sheer rage.

civcucks unrelated

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Need to pick your classes better, and if you do get an agenda pushing professor be a man and argue your points.

There's no decent man teaching diversity courses, and nearly every time I've argued with a teacher it directly led to a lower grade.
lower grades mean you can't get scholarships, and god knows I'm not going to pay for this shit

You used to be able to take the bar exam as many times as you wanted and you could memorize the right answers until Ted Bundy fucked that up for everybody.

I did this and after a while, despite winning and humiliating the professor, it became tiresome and disheartening. My female Jewish professor for US government said that she would never forget me as a student but in a way that was appreciative and genuine. The class was nothing but country and ranch folk who didn't buy her bullshit or brainwashed normies. The latter was more prominent

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speaking of the bar…. kill activist judges and policy makers

Go away fbi. The way things are going and coming into the light, they'll be killing themselves soon

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Years ago when I was in college I had to take a sociology class. I got about one and a half lectures in before I snapped and called her out on all the progressive garbage she was peddling. She screeched at me and kicked me out of class. I never went to lecture again, I just skimmed the text and took the tests. I thought I was going to fail because I was ironically over-progressive on the exams as a way of being passive aggressive towards the professor but I ended up with an A. lmao what a fucking joke the social sciences are.

The Bar exam is hard, no matter what state you're in. It's designed to test you on how much you've internalized the "legal principles" you're taught in 1L. See this guy:
Not whether you'd make a competent lawyer. I have real doubts that the passage rate for apprentices in those states is even anywhere near the rate of Baby Bar takers. Especially if you're working and preparing for the Bar at the same time. Good fucking luck.

That said, much of the rest of the world operates on an mandatory apprenticeship system with a practical portion of the entrance exam. Even without mandatory law school, you still don't get rid of the indoctrination problem. The only country to rely entirely on standardized testing is the PRC, to my knowledge. That's probably because nobody there who can afford the education actually wants to be a lawyer. China maintains a 11-15% admission rate into it's Bar, and the overwhelming majority of those are law grads who've had undergraduate law experience at the least. I've heard of one guy who studied independently for 15 years and made it in. Most members are women, ironically. Those women don't expect to get far in the business or bureaucratic worlds, but many of them have wealthy enough families to cover their legal education. Check out the PRC Supreme Court. As far as why there are standards of admission to begin with, there's a rationalization for every day of the week. Yet for some reason people can still represent pro se in the US.

It's all well and truly fucked, and by any measure the ABA was ruined a long ass time ago. They won't get rid of third tier toilets, and then have the gall to bitch about absolutely having to keep the MBE pass rate lower so the market isn't flooded with idiots. Nice way to have your shekel cake and eat it too. Keep the idiots out only after they're swindled out of $100,000 each. If you want to be depressed you can read up on the sordid history of the CA Bar. That way you can get a better idea of the bullshit system you're thinking of dealing with.

You aren't going to singlehandedly turn that ship around, OP. However, if you really want to subject yourself to the pain, TLS is a good resource. People there will tell it like it is and they have good recommendations to boot. Study the Republican appointed Justices to get a good idea about how that education/promotion/political system works, because you'll probably be stuck in it. For better or worse. If you're looking to subvert, focus on Republican judges in Democrat dominated states.

Some Bars have started deliberately fucking with people who rely on test prep, in my observation. Their most important goal is to maintain as small of a pool of lawyers as possible to ensure maximum salaries for their members. This is an era where there are increasingly few options for people without STEM ability, creating an supersaturation of grad school students in just about every non-science field. And some science ones. The days when you could reasonably hope to beat the Bar through attrition are over. Every year that passes the number of takers will increase and the pass rate will drop. Even as people come to understand the risk of law school debt and education, the lack of alternatives will keep pushing people in. It's inevitably going to become one of the last refuges from automation.

What the FUCK are you rambling about?

Where are these bots coming from?

