Brit/pol/ #2822: Went To A Heavy Metal Club Last Night It was So Much Fun tbh edition

Bleep boop

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good high quality thread lad I am sure the dayfags won't bully us for this one

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banged a slag lads sex is overrated

that was a close one lad

Time to move shops

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Oh well


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FUCK bullies

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The night shift was atrocious. I say we ban 'em all

t. dayfag in 10 hours

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why bully when you can be like wojak and pepe tbh

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bullies come in all shapes and sizes, don't let a mean person make you feel down lads.

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Should I post my willy?

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ahhhhhh thank you mummy

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Posted it

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Nice, check out mine

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feel bad for bullies sometimes, they always have something bad going on in their lives, it doesn't excuse their behaviour but I can understand their perspective.

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would prefer it if pepe left me alone but he'd understand and respect that tbh

he's here, lads. Careful so you don't offend him or you'll be in the next vocaroo

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You bullied me with that vocaroo lad

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It was actually really funny tbh but pissed me off because I was hungover

pepe isn't always right (no one is) but he acts out of compassion which I can appreciate

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sorry lass i did not know that you were aspiring poet I thought they were some /int/ shit

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it's alright, lad. I did post that dating app stuff smh.


Just came back from a night club lads,there were loads of ebonyperium genestealers that were giving me 'the look' as Dazza would say. The Serena Williams lookalike was a bit of alright it took all my willpower not to impregnate her on the spot

did they shake they bootay

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No lad that would be immoral

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alrite bud. Started to see what you experienced to a lesser degree in the multicultural school I worked at. alleged refugee kids getting away with destroying property because they come from a troubled past. Such a bad thing for kids to experience as they are good at picking up on what's fair and unfair. White kids were diagnosed and drugged, brown kids were excused.


not convinced by cowposting tbh

Everything felt more wholesome when Ron Paul was the memi candidate tbh

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Even foxposting was better


exactly the white women pathologize all young white male behavior and excuse all shitskin behavior and then the young girls are all railroaded into being like lisa simpson or being whores


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good lad

Hope I can find a lass that wants to homeschool tbh. School standards has been lowered so much that you can easily teach them primary level school stuff yourself, and probably over a shorter time. Varg's children, if we're to believe him, actually excel and do better than school kids their age.


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is that your mummy gf?

katharina posted a new video btw

post it lad

no its a lass from vikangland


Oh really? The pics just looks strangely American. Don't know about other Scandinavian gun laws but in Norway she would need to either have been in the military or to do competition shooting regularly to own that gun.

Blacks lauded over our fucking school, feel annoyed how I viewed myself back then. Arrogant wankers should have had their heads kicked in

its a finnish rifle, she is a finnish conscript

she is so autistically meticulous with her rifle lmao I just beat the shit out of my guns I don't have fancy guns though


yeah that same culture is what drove that one creatura nick or whatever to shot up his school. its really toxic. the idea of integrated schooling is a disaster both male/female and between races.

Ah, if I ever get a hunting rifle I'll probably get a Finnish one. Eyed the Tikka t3x a while back.

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*bans the last semi-automatic rifle you could own 7 years after Breivik used it just for a couple more votes*

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I would wrestle her I am faster and stronger and I could leg choke her out I bet. I bet she is a better woodsman and woodland hunter than I ever could be tho

Cowardly and unamerican

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guess what I am buying tomorrow lass?

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I entered the alt-shite by getting redpilled on the holocaust in 2011

Miss big dave.




guns won't save you when the sky cracks and the doggomen climb back up out of the earth

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Lucky. So many menes on it being shit but I read up a lot on it and was just about to buy it before the ban. Apparently later models are very accurate in comparison to earlier ones. Gonna shoot some coyotes?

maybe one day, yeah the new ruger minis are very good quality. the one I found is an old lass from 1981 with a weaver mount on it smh but its a good deal. plus old style minis can be mounted in side folder stocks easier

*walks upstream and blows peaceful beavers' heads off with a shotgun* smh sorry lassies.

Watching it again lads

buying myself a mute gf tomorrow tbh lid

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keeek, makes me laugh every time

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smh lad I don't mean it like that, she's a lovely lass and not a whore


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Got a bottle of wine in case she changes her mind about drinking and wants a little bit

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I just saw a lowhanging fruit and I strawmanned it. sorry lad

It was like when lads say "I'm going the shop any lads want anything?"

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now that's how you strawman

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you should worry about your own imaginary gf lad

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Quality Harry Hill

been doing so lad. I liked a lassie and sent a message but she hasn't been online all day.

I'm going to get you lad

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yeah that was cringy god I hate that song


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What's your torque made of lad?

kek you want a pic?

Of course.

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you came to the wrong cornfield

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