The most successful nationalist of the 20th century

Gandhi was the most successful nationalist leader of the 20th century. He wanted the British out of India, and he got results. You can learn more from Gandhi than you can from Hitler. Gandhi played to the strengths of his people and the weaknesses of his enemy, and he got results.

Shitposting about the Day of the Rope may be fun, but it will never happen and daydreaming about it is ultimately counterproductive. Luckily for white people, we don't need to kill our rivals to rise above them, all we need is a level playing field. Libertarianism naturally favors the white man. If we want to stop the Brown Horde all we have to do is stop feeding them. We don't need to kill them, we don't even need to deport them, which is good, because you will never find broad support for those ideas, all we need to do is cut off their welfare. They will become less inclined to move here, and the ones that are already here will be less equipped to outbreed us (which they do at an alarming rate).

Libertarians are NOT ancaps. Libertarians believe that there are some legitimate roles of government. The vast majority of libertarians believe that protecting the country from foreign invaders is a legitimate role of government. Having strong borders is 100% compatible with libertarianism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You know, the most interesting thing I find about this whole "Libertarian is Zig Forums" push is how you some of you guys are willing to make some "concessions" only to push us to drop important key issues like the JQ, the importance of white ethnostates, and a presence of a White Identity in society. Libertarians don't fit in here. You're all just a slow knife in the back and will always stand opposed to us on moral issues and social issues, often favoring the bottom line above all else, even when it harms your own nation and people.

Gandhi was a HUGE fan of Hitler and actually wrote to him expressing his admiration. It should also be noted that Gandhi's success had more to do with the USA financially crippling Great Britain, than what the Indians themselves did.

Gandhi's tactics would never have worked if WW2, and all of the consequences of it, had not happened. He needed Hitler to half-destroy the Empire, and he needed the Americans to break their back when they were weak.

Gandhi used the right tactics at the right time, and that's the point. Passive resistance wouldn't work against most people, but it did work against white people at the right time. The point of the comparison is to point out that successful nationalist movements can and should be smarter than simply hating jews and niggers. Unfortunately, the majority of 8/pol/ users will never understand that, like this donkey for example:

This is only due to (((certain communist backers))). You might as well say that "Nelson Mandella was a successful nationalists" They were only successful because they were supported by (((communists))).

Now this is how you shit post.

I agree that we should be smart about what we do, but let's not pretend like Gandhi's methods were what got anything done. It was the USA destroying the British Empire that won them their freedom. It was unviable for the British to continue to hold on to anything because the Americans were waging economic warfare against them whilst simultaneously fostering revolutionaries in all of their colonies. Gandhi was a useful figurehead, but he would not have got anywhere without the Americans undermining the British at every turn.

We do not have the luxury of other powers undermining our enemy in the same way. We point out the hypocrisy of waging these wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria - and we speak up for the Russians, Best Koreans and Iranians; but at the end of the day none of them have our best interests at heart, and none of them are really striking against the parasite; instead they are just trying to defend themselves from it.

Gandhi only succeeded because Britain was fighting two costly wars in Europe. Britain didn't even annex India anyway, a company did, when the company went bankrupt ownership was shifted to the Queen.

Libertarianism has been a part of Zig Forums since before Zig Forums was Zig Forums you fucking newfag. Gas yourself.

This, he was in the right place at the right time. And look at what his accomplishments are anyway - India's a complete shithole because he didn't supplant British rule with any sensibility, just left India to rot and devolve into shitting in the streets.

The thing about revolution is there's no cookie-cutter, easy way to do it. Even the massive, complex systems employed by literal billionaires don't have guaranteed results - what makes you think "durr just be like Ghandi" would work? I agree that trying to push "DAY OF THE ROPE" and "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" won't win any favor, but neither will pretending the methods of the past would work today.

He made it unprofitable for them to be there, so they left. Yeah, there was all sorts of other geopolitical events occurring that played a role, but in the end, the principle is the same. If it's not profitable to be there, then white people leave. If nobody gives brown guys free food, then they won't hang around taking handouts and breeding like rabbits.

Hitler would have had Gandhi killed. As a matter of fact, he questioned why the Brits didn't do exactly this.
His favourite film was The Lives of a Bengal Lancer for Christ's sake. "This was how a superior race must behave." He couldn't fathom how the Brits went from a small, iron fisted, rule of mud people to letting this little uppity shit cause such mischief.