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Red pill opportunity:
Bring up the age old stereotypes about lawyers and bankers and draw similarities to the completely independent but totally super racist stereotypes of jews… what a coincidence.

Oh boy do I have something for you.

Check out the tears from the 1Ls in my school after Trump won. Hundreds of copies of this littered my school in November.

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Lawyers were actually ejected from the colonies in better days.

It's reddit. Fucker thinks he's original.

Duke? Yale? Or is it an acronym school?

you're a lot further in than I am. How do you stop your body and spirit from getting raped by the constant degeneracy? I live in California

Part of me wants to guess USC, but that's a depressing thought. I always figured they were too rich and gave too few fucks to allow this sort of thing.

Ain't that the fuckin truth
Judges can't jew if they're all dead

The acceptance of common law by white men allowed the kikes to take control.
Common law is pure talmudic cancer.

In general it's to prevent idiots from clogging up the exam process.

If they've spent the money on going to a recognised law school then its worth spending the time to mark their exam.
Consider that in the USA the multistate bar exam is only done twice a year. So thats a lot of exams to mark and you don't need twits giving you junk to mark.

These aren't multiple choice exams either but written exams with hundreds of questions.
The whole examination process takes a few days. Anywhere from 2 to 4 depending on state.
And again the exams are only offered a few times a year.

Same for apprenticeship based ones. If an existing lawyer is vouching for them and putting them forward then chances are they're not wasting your time with someone who cant pass the exam.

Because people who were sent to prison were spending their 5 years reading and would get a law degree after being released. This is the actual reason.

Consistent facts consistent results.
Thats the basis of common law. Whereas in a civil code society you're at the mercy of however the judge decides to interpret the law today.

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Is your boyfriend a lawyer too?
Does she have short hair?kek

His boyfriend has short hair and little tits and is a dirty rat lawyer too

Faggots getting worse by the day

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Retarded psyop brainwashing has made all of you think you can't know, learn, or use the law without paying for a certificate. You have your rights and can defend yourself in court and that's the only way you should do it because if you elect to be represented you become a ward of the court because you admit to being a retard and lawyers are officers of the court who will work for the benefit of the court

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I know who you are irl

In court, the man defended by himself has a fool for a client.

Courts can't court if they're charred ashes

being a lawyer (liar) is so fundamentally jewish, jews have been doing nothing but lawyering their whole fucking history

no, fuck the law, blow up the court, fuck everything that fucking jewish
white civilization always was about self reliance, independence, protecting your own property, being honest, representing yourself in your own battles
those free tribal nomads and farmers didnt deal with liars/lawyers, they killed them

law is fundamentally parasitism because it must rely on someone else to leech from, just like the whole jewish existence/history/spirit/psychology, it can not stand on its own, it must always require a host

There is only one retard here.

The bar is purposely set high for lawyers. (pun unintended) It's something that's naturally appealing to a lot of people. It's respectable, has career opportunities, and can give people real world power. Even I intend on going to law school after I finish my undergrad. The problem is that if it were as easy as getting a bachelor's in laws, like in many commonwealth countries, or maybe even easier, then the field would be hopelessly saturated. You have to attend an expensive graduate school for three years, and pass a difficult exam to become a lawyer, yet the field is still over saturated. Think about that for a second. Is it any wonder why the people already on the inside don't want even more people becoming lawyers? If the standards get reduced then it would simply be the end of the legal profession for everyone outside of the mega kikes that get millions per case. It would basically be as unimpressive as being a licensed real-estate agent.

Although I do support apprenticeship qualifying someone for the bar exam. I think it's a good idea to give people work experience, so they aren't completely unemployable. In the current market it's basically career suicide to not take as many internships as possible, so it would be a lot stabler if people had a few years of work experience under their belt. Maybe they could add different levels of attorneys or something, so that someone with an apprenticeship and lawschool is god-tier, but someone with just an apprenticeship is low tier.

