Chelsea Manning vows to eliminate US borders...

Chelsea Manning vows to eliminate US borders, close prisons and abolish ICE before it commits 'ethnic cleansing' as she campaigns for Maryland Senate seat
Chelsea Manning is no longer living as a transgender woman in a male military prison, serving the lengthiest sentence ever for revealing US government secrets.
He's free to grow out his hair, travel the world, and spend time with whomever he likes.
But a year since former President Barack Obama commuted Manning's 35-year sentence, America's most famous convicted leaker isn't taking an extended vacation.
Far from it: The Oklahoma native has decided to make an unlikely bid for the U.S. Senate in his adopted state of Maryland.
Manning, 30, filed to run in January and has been registered to vote in Maryland since August. He lives in North Bethesda, not far from where he stayed with an aunt while awaiting trial.
His aim is to unseat Sen. Ben Cardin, a 74-year-old Maryland Democrat who is seeking his third Senate term and previously served 10 terms in the U.S. House.

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what a disgusting creeper

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Could you imagine how much better the world would if ICE were actually the ruthless supersoilders the left thinks they are?

Literal traitor pardoned by zero, leftist faggots want to claim Trump pardons are awful point this fucking faggot out. I swear to god you glowing alphabet niggers lurking here, if you don't do your job in apprehending these societal scourges we're gonna do it ourselves and people will applaud our actions. Killing trannies and traitors is defending the nation, you want to be negligent we'll do it for you

So a faggot who become a fake woman because he was afraid of getting anally raped in prison by Tyrone wants to get rid of prisons altogether and let all the anal rapist niggers and spics run free.

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Better a trap whom rats than a rat whom traps.

Those punished by a government are very likely more guiltless than the government who punishes for mere words or information distribution.

This isn't snowden you grandiose fucks.

I’d do it for 3 squares and a place to sleep

His name is
And he has no platform.
Tho he is doing more for america than many of you niggers.

Better things would be:
1. Abolish "property tax" so people actually own shit
2. Keep prison only for violent (physical force) offenders to free "dude weed"s
3. Outlaw abrahamic religions to end the Celtic genocide by jews

just gotta ask yourself 'what happened in them prisons that turned a male soldier into a girl?'

what made her snap? what made brad into chels?

this shit ain't natural, but I wouldn't blame the tranny. Too much hate for her, and she didn't even get the cultural brainwashing from the SJWs.

She was locked away. They probably fed her some weird chems or whatever they do to dissidents.

just be careful as to whom you label the enemy as. ya never know if they'll be coming for you for saying the truth next.

Intersting how this faggot isn't running to free information and end the "classify everything", "on a need to know basis", "sources and methods" bullshit.
He should be running as a cypherpunk.


seriously though, why isn't he in some home or institution for mentally ill? Here he would have been placed in such a facility, in the us he fucking runs for congress…. Just..

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This is what a Manchurian candidate looks like in the modern day.
They had him isolated for years, able to feed him whatever information or drugs they chose. Restricted his exercise, changed his context to their whims.

Whatever happened to him, he sure is fucked up and it's sad to see this.
I cannot other than despise a culture that lets a man (or woman) do this to him self. Pumping him self of female hormones, get all fucked up and think he is a woman.
That's a very mentally ill person yet they cheer for this. It's like egging on a person in a psychosis rather than helping him.
Makes me sick
You know I wish I had this in anglo but this is years ago now, maybe 7-8 the swedes made this documentary about trannies which (ofc) they have been producing since either the 50 or 60ies. Granted they were few, but they were cheered on too back then as something progressive…. So they talked with all of them, that is those who didn't commit suicide afterwards which most did..
Do you know what all off them said? Now in old age?
How could you do this to me?
I was very sick…
I am neither woman nor man, I am just a freak
You did this to me how could you?
I was just very sick
Not only did you do this to me, you egged me on, enabled me and cheered for it
You are all sick people
All of them, every single one

Jesus Christ

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Wasn't there another insane psycho-leftist tranny that ran for public office? How did that go?

They'd keep them on a very short and gilded leash.

It won.

Oh, I was talking about John Flynt

Oh. That one is taking themselves very seriously too.


He wanted to be a girl before going into the army, AIM chats to the guy who got him busted prove this. Fuck off, torpedo.

are you going to do something about it or just whine on Zig Forums

Kill him or nothing will change, ever, at any time. You have no other options.

Close the prisons and there won't be anything holding the true ethnic cleansing back. No one fears the law more than white men, because white men made the law. I wish they would shut down the prisons…

you haven't done shit so far

Go back to Zig Forums you dumb nigger.

That's why I'm not in prison. Close those prisons though and see what happens…

what happens?


so nothing

trannies are mentally ill anyway, and this one is a traitorous puppet of the nwo that got special treatment from obama so none of these things are surprising statements really

…and she could easily get elected
what are you going to do about it?

Has this not been addressed already?
Sentence Commuted?
Still on Parole?
Dishonorable Discharge?
Cannot even buy a Firearm?
Cannot even Vote?
Where is the info on the Rules for running?

They did things to both his asshole and brain in that prison, surely.

wake the fuck up, retard


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Hi Bradley.
Coming here and threatening in yourself for victim points won't help you win if you know absolutely fuckall about politics.

fucking clueless

it's mental illness, no doubt about it

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He's still a felon. He can't serve with his particular felony.