< Muh Pacifism

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Be like Gandhi and use the right tactics at the right time. Would passive resistance work against brown guys? No. But the only sensible path to an ethnostate is first giving people the freedom to associate with who they do and don't want to associate with. If business owners were allowed the same freedom to decide who does and doesn't enter their business as homeowners are allowed about their home then we'd have an ethnostate tomorrow. It would begin as a racially segregated HOA.

Point is, Brits would've retaliated if other events didn't deplete their forces. Nigs aren't white people, they aren't an assembly, they're rouge invaders willing to chimp out.

Gandhi wasn't up against Hitler, he was up against the British. He did what worked against what he was up against, and that's the point.

Exactly. There need to be more posts like this.

Learn from nationalists and movements that won.

India is very wealthy. If you judge an entire country by the lifestyles of their lowest caste you would believe that America is nothing but homeless crackhead niggers.

But more importantly, India belongs to Indians. So what if they aren't the biggest super power in the world? They had a successful nationalist movement, and it's worth learning from.

Gandhi didn't defeat the British, so much as the British keel over from economic exhaustion after eternal Angloing Germany twice. Notably Gandhi's dream for a united India collapsed, with the Hindus losing control of the literal birthplace of their civilization - and Gandhi's assassin, a Hindu Nationalist, had his speech in court censored because the judiciary believed his speech was too convincing and would cause massive bloodshed and the victory of Hindu Nationalists. The assassin's reasoning? Gandhi preached peace and tolerance only to Hindus, he did not to Muslims. His reasoning was that Gandhi was not ensuring peace, merely the eventual elimination of Hinduism by conversion and one way tolerance.
Does any of that sound familiar to today?

They're still not white and they shit in the streets
The shit runoff from the entire fucking continent leaves little shitstains all along the India ocean rim all the way down to Antarctica

No thanks
Fuck poo niggers


You're asking the real questions here

Actually I revise this in that I don't know where OP is going with the libertarianism thing. Not to say it would never work, but it wouldn't be my first choice.

Barry Goldwater tried the libertarianism tactic and it didn't really work.

White identity is vital. If OP isn't concerned with that, I don't know where he's going. However, spreading White identity is 100% compatible with Gandhi's strategies (see: It's Okay To Be White).

I honestly believe that the most likely path to an ethnostate begins with giving people the freedom to freely associate or not associate with whomever they choose.

You must be deluded if you can't see op was just another faggot lolberg twisting facts to hang onto something that existed.
ALL the faces of lolbergism are for open borders and muh based spics.

non-violence only works against whites.

if ghandi had tried that shit against niggers, they would have just executed him.

Oh, you are the op.
You can suck our cocks then. You won't pull a curtain over our eyes. And Ghandhi wasn't a lolberg either. And as others mentioned, he also promoted one way "tolerance", or as we call it here, being a cuck.

Nah, that's a strawman, I addressed it in the OP even though it wasn't my main point because I knew someone would say that dumb shit. Strong borders is 100% compatible with libertarianism. The vast majority of people that claim otherwise aren't libertarians. That's like getting your information about National Socialism from someone other than a National Socialist, it's pretty much guaranteed to be all fucked up and wrong.

I agree.

The problem with your suggestion is that (((the bankers))) hate, envy and fear the Amalekites (Aryans) much more than their shitskinned half-dravidian offspring that can't even poo in the loo.

And they were always circlejerking retards with little if anything of value to contribute.



Here is the thing, faggot.
National Socialism existed and worked for awhile, but it wasn't even the first of its kind. It was referenced from the tim of the Romans and to all other societies in history.
It wasn't a made up fantasy nor even an attempt at utopia.

Your little bullshit never even existed. That is the real problem. Why? I don't feel like spending the night awake so I just say that wishing for the vast majority of plebs to act rightly is infinitely more retarded than to expect the elites and the smartests and strongests to fuck up. History proved it.

strength of Indians was shitting on streets and laying on top of train tracks, weakness of the British was being civilized and not running those subhumans over.
Ghandi was a kike-like

You just called yourself a faggot.

You've been spending this whole thread clicking the wrong posts and not knowing who the fuck you're talking to.

I wish you the best of luck with your Day of the Rope, tho, I'm sure it will happen any time now.

