What is your opinion of the medical field?

What is your opinion of the medical field?

Are the Jews holding back medical cures because it's more profitable to treat chronic conditions?

Attached: Ultimate dose.webm (329x302, 7.91M)

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Martin Shekreli, etc.

The Pharmaceuticals have a stranglehold on competion backed by Government support. So cheap live saving drugs are sold at incredibly high rates despite being sold much cheaper in other countries. This a point that leftists and NatSoc can agree on as bullshit, neocons exempt. If you're talking about cancer research being a scan then yeah, it seems likely they would be holding such medicine back.

Thanks doc.

Holy shit, nu/pol/ is so fucking co opted it fucking hurts to laugh.
Get a fucking life faggot.

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Thanks doc.

Some medicine is good. Most of it isn't as effective as other methods. There are cures being withheld. The entire medical department is aids in the US.

I know the feeling. I have a brain problem causing me chronic 24/7 pain and my Jew doctor is telling me that I have OCD.

Try a 72 hour water fast. You probably eat too much sugar, you need to detox the body, reset your immune system.

Try homemade frankincense oil made using the bain-marie method, if the taste is too nasty for you, then put some of said oil in a bowl with finely powdered sugar and mix it into a paste, and knead it into tiny portions and set it out in the sun to dry. Nice homemade medicinal candies.

They have been pushing (((circumcision))) for decades in the United States.


I would say that Jews are holding back many sciences because of their profiteering-minded approach to every. fucking. thing. Creativity is low and our grandparents are on gurneys shitting themselves while niggers laugh. It's simply the people and the social strata that need to be changed. Otherwise we just get random chocolate-milk nigger nurses that sound like spics and have no empathy.

Attached: ham for cat.jpg (448x500, 46.73K)

Not just Niacin, Niacin and Fructose together!

Attached: Paranoid George on welfare idiots and mental health as a chemical imbalance4.jpg (702x889 185.93 KB, 194K)

It's a bundle of huge monopolies fixing things for their members, but no one will consider allowing competition because "what if someone sells shitty medicine." As if they don't anyway

Had this problem since I was a small child it's only gotten worse as an adult so I doubt that it's sugar or any nutritional problem. The only thing that seems to help is new sensations that seem to distract my nervous system. Whenever I try to analyze and figure this out my Kike doctor just tells me that my drive to understand my condition is itself OCD.

Really goddamn frustrating.

ever try noopept?

I need a girlfriend.
An instruction to get girlfriend in easy way.
Everything is possible.
I will go out once I got a good advice.

I am asking this because it is thug in India to get girlfriend due to fucking society

Attached: IMG_20180529_122127394.jpg (1944x2592, 1.9M)

Blow yer head off pajeet. Do it in the designated shitting street.

I need girlfriend.
Will your visit my city?

I don't see how a nootropic would help. My IQ is fine my problem is chronic pain.

Thanks doc

Noopept has a secondary function and that is forging new neural pathways and mending nerve damage. It also helps with brain issues.

If true that could be very promising. Do you have any better sources than Reddit and a website for women who want to buy gifts for their significant others?

I need a girlfriend

Get out.

What exactly is wrong with asking for anons general opinions on a large part of society?

Here, have a document with cited studies.
And a forum with ancedotal experiences: bluelight.org/vb/threads/794880-Noopept-as-a-painkiller-is-it-only-me-and-why
And here is a great place to buy with a sterling reputation: nootropicsdepot.com/

There's a QTDDTOT for these.
This thread is asking for spoonfeeding at best, sliding the board at worst. Both are cancer and asking why is outing you as a newfaggot who should lurk two years before posting.

Fuck it, want some recipe infographics?
By the way there's a good herbalism thread on /tok/ >>>/tok/465 post there, The resident wizard will be able to aid you. He sure has aided me.

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I had the exact same thing.
I did a 100 hour water fast and was more or less cured. Still have a bit of pain every now and again.

Seconding niacin, it's good for this sort of thing op. Excess estrogen can also cause unbearable pain, anything that can reduce it will help.

thanks, doc

Worth a shot. I guess.

Daily dose I guess huh

martin shkreli did nothing wrong
jacking prices on orphan drugs (meds for rare diseases) is the only way such drugs can exist and be improved

look into patent controversies, scihub (piratebay of science papers) and some shkreli videos

Attached: A message to the pharmaceutical lobbying group PhRMA - pharmaskeletons shkreli.webm (300x168, 10.99M)

Go to the Mayo Clinic of at all possible. Doctors don't know shit when an issue comes up that isn't incredibly common. Doctors are practically assembly line workers now csuse they only spcialize in one area instead of looking at problems holistically.

Shreki even gave them to the needy. Only rich people and insurance companies paid those high prices. He did nothing outside industry norm. How did he go to jail anyways?

I promise that doctors know way more than you, and not only that, but they will always make more money (and be taxed more) than you.

Did you read my post? I trust doctors. I even recommened the MAYO CLINIC. You're an idiot.

The food was engineered to make people sick. Not Nappy Niggers. But people. So the NBA farming NFL nigger food was used as a weapon and in turn by getting I'll from the food then they could sell you nigger cold medicine just in time for winter. Then they knew what time you would die so they could prepare your re-entry. Now the Nigger Marine programmed you as a ball of clay with yet again the same ailments

See the thread we had earlier in the year about holistic/alternative medicine doctors getting suicided. One of the better threads from the imkikefy/trumpnigger era

Also here is a definiteion of holistic sense it probably triggered your low IQ brain.

I guess only a Hippy would take a whole system into Account? Wtf are doctors doing at the Mayo Clinic then?

This. Even our old threads are being shitted up by 4cuck niggers. These are normalfag questions you ask over there for the retards. Anyone with half a brain knows kikes are holding shit back.


Mayo clinic is a shitty health blog, you're not going to get any help from there beyond bullshit.