The jewish question is fucking complicated. Obviously not to us...

The jewish question is fucking complicated. Obviously not to us, but climbing the ladder from the current liberal abyss is whack. In order to combat this, I think we need to make a definitive copy-pasta for explaining the jq. If nothing else, trying will make us more articulate. So, I will start by posting a brief jq essay I wrote. Before you read it, it is shit and incomplete, help me add to it, rewrite it, w.e.

fuck off, lets crowdsource this shit and make something presentable. I don't want credit for this this shit, I want kikes to stop being kikes or die. Hell, maybe Patrick Little needs some talking points.

It is time to stop preaching to the fucking choir. We have the power of truth and objectivity, lets use it. We all know where it leads once people learn the truth.

Also, ITT post normie questions and responses to them.

I will start:

The hardest aspect of the jewish question today is talking about it. The language has become so polarized that it has become nearly impossible to discuss. I would like to try to breach this divide, and perhaps prevent a genocide from either side.

To do this, I have to explain to you exactly what it means to be a jew, in the eyes of the goyim. Now I am sure that as I write this there will be those who say “the people you are describing are not jews” etc. etc.. So the first thing I am going to address is who and what we are, collectively. I will start from the beginning.

People are animals. Plain and simple. We are not a product of the mind, as so many liberals would like to believe. Reality is not a choice. What makes reality real is that it doesn’t matter what you think about it. You drop something, it falls. This is absolute. Now a common trick of the mind is the idea that we can imagine things that do not exist, the proverbial tree falling in a forest not making a sound. In the extreme this can be true, but communication relies on constraints. For some sort of communication to take place, you need conservation. We often forget to realize that nothing exists in a vacuum, yet most of our policies and ideas are based around this very notion. The truth is the world is nonlinear in every way. It is exponential.

This conservation, the idea of a single body, is an attractive and powerful tool. It is the source of jewish power as I will explain. The idea of holiness (whole-y-ness) is the recognization that there is only one voice controlling the mind, not an infinite number of gods as the Greek mind would have. However, the issue with wholeness is scale. Yes, inside the mind there is only one voice, the self (reading the 10 commandments should make exponentially more sense to you know), but there is a world outside. There is something larger. The key issue with wholeness then becomes the inability to believe in something greater. In other words, the price of wholeness is selfishness.

We can argue about the origins of these ideas, personally I refer to Tacitus and biology, but regardless of the true origins, there are certainly philosophical issues with this mantra. The earliest attempt to combat this came from within judaism itself in the forms of Philo and Josephus. They created the myth of Jesus in an effort to save their people from the selfishness that wholeness can lead to. The christian myth was meant to save early jews from themselves, and if we read the Bible with this in mind, we can see what Philo and Josephus were trying to do.

It wasn’t perfect, nothing ever is. And over time, the language disintegrated. Virgin was no longer from the greek idea of a perfect bonding souls, a perfect conception in spirit, it became more materialistic. It became a weapon for future selfish people to use. Our world is characterized by the path of least resistance, a minimization of energy. There was likely no grand conspiracy, simply men using what was in front of them for their own selfish gains, as well as the fact that we often know the right path, but have not built the choice yet. The mistake comes before knowledge.

So at this point, I hope you understand the dangers of intent. That is to say, the idea that all of history has been a planned con. Perhaps there is some notion of a God, using as a simulation or something along those lines, but the point is that men, animals, did not do this, consciously. What did this was artificial selection.

Nature works by selecting organism that first and foremost survive. Viruses and bacteria to this day cause problems for macroscopic organisms simply by their will to survive.


Now, if this thread gets shoaed, again, mods are jidf faggots.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The jüden question is multifaceted
Why are they universally despised?
Why have they been evicted from 220 host countries over the years?
Why do they run all media?
Why do they run all banks?
Why do they run all academia?
Why do they practice illegal blood rituals?
Much etc

Fuck it I'll dump some useful hate facts

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Someone can continue on

getting some screenshots of books i been reading, hold on a sec.