This. Normal Authoritarianism is natural. lolberturdianism and communism aren't.


who are you quoting?

Oh no. I'm sleepy and misquoted because I can't bother with another lying scumshit lolberg anymore.
Next time, you should pick the Italian city states to latch onto. They would be the most "lolberg" to your standard.


and you
It's the assumption that all association is done in full knowledge and good will

Nah man, lolbergs are really smart, after all figuring out a circular logic

I'd like to see pajeet try pull that one on their previous Mughal rulers.

In this worthless thread you might as well beat OP and state that jews were the best nationalists because the got free land, free money from US, free nukes that they don't have and immunity from criticism internationally.

Damn whitey, he made the noble muslims do it (^:

You're not just sleepy, you're fucking retarded. I could go through your posts and point out why each one is full of stupid, but it's not worth my time to bother with someone that misses the point so spectacularly.

Unfortunately, that describes most of the people that replied to this thread. Nationalism itself isn't dumb, people deserve the right to national self-determination, but for some reason a lot of nationalists are really stupid. It plagues your movement. You can't even read the word "libertarian" without frothing at the mouth with hatred (and completely missing the point). But good luck solving the JQ, I'm sure you'll find public support on that one any day now!

Rick and Morty fandom tier of masturbatory praise.

He was /ourstreetshitter/

You could have replied to other anons who still bother to tell you their grievance with your stupid shit subhuman ideology.
I have been on this since cuckchan, since fucking 2012. You know what really gave me the hatred?
Constant lying about Hitler, NS Germany, gun control, holohoax, open borders.
You made me sick long ago. Now my brain is just full of defensive reflexes for your kind.

You mad that lolberturdian "hwite nationalism" thread failed, you fucking animal?

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Wrong, whites are at a disadvantage in libertarianism because we are the least ethnocentric group there is.
Jewish rule over Whites has only ever been broken through state power or through temporary popular uprisings. You are attempting to prevent the former by destroying the state, and the latter by channelling righteous anger into libertarianism instead of a useful solution.
bullshit, they will still flood our countries in order to profit from our wealth, our low crime rates, our beautiful women and every other aspect in which we are superior to them. Working as a street sweeper in Sweden is still a better lot than working in Somalia. Being a Gastarbeiter in Germany is better than living in Turkey. Picking fruit in the US is better than getting shafted by cartels in Mexico.
Importing only high-IQ foreigners is actually worse, since they are a bigger threat to us. Look what Kaganovic, Trotsky et al did to the Russians despite being a tiny minority in Russia. Without help from Shlomo, Paco and Ahmed would first need to become a super majority in the country before they can treat us in such a way (see Greek-Armenian Genocide)
Wrong. Fucking Adolf Hitler was elected in a white country, which shows that public opinion is quite malleable. Even in the current climate of near-total control of the media by Anti-White forces, Donald Trump was elected on a platform of "build a wall, deport them all." If White Nationalists had spent the last 20 years educating themselves, networking, and getting themselves into positions of power, he would even have decent support from within the system, instead of getting cockblocked at every turn. Really our main problem over the past decades has been that the only people standing up for our race were for the most part a bunch of dysfunctional useless morons, not the lack of opportunities.
The other races can take our stuff away against our will because they wield state power, which will always trump the power of an individual. They wield state power because they are better organized along ethnic lines than we are. The solution here cannot be to further atomize ourselves by shilling for insane individualist ideologies.

Good luck having lolberg revolution, I'm sure people will throw the shackles of morals, and principles in favor of vague, circular logic

Your existence infringes of my freedom from having to tolerate your existence, clearly a NAP violation allowing me to shoot you.

If you find the other "libertarian white nationalism" thread, you will see that they now redefine violence as something not exclusively physical.
So you are right :^)

Kek. Got some news for you.

I like how you go from ghandi to what the post was really about.
Why do you think their handlers will give up muh gibs over being thrown the fuck out? Oh, that's right, you don't think that. You're probably paid to say it though.

The first paragraph was about a nationalist that was successful by being pragmatic. The second paragraph was about how white nationalists of today could be pragmatic.

I really overestimated these apolitical shitposting neetsocs when I assumed that they'd be able to put that together, but oh well. They can go back to pondering the JQ and never getting anything accomplished ever.

