Baby Bust: Fertility is Declining the Most Among Minority Women

>It’s true that some people in the right wing have flirted dangerously close to, and sometimes engaged in, the kind of racialized thinking that has tarred pro-fertility initiatives throughout the 20th century, complaining about “other peoples’ babies,” or quietly suggesting that if African Americans have fewer kids, maybe that’s a good thing.

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In racial or ethnic terms, America’s “Baby Bust” is kinda, sorta, a little bit racist: it’s hammered Native Americans and Hispanics particularly hard, and hit even African Americans harder than whites generally, and certainly harder than non-Hispanic whites.

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does this mean that all the purple drink and mcdonaldos that niggers have been eating is finally preventing them from pumping out more nigglets?
doesnt seem like minorities are having less kids

we're importing more minorities

I think a lot of these new black people in my area who cruise in the left lane forever going 54 mph and never use turn signals are actually african. There's something about their robotic movements that I don't see in american blacks.

Who would've though.
It may have targeted Whites, but those know how to hunker down with the family for support in waiting for better times. Comes with their history and climate they evolved in.
Muds are all very fragmented (hispanics are from the whole latin america and many hate each other) and have kids with little preparation. The only thing that mitigates it is religion and we all know how Marxism infested these groups.
And I think that there's a factor of being in competition with white women which is lowering their fertility due to men rejecting them in hope for better mates.
Not that I'm saying that white women are going for them but it's wishful thinking of muds. AFAIK white women by far prefer white men.

That's why the jews have been on a full-court press to stop the Wall and any changes to immigration or refugee laws. Fire burns dry wood better than green wood. They know that the methods they use to destroy one dumb white out of ten will destroy 19 idiot muds out of 20 in the process, so they have to continually import new muds to compensate.

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never really thought about this - assumed that minorities were able to live in relative squalor and that affirmative action and welfare in conjunction with their sexual proclivity meant that they were having lots of kids; the poos around the gta in toronto sure have a lot of kids

This fucking article

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Is that you?


The first generation, most certainly. However, their children are being raised as if muds belong in a first-world country (because they don't know anything else) and they are bombarded by the same media and the same public schools aimed at first-world whites, but being dumber and more materialistic than typical whites on the whole, they are far more susceptible to the messages. I believe part of it has to do with the fact that they subconsciously realize they don't belong in white nations and as a result try harder to "fit in" by doing what they perceive the culture demands without realizing that it is jewish bullshit and not white culture at all.

No it means that population becomes more civilized and simple nature's hack to associated most possible pleasure ( orgasm) with conceiving the child doesn't work anymore. Nature's hack-job is defeated by the might of the human intellect: condom and pill. Now humans can have teh cake and eat it (have orgasm but not get infected with the child in the process). What are you gonna do now, stupid evolution?

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This is all bullshit propaganda. I live in a major American city and there are barely any whites left.
Cities are the economic engine of a nation. We need more white people in the cities, in business, academics and government.

Why yes, I am me.

Cities wavent been the engines for a long time, user. It's only everything around the cities that, chemical parks, factories, argicultural plots. The center of a city is nothing but socialistic shite shops and offices. That's like saying the receipt you got with your car is the most impressive part of it.

English whites surrendering London to the shitskin hordes from third world hellholes is an unforgivable crime.

Argument discarded.

good insight and explanation dzięki

Problem is these centers are making thousand rules that shape life of the entire country. Running away form these centers is withdrawing from active political process.

I trust this report from racists on the left. When will the White House raise the debt more to help "minorities" make even more babies?

This country is finished.

Immigration outnumbers births and is essentially exclusively non-white, so don't think that whites can retain majority just by having more babies. Even if whites had the highest birthrate, we would still be declining as a percentage of the population. More white babies is always good, but the only solution is to remove the kikes from power and physically remove all of the non-whites from the premises.

85 IQ? Hahahaha… thats about right for an American nog with 13% white DNA. A true Somali import is about IQ 65. Funny thing tho, niggers on wheels… wherever they roll, they must nig.

It's definitely a whole lot worse now that it's a 3rd world hellhole, but from what I've heard from britbongs london has always been shit. It was just a tolerable level of shit back before all the rapefugees.

It's probably some sort of birth inhibitor, certain areas where their golems are getting too unruly.
I actually don't think it's a tap water thing, I think it's some sort of binary chemical method.
The common products priced or advertised toward certain demographics are tweaked depending on what needs to happen whoever they target.
The strange irrational appearing additive ingredients in food or any consumer goods separately are benign, to make detection difficult but when used together affect the populace in a desired way.
Strange exotic ingredients that have been added in products for the last 25 or so years are suspicious, they should be thoroughly and publicly investigated.