Well done

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fuckoff blogposter

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A dolf, B dolf

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we the destroyers from maurice samuals you gentiles

I gotta organize these, so it may take me a sec. got like 100+ screens from old newspapers and books and shit.

InINCONCIEVABLE. Please share them all. Pol could use a cozy /lit/ break.

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you should read:

heredity and social progress by patten

books that show the evolutionary science of civilization will likely redpill the normies most. no thinking christian man believed the bible verbatim, ever. they all recognize the selection process it created.

Hollywood is THE MOST SIGNIFICANT and POWERFUL Zionist propaganda apparatus ever conceived….NOTHING that comes out of Hollywood is anything but veiled military-industrial messaging/signaling for the Zionist Cabal and "artistic portraits" for deviant sodomite worship…PERIOD…


nice day to do gardening.going to plant some shit then get at this. will remake thread if it gets shoa d

my jew family is the worst. they mutilated my penis. gas them all. please.

I want to deport not kill, but crimes are crimes

I too will be working outside today. Trenching my sprinkler lines then putting them in
White men make their properties better with work

No half measures. Deportations means they can regroup
Erased to a gene is the only solution

yea how'd that go for hitler you stupid faggot

yea how'd that go for hitler you stupid faggot

Hopefully thinking christians just become Athiest cause God is a retarded concept. Good to have around for the masses though that are normie dumb dumbs

yea, if you allow yourself to let the jews dictate the definition. man in the sky? no. something greater, that grows endlessly? getting closer.

atheists should be murdered. their minds are too literal for anything other than producing materialistic faggots.

as an example of the language jew, look up "virgin" from aristotle's time. it meant a clean birth, a union of two perfect souls. the unphysical aspect was forced by jews to break reason from the goy.

In addition to usual Talmudic jewish surpemacist bullshit there is another thread of the JQ that is important to understand. The long tradition of jewish antinomialism (morality inversion).

1670: Hundreds of thousands of Jews follow false messiah who tells them to break all moral laws.

1790: 500,000 Ashkenazi Jews decide it is their highest moral duty to break every moral boundary possible. Directly spawns marxism and post modernism. Directly fed into Reformed Judiasm.

Present: In 1950 Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson inherited leadership of a kabbalistic orthodox sect. His followers widly believed he was the messiah, although he never claimed this. There are now hundreds of thousands if not millions of adherents to "Chabad" movement. They're unabashedly jewish supremacists teaching non-jews lack a divine soul endowed to Jews and in fact goyim have demonic souls. Nominally an orthodox sect with focus on evangelical outreach to jews, this movement has offices EVERYWHERE and never seems to be short on cash despite most of their men not working. Go google your nearest one. They are centered on a Ukrainian orthodox rabbi (cult leader) who maintains an esoteric creed of antinomialism (only for the messianic lineage of rabbis of course.)
More on Chabbad supremacism:

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the music industry []part of hollywood is a massive, massive tool of intentional cultural degeneration

classic rock of the 60s 70s 80s until today all extremely degenerate and nihilistic
promoting drug use, race mixing, lgbt, and most importantly subservience of men to uworthy whorish females.[destruction of western masculinity]
[when i listen to classic rock at my job nearly every fucking song makes me sick; the subtle demoralizing messages that have been pushed decade after decade…]

this music has conflated the idea of lust with love[logos] and and delivered countless crushing blows to the average western psyche. this along with other media, feminism have almost annihilated the family unit.

also to go further, the low vibrational fequencies of most of the music are subtly sexually stimulating and a lot of the actual instrumentation is really impressive so people ate this shit up.

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Related are those webms of that French scholar on the extraordinarily high rates of incest in Jewish families. We all know the stories of Orthodox rabbis in hot water for sliding their Hebew National between a young boys thighs, but also Reform Diaspora Jews have an untold history of sibling, aunt-nephew, uncle-niece and parental incest.

Incest and other sexual perversions being an aspect of antinomial Frankism, that's why it's related.