The American Bar Association like the American Medical Association are private organizations that have been given a legal monopoly over accreditation for certain professions. This is in 100% violation of anti-trust laws. You won't change the ABA, but it may be possible to form rival organizations, especially with the massive glut of newly graduated goy J.D.'s who otherwise will never find work in their field.

Many of the founders, early statesman, and presidents like Abe Lincoln I know, muh Lincoln were all self-taught in law. They didn't need to be indoctrinated into a civilizational death cult or exploited in a profiteering racket. Practicing law should be available to any citizen who has the merit. Success and failure are the best filters of talent.

As an aside, most professional organizations nowadays are going completely insane. I know the AMA has been flirting with implementing an SJW code of conduct that all of their members must obey or lose their license. You mom's neurosurgeon may lose his license or be blacklisted from every US hospital if he has ever said mean things on twitter.

Law is the white man's most precious institution, and it is responsible for giving us order and civilization. It gave us the Magna Carta, English Common Law, and The Constitution. Just because it's been corrupted doesn't mean its not worth fighting for.

How can it be 'hard' when there isnt even any math or actual thinking or figuring out to do? You just memorize extremely simple and basic 'yes/no' crap and then just apply it one by one. Like, did x happen 'yes/no' then did y happen, is first requirement met, is the second one, etc etc.

We should replace the courts with computers anyway. Want justice? Computers are justice. Supreme court should write the code and that should be it. Trillion of opinionated bullshitters we call judges and lawyers finally gone.

Wasn't the first point in the Programme of the NSDAP by Gottfried Feder to establish a common law system?
I'm honestly not entirely sure what the difference between the two is; there aren't many good resources out there. But focusing on consistency makes more sense than writing treatises about your feelings.

Barriers to entry and the lobby arm and power of the educational industrial complex. Remember student debt is higher than credit card debt now, it's that bad and that much money in involved.

So you believe in being dumb because someone once said something from a Chinese cookie
Keep sucking hard BAR cock

Where am I wrong?

Their is no restriction on people knowing the law and using it, you can defend yourself there is no monopoly because their is no product, it is open to everyone.

Computers can be used for accessing information which law schools keep in their libraries which is what you are actually paying for in a law school.

Everything you said is wrong.
Esquire is not a title of nobility. Appointing a lawyer to represent you in a court of law does not make you a ward of the court. You do not admit incompetencey when appointing or accepting representation.

I can't think of any fields that ought to require proper certification other than medical.

This is true. Both of my parents are early boomers who were WASP attorneys from the 70's onwards and did it for the prestige, and my father (who's still practicing) strongly dissuaded me and anyone who asked him from entering into legal study/practice. He'll tell anyone that'll listen that being an attorney in the current year isn't the same "show up to your firm or private practice and collect six figures annually" position that it was 20 years ago.

i think medicine could probably be handled by the market as well

You really should read more and know what it is you're talking about instead of just replying with notions of ideas you think you have

James Parker [17] supplied the following definition:

Esquire, (lat. armiger, fr. escuyer): a title of a gentleman of the rank immediately below a knight. It was originally a military office, an esquire being (as the name escuyer, from escu, a shield, implies) a knight’s attendant and shield bearer. Esquires may be theoretically divided into five classes:

The younger sons of peers and their eldest sons.
The eldest sons of knights and their eldest sons.
The chiefs of ancient families are esquires by prescription.
Esquires by creation or office. Such the heralds and serjeants at arms and some others, who are constituted esquires by receiving a collar of SS. Judges and other officers of state, justices of the peace, and the higher naval and military officers are designated esquires in their patents or commissions. Doctors in the several faculties, and barristers at law, are considered as esquires, or equal to esquires. None, however, of these offices or degrees convey gentility to the posterity of their holders.
the last kind of esquires are those of knights of the bath; each knight appoints two to attend upon him at his installation and at coronations.
Modern definition Edit
Oxford Dictionaries currently provides for the following definition of Esquire:[18]

British: A polite title appended to a man’s name when no other title is used, typically in the address of a letter or other documents: J. C. Pearson Esquire.
North American (chiefly US): A title appended to the surname of a lawyer (of either sex).
A young nobleman who, in training for knighthood, acted as an attendant to a knight.
an officer in the service of a king or nobleman.
a landed proprietor or country squire: the lord of the manor, Richard Bethell Esquire.