I think people want to spend their time and resources on themselves now, not raising children.

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Racemixing aside, Li-Chi(?) despite being seemingly fucking nuts, is not wrong and Andrew did fail to keep his promise of giving her a kid.

That cracks me up everytime.

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That's why we have gerrymandering user.

Not for the last 40 years. Despite all this talk of "deindustrialization" the USA, Japan, and Germany all have more industrial output than China. In the case of the US it is more than twice as much real industrial output. Chinks double count imports and exports, count construction as by infrastructure development and manufacturing, and count mechanics as industrial workers; anything to push FACE and give the appearance of actual productivity despite tremendous waste.

So where is all this industry? Not in the cities anymore since they drove it out with ordinances and taxes. All those small towns in the US have industrial parks and huge rail yards which sit almost unused so shipping is cheap as shit.

Libshits and muds are naturally hedonistic they do things because they feel good not for logical, philosophical, or religious reasons. Even the mud who snackbars himself does it to fuck bitches in an afterlife he'll never see because he has no soul. The liberal doesn't want kids because any pleasure they would derive from family life pales before drugs, fucking, and tv.

This isn't news to me as I've been posting this shit for years but it is good to see confirmation of a hypothesis.

Liberals aren’t breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.
You can see it in the birthrates by political affiliation and race within in the USA. White Democrats: 0.9, Jews: 0.8, blacks: 1.4, and spics: 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use, with the highest being recorded in the General Social Survey which also has the largest sample set.

If the 2014 white conservative birthrates and those of the other demographic groups remained constant without additional input via immigration by 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.

That is what the demoshits have feared for so long, that is why they want to import shitskins so desperately.

top kek, source?

You mean 65, 85 is the average of niggers that have been here for generations.

They don't, they just fuck around and whatever happens happens.

Correction 85 is the mean IQ of ameriniggers(17% white by blood). 72 is pure bantu.

They drink the same shitty water full of birth control and other harmful substances. Probably moreso than the everyday white, so it seems natural that fertility is dropping like a stone with the amount of blacks and hispanics I've seen that are twinks or overweight. Both of those are awful for one's sperm count.
This is the fracture point. Pressure must be constant if our homes are to be reclaimed. Find a good woman and have at least 3-4 kids with her anons.

Many of the whites around me are having tons of kids lately.

Increased access to infertility drugs and abortions. Done.

Without forcing women to conceive and deliver, sheer fecundity and access to resources is no longer the primary factor in determining reproductive success.

Desire to reproduce is the primary factor. Which makes feminism and birth control and abortion a wonderful tool to sort out the wheat from the chaffe. The problem is shitmigration.

But anyways, within the next generation, the vast majority of white women will desire children, simply because their mothers and grandmothers wanted children, not just sex.

(((They))) going back isn't a final solution, it'll just be number six-hundred-whatever on the list of countries that told them to go back, always becoming someone else's problem until they become our problem again and again. A parasite can only do one thing.

Not anymore. At least, not the supermajor metro areas. All thats needed now is rail access and or river/sea port access. If you have both, youre in business. The other factor used to be liveability, but air conditioning solved that.

Then the highways were constructed.

Anywhere that has 2 out of 3, highways, rail, or river access, is just as competitive as any were else.

We arent even using our rivers to capacity anymore, the Eirie Canal is a tourist trap now, rail is almost entirely used for freight and could be expanded and used even more.

The Northern Rust belt isnt competitive anymore. Everything that went to China and Mexico would have went to the Deep South bruh.

This is exactly why jews are so hell bent on immigration of subhumans. While fertility rates indeed are a problem, but propaganda also hits subhumans in second generation which is why niggers stayed at ~10-12% since before 1900 but spic numbers grew like Kudzu since the 60s. Immigration and Naturalization Services Act of 1965 is the main reason why white demographics went from ~90% to ~65% and not fertility problems.

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The first necessary step would be to rescind their right to work and get them back into the house.
Then you can work into make them want to be housewives and mothers again.

You can get your wife to give up working if you use good enough arguments. Of course don't say shit to her like that women aren't supposed to work, get her to understand it's important for the kids. For example i said that i don't want my kids to grow up with just nannies and school, that as a small kid i hated the fact that i never saw my parents except when they came back from work late, tell her that a kid needs their mother the most in early years etc. She doesn't even have to give up work entirely at first, explain that working 1-2 times a week instead of full week would already be better. Be "understanding" and make it all about the kids.

