Brit/pol/ #2825: 1984 Edition

While running a facial recognition pilot, one man covered himself up. The police forced him to show his face & then fined him for disorderly conduct

US Will Not Sign Christchurch Call Against Online Extremism

Macron, Ardern host Paris summit against online extremism

80,000 responses on neo-Nazi web forum from the UK

Nigel Farage visits Welsh Assembly to greet new Brexit Party politicians

BBC journalists attacked by Tommy Robinson fans outside the Old Bailey

Eurostar Protester said politicians are 'fucking up Brexit'

McDonald's in Austria offers hotline to embassy

Attached: BBC UK police cctv 1984.mp4 (720x720, 10.57M)

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Deus Ex is reality tbh.

Attached: UNATCO.webm (576x360, 7.31M)

What do you say to a girl after "hi"?

"do you have a moment to hear the gospel of our lord jesus christ"

reminder that a significant number of nigger cattle have willingly installed telescreens into their homes.

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daily reminder that facial recognition doesn't work if you wear Insane Clown Posse make up
we'll be reaching peak clownworld soon enough

Attached: simpson clown pill.mp4 (1280x720, 1.94M)


Watch the ones where they were trying out Ethanol and people were on fire but you can't see the flames and everyone else is looking bemused as they burn

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she is more CHristian than me


sky news going hard on the muzzies over these school protests tbh

It is akin to the the Pharisees in biblical times.

We already are. And as for facial recognition for the burka brigade, the govt will give them a free pass because Muslims.

The worst ones are when the car goes into the air and get caught in the fence, it's like a massive cheese grater but for human flesh.

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xth for Nazbol gang

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some people just don't understand the dangers of indiscriminate surveillance.

Would that mean they are above or below the law?

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Got a text today asking for an email, suggested text was an email address.


alexa please call the police my co-parent is not liking my instagram pics of our child being nonced by trannies

oof wonder if I can replicate that where my balls would be the driver


Attached: amazon half life 2.mp4 (1280x720, 2.94M)

tler did nothing wrong


They're above the law lad.
Also this trial is a precursor to the 5g network. They couldn't pull this off without it. China has been doing this for a while.

"it's my religion constable"

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reminder that your children will turn you into the government for being politically incorrect.
reminder that talking in your sleep with a telescreen around is the most dangerous thing you can do.
reminder that having bad thoughts can makes you mysteriously disappear.

Attached: fifty_more_years_of_toil_homer.jpg (393x527, 202.2K)

what does the 5g network have to do with it? i'm a tech brainlet

I'm looking forward to LARPing as gordon freeman when the NWO finally pulls off the clownworld mask and takes over.

8 chan mentioned in shut it down bill


Never mind it's over.


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google HKs are enroute to terminate your leasing contract with this plane of satan's autogynic realm

it'll fry us, lad.

5g is scary as fuck lad. Targeted radiation can see through walls, let alone the potential if weaponised.

5g will allow the internet speed necessary for constant monitoring in high definition. We're already the most CCTV'd nation on earth. Putting 2 + 2 creates a horrible 4 in this case.



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Yes. You are.

Attached: Bowden3.jpg (1519x1293, 271.52K)

How long ago????

Bigger bandwidth. You need it for scanning thousands of faces per day plus other things.

Attached: How they found Bill Clinton.jpg (1024x768, 120.69K)

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ffs I've already told them ages ago I hate those listening devices.



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Moments before I posted.

Now it's 'moral imperative to stop eating meat'. Literally what we were just talking about.

what do you need spotify for? just download it tbh

Attached: doggo cucked.png (576x768, 594.98K)

mmmm. lovely artificial meat.

*just down load the songs i mean

imo Zig Forums wont even be around in 5-10 years. They're gunning for us now.


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Attached: Cheeky_Bill.png (1908x527, 768.37K)

I don't 'need' it lad, I was just mooting the idea.

artificial meat will be for the upper-middle classes lad, we will just get the bugs.

Waiting for them to mention bug burgers now.


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (480x360, 257.12K)

good lad.
talking to normies about tech is almost as depressing as talking to them about politics

Why the fuck are none of them questioning why it's free.


What the fuck is that hair

Ah their we are, we need to make it much more expensive to stop people eating beef. Apart from the few that can afford it of course. Cunts.

Whole meeting is pointless without the US being involved.

Good lad.

Attached: doggo themepark.webm (854x480, 7.78M)



We need to kill them all before they implement their hellish new world agenda, at the ballot box.

Starting a cannibalistic cult if they start banning meat.



not today

Those captchas where you click on buses/bicycles/fire hydrants enable this. You're being forced into programming their AI.

Meanwhile they're sending half the world's food production as aid to Africa.

Honk honk.
I've made this argument and they verbally put a tin foil hat on my head. The mad thing is that it is well known.

Should have made it very quiet rather than silent so people crank up the volume smh.

boomers have ruined the internet

You'll be able to stream the latest poz from Netflix even faster, and that's all you need to know you fucking nigger cattle.

I would but the original is silent and I can't find the source vid

Along with zoomers tbh.

thanks lad

Tbh normies have ruined the internet.

>"oh it can't spy on you all the time it needs a voice command before it can hear you!"
>"oh you're just being paranoid"

Attached: google.png (816x842, 271.07K)

the glitch is someone found out about it



Laugh now but it wont be too long until the UN Civil Protection squads come raiding your neighbourhood after Amazon drones spotted you growing non-GMO veggies in the garden.

Okay which one of you is this?

Attached: Untitled.png (517x593, 129.29K)

The Watergate affair was ahead of it's time.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (284x589, 39.95K)


But yeah it's being sold as just a next step from 4g but it uses a higher frequency/shorter bandwidth that's open to causing damage, the effects of which haven't been investigated publicly whatsoever, and will need much more closely arranged high frequency transmitters every x number of meters, effectively short wave radiation literally everywhere.