NZ/AUS pozzed with The Gom

NZ/AUS pozzed with The Gom



Of course none of this should come as a surprise to any of the Kiwi or Aussie anons here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Screengrab of the article for anons worried 5éýés does anything but suck chinese cock, lmfao

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Shameless self bump

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The Chinese government kicked up the biggest shit storm a few months back when we banned foreign political donations. This came after a senator tipped off a Chinese businessman that he may be being watched by ASIO after he was paid $40K. Said Senator was forced to resign, thankfully.


no u

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Attached: In April 2014 Tony Abbott announced Australia would buy 58 more F-35 fighters..jpg (768x432 44.71 KB, 23.63K)

Literally like 50% chink.

No wonder there's lots of spies.


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Posterboy for their Gay Marriage referendum, no less.
Of course they didn't bust him until *after* the vote.

Unfortunately true. Shops don't even bother with English signs in Sunnybank. Australia, NZ and even Hong Kong are going the way of Albania. I'm not sure of the state of housing in NZ, but in Hong Kong and Australia it's bad. Worse in Hong Kong, where mainland Chinese will buy a land for 200% of its asking price (seriously). But in Australia, we're facing a homeless boom due to housing prices which are being heavily fucked with by the Chinese coming in and offering to buy a house for asking price with no negotiations.
Chinks did this exact same thing in Vancouver in the 90s/early 2000's. I don't want my cities to turn into cess pits like Vancouver.

Chinks are Australia's Jews

M8 here in NZ houses are going up in value faster than we can earn money. If there were even any decent jobs in this shithole, which there ain't. I gave up tbh.

A powerful sense of national pride built on a belief in historical humiliation, combined with an inability to distinguish between the nation and its government, goes a long way towards explaining why many in the Chinese diaspora, including Chinese-Australian citizens, remain loyal to the PRC and defend its actions even when they conflict with Australia’s values and interests.
- Silent Invasion: China’s influence in Australia – Clive Hamilton

The US's primary goal in all things since it became an empire in 45 was to fuck everything up and destroy the west.

Ausfag checking in. No, this is not a surprise to any of us. The yellow menace is completely out of control in this country, and our pissweak politicians are supportive of this state of affairs, because chink immigration and property development is pretty much the only thing driving our GDP these days. It's the worst kept secret in the country: scale back immigration and our economy will crash. It is inevitable anyway, but no politician wants it to happen on his watch, so he just kicks the can down the road. Thus the gates stay wide open, and the chinks continue to colonise us.

Because if the economy collapse then the politicans are likely to be hanged. Aussies know that the political system is a joke.

Five Guys Burgers and Spies. Seriously though they have got to be the biggest buddy fucker on the planet. The levels in which they're willing to fuck their own over for just a few quid makes even the jews blush.

Jews are Australia’s Jews. Google “high rise Harry” and guess what tribe he belongs to. The chinks can be dealt with easy enough when the time comes. Every time China over expands historically they collapse on themselves, not to mention large swaths of Chinese ex-pats in the west depise the communist party.

Can confirm Auckland, NZ is the hardest hit. House prices have gone up so shitty 3 bedroom flats are going for 1 million. Many kiwis are getting horribly in debt as they are dumb enough to actually fucking buy a house in this market with the intention of living there. The signs that have chinese on them are limited only to the "don't spit" and "please flush your toilet paper instead of throwing it in the gutter/bin" etc signs that really shouldn't need to be put around the place. To most it seems like an admission that the chinks are subhuman sewer creatures congealed from some pollution on the asian mainland but to the few like me it's a creeping trend where NZ becomes a chinese puppet state. Christchurch is, as far as I'm aware, the only other place with a massive chink problem. They seem to be spreading through work visas for farms though south east asians (philipinos mainly) make up the loin's share of foreign farmers.

So those tinpot commie eggrolls are subverting the Australian/New Zealand governments? And that's simply okay? They're just gonna let that happen?
New day, new adventure.

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If you're referring to the Lambing Flat uprising when we purged the chinks in 1861, it won't be anywhere near as easy this time around. Australia today is a vastly different place then it was back then. The Lambing Flat uprising was possible because we wanted to purge the yellow cunts by race. Now that Whites have had their racial identity crushed out of them by the jew media, they don't know who they are anymore. It is very hard to get people like that motivated.