Okay, lets talk about how Jewish Jesus is and how Christianity is an alien Semitic Desert religion and see how "obvious" the discussion gets.

Lets talk about Christians cumming buckets for Isreal all over the United States and see how "obvious" it is. Kikamphy is gone lets settle this fucking shit NOW.

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Just mention the origin of the word kikel, that the kikes glorify not Jesus by making O's instead of X's Then say Jesus is not a kike because of the whole point behind the word kikel.

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If they are still skeptical about kikes then mention picture related and how kikes aren't actually physical jews, but are fake jews that are khazars.

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And if after that they are still skeptical about the kikes, then mention (((they))) ignore what leviticus 25:36 states
No usury, or increase which makes the kikes giant hypocrites ignoring their own proclaimed teachings.

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I recommend books on genetics to flesh this philosophy out.

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Need to draw attention to the control of the world's reserve infrastructure, central banking, currency & ETF issuance.
Inflation is the tax of the kikes

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we should write a book

No that only applies to other Jews. They can charge non-jews and in fact are morally obligated to.

I think its important to point out the following in any copy pasta

Finally, you must phrase things in a convincing way. Saying "people are animals" is a turnoff and people will not listen. In stead say that human actions primarily driven by biological drives not by culture (and culture is determined by biology).

Stop blaming other people for your problems, youre just jealous of Jews.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to a graphic here on Zig Forums where it goes way way back to when an arm of the jews started loaning money and they were called something? Maybe based on a sign that was hung over their door? It carries all the way through to current day.

Someone showed it to me on another board but they said it came from Zig Forums it was really interesting and I want to review it again.

Dunno about a graphic, but this is what you're referring to

Not the Graphic I was looking for but basically the samething. Thanks

This read says that zyklon b was used to genocide the jews, and that hitler was funded by the rothschilds, i was under the impression that the war started because hitler removed the jewish owned banks and installed their own currency. am i retarded or am i missing something?


gas yourself

The latter is what actually happened, see "The Greatest Story Never Told", whilst the former is an attempt by kikes to muddy the waters and D&C NatSocs.

No, the source you're reading is retarded.

Why Jews Promote Multiculturalism

First of all, let it be said the multiculturalism is a euphemism for multiracialism. It was sold to us in a classic bait-and-switch con job, as multiculturalism among the various cultures of Europe (English, Irish, Scottish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, etc) but then morphed into the multiracialism we see today.

The following five reasons are not mutually exclusive but each contains a slightly different emphasis:

1. The Jews know that the White race is their only serious obstacle to the Talmudic dream of a one-world state under their control. They seek the displacement, marginalization, and eventual extinction of the White race.

2. In a divided land the most cohesive group will rule. Jews have a high level of racial solidarity.

3. By importing into our lands elements that are racially incompatible with Whites, the Jews hope for the class and racial divisions which will result in social chaos. This will contribute to their overall plan of divide-and-rule.

4. By reducing the White population to a minority the Jews will be able to control and/or eliminate all collective forces not alligned with their own.

5. Multiculturalism destroys a sense of National Community among Whites. It makes difficult, if not impossible, the possibility of finding living space where Whites can live, work, play, and mate among our own kind. Clubs, societies, professional associations, labor unions, schools, hospitals, etc must all, by force of law, be 'inclusive'. They must all be made multiracial. The effect of this is that it destroys our White National Community.

Jews are aware of this, which is precisely why they promote it. As it says in The Protocols:

" In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM [non-Jews], putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOYA [non-Jew] States. "
Protocol 1, paragrap 26. The Protocols of Zion

As stated in Mein Kampf:

" It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master. "
–Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Ch. 11

Let William Pierce explain it more clearly.

Read The Culture of Critique and read Libido Dominandi and try to debunk whatever it says, protip you can't.

For My Legionaries opened my eyes even further on the jews.

Capped for nice red-pill.

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But what if the Jewish people are really trying just to make the world a better place and all of you who hate them are the bad ones?