Blow your fucking brains out. Reported for not wanting all trannies exterminated. My statement is objective fact.
Kill him or nothing will change, ever, at any time. You have no other options.

He can and will. What the fuck is wrong with you? The rule of law does not exist. STOP BEHAVING AS THOUGH IT DOES.

Oh look. The "Christianity is a kike religion" glow in the dark nigger. Fuck off, it's not and has been proven and shown as not for forever.

This is what d&c looks like.

Which fucking one you fucking kike? If anything you would be the D&C.
You're a fucking retard if you actually believe the lie about Christianity being a kike religion. I guess all the US's founding fathers were kike plants then? Because that's the only thing that makes sense with your shit belief.

He's technically right. You can run for Senate and have a felony conviction on your record.

Religion of Cuck™ic or Christian religion might or might not be Jewish inspired.

It doesn't matter. The question we must ask is: Is the mythology objectively true? Is there actually a god? Is Jesus actually "The Chosen One?

Or are these religions fictional when it comes to supernatural claims, rather than true?

I suspect that all religions are false, and there is not actually a god at all. None whatsoever.

But that debate is a silent one that takes place in your heart and mind. There's no point in fighting over it. It just leads to division.

Such is politics and religion.

Run? Technically. Be elected? No. Therefore NOT run.

.2 shekels, Shlomo.

Marrion Barry was caught smoking crack and got re-elected as Mayor of DC.
Ted Kennedy killed a girl in Chapaquiddick and was re-elected to senate 4 or 5 more times.
Nancy Pelosi was caught insider trading, and has her seat for the rest of her life if she wants.
John McCain was a traitor who squealed in gook prison and got others killed.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the common voter.

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How many of those were convictions?

just to clarify, does he still have a cock and balls or have they been cut off already?

Julius and Ethel

FFS in virginia of all places too

Yeah, better yet we should just execute the dudeweeds.

I never judge people like this,

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jewish fantasy…
Christianity is a rebellion against the everything that is jewish, that is why they hate it so much

I do not have the knowledge about Religion of Cuck™ to comment on this, to some extent they revolt against it too, but they kinda behave like them with their ummah and their kuffir shit, esp their ummah… I think they are closer to the jews compared to the christians, which are open to all as long as you accept baldur as your saviour and they don't treat people like these muslims do

I mean jesus

well the muslims do this too, but they do like jews separate people into goyim not goyim, either you are in the ummah or you are not

It's not whether Jews are seen as good or bad by a religion.

It is a philosophical quest to find truth.

Judaism is not truth.
Christianity is not truth.
Muslim religion is not truth.

All of these things are cults. Supernatural religious cults, and their teachings are mythology.

For an enlightened person, there is no reason to take any of these concepts seriously, except as a precaution as to why you should not simply believe things.

this is what (((they))) intendend this is what they made us say and want
just put him in a god damn mental home
ugh I am so conflicted over this, his family should have taken him home and prevented this, they have obviously mind fucked him beyond anything.
He is lit going around thinking he is a woman, wanting to cut his dick off, and championing for just this.

No make no mistake he delivered this leak, then he died, frankly I think the best would be for him to off him self after he delivered those docs rather than going down this lit insane bath and soil him self. I am not advocating for violence, I say this to you here, not some fucking disclaimer shit I don't give a jack ass about. But he ded

cock and balls still there? yes or no?

You can add Mueller to that list,he helped put and keep four innocent men in prison for 32 years.

2, Barry and Pelosi.

Remember, there's a lot of nogs dat want gibs in D.C.


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BZZZZT no felony conviction for you.
BZZZZT no felony conviction for you.

If you have any actual evidence of these people having been convicted of felonies equal to a dishonorable discharge, please provide it.

Last thread about him was full of anons thinking that he most likely got CIAed into it


The retard can't do any of that. Just talking out it's faggot ass. Probably seen a poll that has it losing massively. I wouldn't mind it winning though. We need some over the top shit like this to break the system so we can kill all the freaks like this. Plus Maryland is all cia niggers and other spooks so bonus lolz.

This really is 1984. Up is down.

It’s literally a mentally ill tranny. What did you expect? Just hope it doesn’t win

Classic MKULTRA zogbot.

yup, just like that poor kid that got black bagged by the FBI and then mistook waffle house for the white house. You all know Comey wanted a hit out on the President by a loon.

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light

Fuck off Bradley.

going from serviceable/ok looking, to repulsive freek. why? how can such blatant self-delusion be possible? (is it a crypto?)

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what "he"used to look like.

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What the fuck is your problem perpetuating this?

cock and balls or vagina? which is it?

No wonder he became a tranny

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Manlets never learn

No homo, but id bang her

CIA torture is a helluva drug.

On the 'ead with a steel mallet.


This makes me sad more than anything. Our society is sick and we need something to fix it. Christianity used to do that, but even it has fallen victim.
We live in an interesting time. Within 30 years I will see western society fall. Either by pisslamic invaders, communism, or by the rebirth of racial tribalism. These will be interesting times. But no mater what, 30, even 20 years from now, things will be very different indeed.

Manning has been chemically lobotamized. Sad!

Chemically induced sexual torture. Very sad.

Disgusting creature, it should be burned.

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Did they MKUltra this humongous faggot ?

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this is what the government can do to you
be warned

Ya think?

Got a Patreon set up yet MANing?

Hang on, going to take a second to figure this one out.

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No murder, but I'd kill you.

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So no evidence? What a fucking shame.