And that's just gay Wikipedia, if you do some actual research on the bar society you'll find it's a fraternity loyal to the crown.

The attorneys at Chayet & Danzo along with others worked on addressing this issue. The outcome was a bipartisan bill - Senate Bill 131. It became law with Governor Hickenlopper's signature on June 10, 2016.

An adult now has the right to choose a private attorney post-adjudication. The expense is paid by the ward's estate. On a case-by-case basis, the court may still need to review whether an individual has sufficient capacity to retain a lawyer. However, the presumption has shifted.

In the past, some courts presumed a conservator/guardian was best placed to decide if a ward needed an attorney. This could lead to a conflict of interest especially in cases related to abuse or potential fraud.

Now, the presumption is that a ward has the right to hire a private attorney in the following hearings:

Request for a change/termination of a guardianship/conservatorship
Review of fiduciary conduct
Appellate review
Other petitions for help from the court.
The court has the right to appoint a lawyer when it deems necessary.

As these new provisions go into effect there will be situations that fall into gray areas. Appellate review may be necessary if a court refuses a request for a private lawyer.

90% of people aren't hiring lawyers, they are being "provided" by the court for a "crime".

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This is hidden because student loans are a gargantuan business. But any kid with >130 IQ can graduate early and enroll in community college. Overbook on classes and get aa degree in a year. Go to university affiliated with said cc and jump right into major classes (can now usually skip cuck classes labeled as "university experience seminar" or some bullshit). Graduate and get a paralegal job, put yourself out there for paralegal work and mention you want to apprentice for the bar. Do this in Northern Virginia where you are essentially in DC and guarantee employment if you are halfway competent.

Three years of well paid work later take the bar (stupid easy). Presto you are a debt free lawyer with no indoctrination.

Here's the funny thing about medicine, America has a shortage of doctors, yet medical schools aren't able to provide more training and opening for new candidates, in addition to that, the construction of new medical schools are close to zero in America, things are getting so bad that people are going outside of America to get training then come back into US to get certified.

On top of it all, North American medical schools require you to get at least some college education whereas commonwealth countries are able to start schooling out of high school. However, the requirements for North American medical schools are now so different that people from non-science background stand just as much of a chance of getting into med school due to "muh diversity" quotas, and that the MCAT is such an inaccurate way of measuring candidate competencies that the people making the MCAT had to do an overhaul to have more "humanities" and other bullshit like those.

All of these processes are a waste of time when the medical students could have spent more time in school instead of spending too much time getting a worthless degree, then gets crammed into a concentrated course + specialization education.

knowing the laws and the case are completely different than knowing procedure. if you fuck up the procedure you lose. good luck learning ALL of that from a book just so you can go pro se.

So just like everyone else who pays to be a lawyer you can learn them instead of jacking off to traps, playing 1k hours of battlefront or doing any other gay shit. If you are mentally incompetent then keep living in an stressed development state, have your rights taken and enjoy getting fucked constantly

*Arrested development
Fucking Swype is designed to retard communication

It's hilarious that you've said that because I'm graduating law school next week. I am very confident that I know more about law than you.

The defintions you provided from wikipedia do not support your claim that esquire is a title of nobility. You don't seem to understand the difference between nobility and gentility.

Esquire: 1. (hist) A candidate for knighthood who assisted knights in martial endeavors.
Knighthood =/= nobility
2. (hist) A member of the gentry whose rank was inferior to that of a knight.
Gentry =/= nobility
3. (arch.) A landed Gentleman: a member of the landed gentry.
Gentry =/= nobility.
4. (usu. cap. as an honorific) A title of courtesy commonly appended after the name of a lawyer.
Esquire, Black's Law Dictionary (10th ed. 2014).

