Prince Harry marries some mongrel mulatto

Feels good man

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Congrats, but this is not your blog

Have at least five white children, user

Saw no thread about the royal wedding

They had him marry a mud for the royal family's PR.

Support for the monarchy in the UK has been dwindling ever since Diana died. They want the gibs to continue indefinitely so they figure by adding diversity they will buy some time.

You are better than literal royalty right now.

Congratulations. Have at least 3 white kids, shoot for 4.

(sage for blogpost)

Jesus Christ who the hell painted all of that beautiful woodwork puke turquoise?

A mongrel Jewess is a punishment.

Attached: james-hewitt.jpg (500x421, 49.42K)

user, stop buying your blue raspberry snowcones from the Mexican stands.

He kind of looks like Charles there, kek.

Why are all of the pews so blue?

And why do you suppose that is?

I agree it's really ugly, but it's not uncommon. See pics related.

Attached: Turquoise_Church_Neuendettelsau.jpg (640x480 23.14 KB, 138.59K)

they dont look alike aside rom the red hair,.

Look at the ears, you faggot. Obviously Charles.

Because that hue wards off the jew.

White and light blue are colors usually associated by the Christian church with Mary mother of God.

Attached: mystery-rosary14.jpg (1006x1235, 116.14K)

Warding off jews for the mongrel alchemical marriage seems counter-peoductive

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Are royalty not supposed to only marry loyalty and not lower class people?


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Congrats, you are past the first onion skin, but there are several beneath it. Hewitt is not Harry's father.
How are you able to maintain credulity in the face of the publicly accepted facts?
- Arguably the most eligible bachelor on earth, selects a used up, middle-aged, mystery meat, single mother to be his bride?
- People actually believe that.
The "wedding" ceremony revealed what was already obvious to the awakened, the whole thing is a contrivance intended to promote the idea of race mixing and to normalize young men (yes, 33 is young, he isn't even at his SMV peak yet) marrying middle-aged single mothers as a "gentlemanly" thing to do.
This is how the normals think:
Single mothers up and down the country, nay, across the Western world, are going to be using this argument to beat men into submission:
Fair warning: Video shows some of the physical evidence indicating MM is male, and Harry is female.
Same dynamic is in place with William and Kate. Kate is an even more obvious tranny than Meghan.
And she walked out of the maternity hospital 7 hours after labour, in high heels.
And you believe that?

Kate and Meghan may be trannies, I'll give you that. But to claim Harry himself is a FTM is a bit of a stretch. He has a big nose and a beard.

Well they have been royalty in name only for over half a century so who really cares anyway?

That was a good thing, until you ruined it. You can get "Royal" Miscegenation coverage on every normie outlet.

I don't think she's has any children, and if you're pushing the tranny angle, that undermines your entire argument.

I watched the video, it was very eye-opening. I've seen some of that guy's other ones.

Are there any good transvestigations on Kate? He mentioned Mr. E in the comments, but apparently that guy's channel got shoahed.

What is a surrogate pregnancy? Do you know how easy it is for the elite to get their hands on a kid and claim it as their own?

We all fucking know this shit. What im interested in is what there kids will look like. Theyll pass as white no doubt about it.

New website at

interesting angle of the discussion.
Harry was redpilled or on its way and he was brainwashed into a racemixer

I'm sure these are just stucco and drywall, but this would honestly be beautiful if it was oiled timber framing. Minus the buttplugs on the chairs.

Attached: StaveChurchGermany.jpg (669x1000, 543.06K)

Is Harry going to be the next king?
If so,
If not,
You dodged a bullet england

Whoops, I meant dodged a plastic knife.
Or maybe a truck of peace.
Does England know what bullets are?

Allow me to answer most of your questions with a single answer:

A millenia of inbreeding

That's my favorite color

Yea, King Edward was forced to abdicate for doing the same thing.

I care so little about britbong royalty that I didn't even know who was marrying today. But seeing that it's the race mixers explains why youtube was trying to shove it down my throat today with their stupid logo shit. I suspected something along those lines.

But the royal family are German, user.

Kek, some of the shit you read on here, seriously

Here comes the "everybody is a tranny" schizo again, welcome back schizoid user.

You are applying a psychiatric label as an ad hominem, good goy for using it for its intended purpose.


Deserved, for spreading misinfo and making fools believe his baseless BS.

Patrick Little is against miscegenation, should be outlawed.

Transvestigation is only baseless if you ignore the irrefutable physiological differences between men and women.

Right, but why have him marry an old mare? She's 37 this August, do they plan to not have children?

Attached: 1455992796348.gif (255x192, 716.93K)

Probably to promote miscegenation and older women at the same time. Two birds, one stone.

I was recently in the hospital, and the TV was loaded with ads for some new TV movie based on their romance already. It's being sold as this hyper-romantic Romeo-and-Juliet thing. Absolutely sickening.

Wow, FtMs have clearly "made it" if someone is suggesting a prince is a secret FtM. Toppest kek.

Almost everything you mention IS a sexually dimorphic trait, but they are traits with huge overlaps. E.g. it is completely possible to be an XY male with little to no brow bossing. Spend some time looking at people's profiles in public. (It's also entirely possible for a woman to have shoulders broader than her hips, contrary to the ridiculous claims of that video. My sister is one of them, and I assure you she's not a tranny.) There are also beach photos of Harry available, just google that shit. Not hard to find.

These "everyone famous is a tranny" nuts have absolutely no appreciation for how difficult a paper trail a previous legal sex leaves behind. It might be possible for a ROYAL to hide that completely (I kinda doubt it, but let's say they'd have the power to silence anyone who talked), but a regular celebrity, even Michelle Obama, under that level of scrutiny hiding the paper trail of younger years? No way. You're talking literally thousands of possible documents with a previous name on it that someone could still have on file someone.

You're right!

Attached: man-who-thought-hed-lost-all-hope-in-humanity-loses-last-additional-bit-of-hope-he-didnt-even-know-he-still-had-MRMis.jpg (640x625, 31.53K)

Recently was in the hospital, too, well a family member, and all we watched was cooking shows. Hope you're doing better.

So Weinstein's ex-hole has signed the golddiggers contract?

Not an thread-ment newfag.

Only possible if already a cuck.

Becuase the other prince is having too many not nigger and jewish enough kids, so thay had to be nipped in the bud.

Hagrid: Blimey, Harry, did you ever wonder where your Mum and Dad learned it all?
Harry: Learnt what?
Hagrid: You're a cuck, Harry.
Harry: I– I'm a what?
Hagrid: A cuck! And a thumpin' good 'un, I'll wager, once you've been trained up a bit.

Attached: hagrid.jpg (750x500 96.93 KB, 95.82K)

The scenes of the castle, royal cavalry, etc. contrasted with that jive gospel type music they were blaring outside looked like something you would see in a jewish comedy a decade ago. Only now they're actually pushing this fusion IRL.

The transsexual agenda is one of deception. Most of the transsexuals running around are all incognito, never declaring their true form. It's unclear just how many there really are, because most don't leave any tracks. The purpose of the deception is to desensitize the average person as to what an ideal female or male body image is, which is why prominent public figures and celebrities are so often covert transsexuals masquerading as the other sex.

Many of these people are raised from infancy as transsexuals. The whole child tranny thing isn't a new phenomenon. It's been going on for millennia. People like Michael Obama, being a partner of a CIA asset, it's very easy to fix his past.


Well they both have plenty of jew blood, so…

Real life IS a jewish comedy.
I'd rather watch a jewish tragedy.