Also, avoid career women. It's a huge red flag.

Hispanics had the highest decline because they had the highest birth rate. Dosen't really mean much.

Hispanics were at 2.54 or something.

as much as i hate to say it, some cucks spread some pseudo science videos all over the normiesphere a year ago talking about how "migrants wont replace whites" in the west because apparently when they get "wealthy" their birthrates drop like a rock, might be right after all, ignoring the fact that immigration isnt a one time thing and endlessly flooding white countries with non-whites will replace the whites, no matter how quickly the birthrates plummet in their communities.

When these events account for ethnic replacement ill believe it, shitskins having endless kids is only ONE aspect of white genocide goys, dont forget it.

There's a reason for that, tor-user
Major Cities are kike strongholds and hives for niggers and spics to breed like the vermin that they are. It will be a very long time before the cities are majority white again, but it is coming.

How do they get away with being so obvious?

I would like to add a few post I made in the past on a similar topic. Pictures 1, 2 and 3 are to be read together and picture three is the one posted from picture two.

Picture 4 is about the incredible decline of Hispanic birthrates since 2007 and picture 5 is from another post I did a while ago that showed that White births were the majority again in 2016, and I hope that holds true in 2017.

Not to mention the new thread that is going around about Non-White women having fewer children and their rate of fertility is further declining.

Attached: White and non-White births compared.png (839x829 150.96 KB, 181.19K)

Delete the last line since I posted this in "that" thread

All the anons who want to race mix with these things, should think about this video next time they have those feelings.

So do you think CNN running 24/7 ops about how Trump is starting RWDS is causing muds to not breed out of fear?


how do race mixing couples factor into this? i've seen alot of it irl, not a yank btw.

To hell. I prefer them to be muslim problem in Israel, that european problem in Khazaria.

Hi guys redpill time.

America is about 65% nonhispanic white. America is rapidly becoming less white due to immigration, not due to domestic birthrates.

American-born blacks, Hispanics, jews, and leftist whites all have sub-replacement birthrates. Conservative whites and immigrant nonwhites have above replacement level birthrates. Thus immigration is the key to determining whether the country becomes white and conservative or non-white socialist hellhole.

Whites have the lowest miscegenation rates of any race and white women are even less likely to miscegenate than white men.

Don't get blackpilled. It's not too late. There's a bill in Congress now to strip power over immigration control from the judiciary. If the floodgates are shut, its not too late for things to self correct.


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Careful, it seems to be muh everything and everyone is Racist week in the MSM news cycle, countless articles today…

Checked. You have a valid point, but Trump himself is pushing for expanded legal immigration now… thoughts on how to get the Congress to go further right than Trump?

It's good. We need to have them enter this state of hysteria and never leave it. The less they give the impression of being in control, the more the normies will wake up and resist.

Remember how the Berlin wall fell: all it took was for one wrong sentence from one wrong authority figure to cause a massive revolution.

White people wanting their race to reproduce and stay the majority is somehow "racist?" If I want the best for my race, that means I hate other races, but only if I'm white, right?
Hatred of whites is even slipped into daily speech patterns.

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What it means is, the U.S. population is still increasing & in such a way as to eventually displace whites, but the libtarded are upset that it's not as stacked against whites as they'd like it to be.

There…I've just condensed all of the author's puke into a small paragraph.

If everything is green text then green text does not mean anything

London has always been shit
My family were from Leytonstone and Hackney but not by choice, in the industrial revolution they left their villages to go to the cities because the only jobs were in the slums and polluted streets of London. After WW2 the chance came to move out into Essex, Kent, Herts, Berks, the Home Counties etc and most Londoners took the chance because living in an industrial city is always depressing, always unhealthy and something that peasants only ever chose to do because they got evicted off of their farms and replaced by machinery.
The real unforgivable crime was sending millions of men to die in the fields of France in 1914 based on a lie (the war would be over by Christmas, we were fighting to save civilisation and protect our country).

Maybe it's because I was born in a rural region, and not subjected to a lot of the chemicals metropolitan regions are, but babies basically happen by accident.
Only one of my three kids was a "well, let's just see what happens" baby. And it only took one time, and she was pregnant again.
In my experience, having babies is not only something you can't plan, it is simply inevitable.

