Woke MKUltra Women Stalks Jew, Says She is the "New Hitler," Drops Redpills

Woke MKUltra Women Stalks Jew, Says She is the "New Hitler," Drops Redpills

She looks like a MKUltra victim to me, I would dig into her background. She claims she spent 3 days with the Jew on a "date". Jew tried to take girl to Mexico to his "Villa" but she refused, then ends up in his house while he is out of the country. So far I can't figure out who the Jew is. He could be some Hollywood kike.

This reminds me of a lot of 1980's stuff regarding MKUltra Sex victims.




her whole platform falls apart with the dead sea, 34% salinity ya cock-eyed-crazy person

Cant watch videos, subs please?

Some see if they can track down the name of the Jew she was seeing.

Attached: 2018-05-12 12-52-19.mp4 (1280x720, 4.95M)


Attached: 2018-05-12 12-56-06.mp4 (1280x720, 5.73M)

She claims he was taking her to Mexico to "be filmed on cameras"

Attached: 2018-05-12 13-08-55.mp4 (1280x720, 9.95M)

Heard about this the other day but didn't see any vid, just pics. Damn, thats a whole lot of crazy comin offa that broad, just with every labored breath she takes.

Seen this before a bunch in the 1980's, they pump them full of drugs in the Jail, and then stick them in front of the camera to make her look crazy.

She was probably a sex slave and escaped or something. I would not discount her, listen to what she is saying.

lol the fucking microphone has four 3s on it
this shit is gay like jim carey

Attached: 2018-05-12 13-28-54.mp4 (1280x720, 10.17M)

10/10 would bang and never call again

nudes would be the CIA database holy grail.
Easily traded for who was on the grassy knoll.

she makes more sense than me sober.

What a coinkidink.

Note the 33 on the microphone
MK Ultra not even once.

A grill-friend for Travis "naked below the waist" Waffle House.

Attached: MKUltra-notevenonce-Jackie33Hitler.png (1268x2868, 1.71M)


The faggot (((drudge))) had the story in red. She's supposedly a nightmare date because she sent some thousands of texts in a single day (how is that a problem? Retarded bullshit from the kike, after all, anyone can quickly and easily block a number…)

I'll check that!

I bet it's you that chopped up the Assad interview too! Why not two pass encode it?


Attached: Jackie1433HitlerInterview_720p.webm (1280x720, 14.08M)

She may be a crazy schizo cunt but at least she's against Jews haha that makes her one of us right Zig Forumsards??

go >>>/back/

No. She's clearly unwell. I feel sorry for her. You, on the other hand, can die in a hole.

Would you go on 3 dates with someone acting like that???? Obviously the pumped her full of drugs in jail.

I'll check that quads id.

Yea, a Jew would do something like that.

Shes mixed btw, I was thinking indian but she says egyptian (Jew) unless her brother is only her half brother.

Poster child against racemixing???

Those fucking dubs

Uh guys… shes an avatar of kek. Holy shit

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we know

trips and quads checked
there are quads in the ID you blind nigger

She's just batshit crazy. Not everything has an explanation, the world is mostly chaotic

In the interview she admits her father was a jew.

I still think there's some truth to what she's saying

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always a poor excuse

What is this retarded shit?

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She was kinda hot though . . .

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She was a psycho looking for a sugar daddy. Nothing more.

Several stupid lessons

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that redpilled me to get the hell out of here

The wall is real.

She's acting exactly like someone on molly. How nice if she got brain-zapped and is now just perma-rolling. How fucking nice, lucky her.

Why do all crazy women have the same eyes and giant forehead?

She's a jew and she's got mind fucked by numerology or kabala/qlippoth or some witchkrafty shit.

she's just crazy

Terry looked like a Zappa impersonator.

She moves around the hot-crazy matrix using eyeliner alone.

Fucking Langley faggots

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She also could have been psychologically harassed. That happens a lot to people who get redpilled. Basically, suddenly you have no friends, because you know shit others are unwilling to see. Well, if you open your fat mouth…

…this can be incredibly difficult on a person.

Kikes use that a lot. There's a massive social penalty to being right about the kikes. They are a cruel and wicked race.

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Another victim who was pumped full of synthetic research chemicals. Poor girl.

this. getting sick of the night college acting class dropout bullshit.

M E G U . C A / P O L /

Hey a girlfriend for that Indian user