No mention of nobility anywhere. Esquire is not a title of nobility.

That bill applies only to people who have already been defined as wards of the Court. It does not affirmatively define individuals retaining an attorney as wards of the court.
Also, even if it did, that would apply only to Colorado. Not all jurisdictions.

In the United States, "ward of the court" generally refers to an infant or someone incompetent who is under the protection of a court, e.g., a juvenile court or a court of equity. State laws vary as to the exact requirements. For example, a court may administer life saving medical care to a ward of the court. It does not have much to do with appointed representation, but more so about custody. Again, I have to speak generally because state laws vary.

Totally wrong. Over half of all legal action in the United States is civil, where indeed, the Sixth Amendment guarantee of a lawyer does not apply.

You also do not "sign a paper" saying you "need legal representation." That's not how you retain an attorney. You really don't know what you're talking about.

bwahahahahaha that doesn't even deserve a response. "the bar society" ahahaha you're a fucking retard

So you've done no research and didn't read what I said. You're going to school to preform a function as you've been instructed, what historical research have you done?
Have you read that? I live in a college town and law school is the big draw, every single person I meet who's going there has not read or heard about this series. You are lacking a huge section of history so you lack a huge amount of context.

Lawyers don't give a shit about what the law was. The issue is always over what the law 'is.

You're a fool. Commentaries aren't law and 18th century English law doesn't apply in America.

Does anyone here actually have advice for learning more about law? A basic understanding of the various legal systems around the world would also be nice, but I'm mostly concerned with American law.

There are different layers of Law
Go read the websites for the UN

Lol have fun filing tort cases for some faggot until you die from diabetes

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Common wealth lawyer here.

Jay Feinman, Law 101: Everything You Need to Know About American Law (4th ed. 2014).

There is new edition coming out in July if you want wait a few months. Don't bother with Blackstone, not because it isn't worth reading but because law has significantly changed since the 1700s and you won't learn a thing about modern American law.

its not the specific laws, obviously they change but the framework of the law and the reason it is and structure. its the esoterics of the law system. like why is the constitution phrased the way it is, is it a "living document"
what are unalienable rights, what are rights and where do they come from.
why is the common law based, which is the LAW, then there are codes and contracts. everything is a contract and the sovereign citizen movement was demonized so intensely was because those people read the actual law and definitions and learned the history. the definitions of the words in contract and law have different meanings that assumed by the public, not necessarily because of nefarious reasons but because the public has become so god damn dumb (that dumbing down is on purpose though)

got high and went on a rant, not all that is in reply to ur comment

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This is very helpful information.

What is stopping a group of like-minded individuals convincing several thousand people of above average intelligence of organising a non profit organization that reviews judicial rulings and legislative procedure? They could also function as a way to protest or bring to light many shortcomings of our current legislative and judicial bodies.

Imageboards could be very effective at acting as a form of organized judicial review.

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Sheer rage here, can confirm

Almost everything of any importance, every decision, every legal decision especially, is carried out by the secret services these days. And these guys give zero fucks about the law. The law doesnt apply to them. CIA selling drugs, toppling regimes, arming and training terrorists, kidnapping and murdering, carrying out a few known robberies just for fun, special courts, special rules, diplomatic passports and immunities given out like candy, secret projects for the army, research, funding, quite literally all of that is illegal.

I dont get the fascination with the law. The only fascinating thing about it, is avoiding it. If you end up in a court you already fucked up and its already too late. Its a worthless, rigged game. Better study engineering so you can be better at surveilance, weapons, terrorism, and such stuff that matters. Law has nothing to do with the law. Secret services/terrorist groups, trough their puppets politicians, run the law.

The law is mostly about symbolism and authority. A nigger, for example, needs to fear something otherwise they will cannibalize society within days just like in the dark continent.