What if you're the woman and the breadwinner by a large margin, and you want to stay at home to raise the kids but can't afford to quit your job. This is a very common occurrence now and a big reason many avoid having children

This is exactly what traitor Ted Kennedy and his fellow traitor Democrats said when they changed the immigration policies to favor non-whites. They had graphs and stats phonied up to "prove" it, too, and the normies believed them.

yep. we have to put the blame where it belongs, which is on the immigration policy.
while fertility rates for Whites are arguably lower than the should be, there are some mitigating factors:
1) White "don't breed well in captivity" and a good portion of the lowering is because of the discomfort with the future, caused by the presence of diversity
2) there are subgroups of Whites who are breeding above replacement; call them what you will, "conservative" or "religious" etc., but the total fertility rate for the race includes a lot of our enemies, the self-haters, etc. sadly it also includes many who are simply brainwashed or discouraged and possibly able to be reclaimed, and we should work on that. putting economic incentives for productive Whites to have kids should help the brainwashed or discouraged amongst us. but once the currently-alive ones who absolutely don't want to breed, are bred out, the total rate should increase again.
regardless, if we didn't have the 1965 statutes and we had a border that functioned and no niggers or jews or spics in the country, the usa would hypothetically be fine in 2050 with the same population of Whites that it had in 1950. the primary - not the only, but certainly the primary and by orders of magnitude - should be the removal of diversity.
that said, i think that time, and the removal of diversity, will do a lot by themselves to improve the birth rate.

Wive and i just had our 6th about 5 months ago and she's pregnant with our 7th now.

Many in my local community instead of going for 1 or 2 kids are going for double digits. In part because of Christianity and the based preacher we have, but overall there's certainly a shift in conscious to the kike and their cancer that surrounds us, even the none natsocs i associate with are naming the jew and are aware of Marxism.

My town is pretty much responsible for over 80% of the births in most of the county, most surrounding counties maybe have 1 child out of wedlock or 2 at best, they have their youngsters leaving and coming to us for work or they go to college and stick in those urbanite hellholes due to sheer need for a job, though the internet is now increasingly allowing them to work from home/their own online small business.

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Do you take hazel-eyed wogs?

(checking those nice dubs)
Why can't you embrace being the breadwinner for your potential family instead? Women have just as much earning potential as men, so why fight what is naturally occurring. If your white husband is worth having kids with then he should be capable of raising the kids and being in the home/support role of the marriage while you make the money. There aren't as many men who can significantly out-earn women and give them that lifestyle as there used to be, but it's no reason to delay having a white family once you sort yourself out.


Praise Kek

Your 1st point is very true and isn't acknowledged enough. Whites need more space/freedom/barrier to reach their potential in birthrates. The U.S would resume it's historical demographic in 1-2 generations max if we could become a post-diversity society

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Spics are now the only ethnicity in the US above replacement rates. That will definitely drop if we can just seal the border and are left with those who have started taking our chems

You face off the horde with a fucking butterknife.

The only way this would make sense is if they weren't importing even more unruly shitskins at a rate of knots.

keep at it, how does your town manage its economy? tourism? is there a big factory etc?

If you're trying to convince your wife to not work, talk about it in terms of money. If she works, she's gonna have to spend money on a car to use along with the money it will take for upkeep and repairs. She will have to spend more money on daycares, babysitters, etc. to watch the children while you both are away. More money will probably be spent on fast food or quick microwave meals in order to keep up with her work schedule. There's tons of stuff that adds up in a month's expenses that one doesn't normally think about.

Hispanics still highest in the nation, however!

Attached: 2016 US birth rate, by race.png (1106x667, 67.01K)

Yes, but the fact is that if spics only have 0.3 more children than whites it would still take centuries for us to see a noticable change in demographics, while immigration makes their numbers grow in millions within a few years. For example from 1900 to now, niggers went only from 10% to 12%, it would be the same for spics without immigration. Take a good look at pic related. Everything wrong with demographics today is due to 1965+ immigration.

Attached: PH_2015-09-28_immigration-through-2065-03.png (636x360 26.32 KB, 52.78K)

they originated in hell

Great news tbh

This is actually an important point and helps explain the falling birth rates in non-whites.

Non-white pop culture is actually ground zero for marxism and feminism. Intersextionality is sold wholesale in non-white media. Being brown and being a pro-commie marxist go hand in hand now.

Hispanics being hit the hardest is very interesting. Hispanics usually have slightly higher IQs that niggers. This makes them the perfect candidates for pro-marxist programming. They are most likely to reguritate these jewish ideas without fully understanding them (unlike niggers who just yell das racist at anything they don't like)

You can see examples of this with terms like "Latinx" that are a gender neutral way of saying "Latino/latina". Also if you pay attention you'll start to see a lot more policing in non-white communities for wrong think.

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There are a lot of non-white people who are legally classified as such, according to my quick jewgle search. According to wikipedia, White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa (i.e. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt), and the Middle East (i.e. West/Southwest Asia, including Arabs, Assyrians, Bedouins, Jews, Kurds, Iranians; as well as Turkic peoples).

Well done. Maybe wait a couple more months though, after the next one. Births too close together can cause issues for mom and baby. And I think we can mostly agree that have 9 really good kids is better than 12 kids with 4 of them having a problem.

Because being pregnant takes a lot out of most women. Not to mention that nursing/pumping takes a lot of time and energy, and work gets in the way of a healthy milk supply.

Show her that you can support both of you and children on your income. Build up a 6 month stash of bill money to show her that not only can you provide on your sole income, but you can thrive too.

And how many of those whites are boomers?

White decline is not only due to new births, but upcoming deaths. White boomers are the largest generation next to millenials which are only 55% non-hispanic white.

We need the floodgates to shut and for non-whites to slow their breeding and for white to get their shit together and pop out some kids. It's possible but a lot has to come together. The birth rate decline in non-whites as stated in the OP is actually great news.

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Indeed. It's going to take drastic measures to counter drastic measures.

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Dontcelebrate too much ya dumbfucks, theres enough turd worl immigrations to round those numbers up well. and whitey is paying for it.

Stories of the slum areas during Victorian times make for gruesome reading, to be sure. But then again, those areas had a lot of kikes in those days.
Before WW2, I think a lot of people's opinion of London and Londoners, outside of the must-see tourist attractions, was pretty low. It was all the "bravely facing nightly bombing raids" propaganda that raised people's estimations (as if London was the only place being bombed). And even then, a shitload of middle class people GTFO'd to live with any tenuous relatives they had in the country, "trekking" on hours-long commutes to their jobs and escaping again as soon as they clocked out. Publications about the war now sometimes grudgingly admit that "the government downplayed the numbers", don't know if there's ever been a study into how many people were doing it. Wouldn't hold your breath waiting for one, it's as likely as any serious looks into the size of those anti-war, pro-appeasement protests outside downing street that only the discredited fake historian David Irving talks about. His only source being Churchill's personal diaries, what a faker, eh?

Race war now.

How is Gen X so small compared to everything else? I would think they'd be larger and Millennials and Gen Z would be smaller.


It really goes to show how committed anti whites are towards immigration if they want to change western nations demographics.
A decrease of the invaders fertility changes that demographic game entirely.
This is why every single concession squeezed out of these anti white pieces of shit will have huge ramifications down stream.

Poisoned food, poisoned air, poisoned water, poisoned vaccinations, toxic dentistry, toxic medicine, toxic programming…. the list just goes on and on. It’s depopulation. You’re being murdered, err genocided, no, culled by talmudic turds who think it’s their job ordained by G-d.


To be fair for WWI, Britain's consistent policy has been to keep one power from dominating the continent. Britain was kinda in a shit position because Germany was a continually rising star and Britain was a fading star.

but I have to take issue with this:
britain has worked precisely to keep one power dominating europe:
jewish finance

IThis is a Motivational, spiritual energy blast into your memetic Sphere!!!
A pep Rally!!! A call to arms!!! A return to God and a destruction of the VILE ones!!!

Well get cured and watch this Panacea for your mind!!!
You are not worthless Goyim Shit you are loved and appreciated and waiting for you to come home

Even if you dont believe in God there is alot of redpills in this video and you WILL FEEL BETTER !!!

Dont be!!! RISE UP

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You've clearly not been around new mothers if you think they're emotionally or physically ready to give up their babies after a couple of weeks of down-time.
Nor should they be.

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This. Americans have to accept that it was none other than the Internationalist Jew who abolished them back in 1965. Once this happens, they can finally rid themselves of the people and parties responsible for their ongoing genocide.

For every white couple I've come across: Conservative couples have 2 or 3 or more (mostly 3). Libs 1 or none.
Also lib children are more likely to be gay, mix or off themselves while their parents more likely to get killed because of their naive proximity to nigs in the city. The lib wing of whites are exterminating themselves.

That line always gets me