See, this is the problem with you fucking cocksuckers. More than 5 people with unknown actual political ideologies you have to prove your claim, cunt have told you that the only reason the "pacifist" streetshitter won is because the anglos dun goofed fighting two wars with Germans for nothing.
But now you pretend that didn't happen. Here is the thing, you can't really argue like a kike on a chan. People can see your posts and track your IP.
You dumb fucking monkey.

Ghandi was also a primitive savage who wanted to drag his people back into more primitive times.
Also he hated that the English had taught the majority of the populace to read.

But for us the Ghandi example is useless as he acted at a time when Britain wanted to ditch its colonies.
Our situation is wildly different. It's a war of extermination, one side will destroy the other.

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Ah yes, this is definitely the subhuman chimp from that lolberturdian hwite nationalism thread.
You mad, baboon? That we have been rejecting your kind for 6 years straight before this place even came in to existence?

All the best people were tbh. Your White Aryan ancestors would also fit the bill, but that's only a problem when you're such an insolent swine as yourself.

Gandhi was among the best men to walk the face of this Earth tbh.

Either retarded or op is too butthurt and switch IP again.

Go to bed, maybe when you wake up you'll understand pragmatism. Or you'll spend your night dreaming about being an apolitical shitposter and you'll wake up just as stupid as you are now.

I don't even know which thread you're talking about. The first time you mentioned it I thought you were using those words to describe this one. I'm not the same guy, and you're still not really worth talking to because you just see the word "libertarian" and go berserk and start talking about a bunch of unrelated shit.

You fucking monkey.
Reread every single reply to you in this thread.
I repeat for one last time, Ghandhi the poo in loo got his way because the anglos literally couldn't afford to keep the colonies anymore.
Under every other invaders the poos had to use total war and violence to push them out.

The same reason Zig Forumsacks go berserk seeing kikes. None of us want to refute the same lies after 6 fucking years.
Eat shit. Cunt.

It must be galling having a back door in every political movement on the planet, and along come these people who insult each other as a matter of course and the only thing they really agree on is that they will see you hanged.

Ok, I usually try not to do that cheezy chan-style arguing where you "paraphrase" something by creating a quote that nobody actually said, but

is a horseshit argument. He was smart, and did what was right at the time. That's the point. If he tried to sponsor a Day of the Rope it would have failed, even with the other shit that was going on in the British Empire, it would've just hardened their resolve.

There is a smart way to do things, and then there is shitposting about DOTR and JQ. The choice is yours.

This is why we mock you and want to shoot you more than commies.

We are tired of your kind
Actually, I don't even bother to call for DOTR. I never did. This is the problem with you animals. Keep wishing for a real Holohoax. We might give you one.

I don't know about galling, but I enjoy the pleasant side effect of being a troll. Everybody hates libertarians just for existing, all because we deviously plot to leave them the fuck alone lol

Gandhi was not a nationalist. A nation is a people. He was neither pure Aryan nor pure Dravidian. India is also a multicultural state. The british should have wiped out the southern and eastern portions of the subcontinent, or the north Indians should have done it before or after British rule.

I've met Dravidians who were extremely intelligent, though. They shouldn't have, India could have a chance of fixing themselves. If we are to help anyone, we should help them, instead of some African shitholes.

More of a civic nationalist, though.
Or a "limited multi-cult" of only the traditional Indian races. Something like that.

Possibly true, at least in some ways


Strong borders are essential. However, strong borders without a Nationalistic Volk who are united by common heritage and blood are an eggshell.
Without strong Nationalism the people behind those "strong lolberg borders" are GOING TO cuck out because of "muh crying spics" and shit like that.

"Ghandi style" tactics only work on Whites. Whites have too much altruism. It is our Achilles heel.

The thing about lolberg is that it inevitably turns into "muh based blacks and browns" and "muh based kikes."
Lolberg preserves nothing. It stands for nothing. It is a shifting sand upon which nothing can be built.
If you were endorsing liberty and freedom for the Volk under the umbrella of Nationalism, then I would strongly agree (within limits, primarily concerning combating degeneracy). But the stopping of the ongoing White genocide and the realization of the 14 words must be the foundation.

Lolberg would solve nothing.
Any White movement that is not Nationalist and exclusive in nature would solve nothing, and indeed make things worse by taking "steam" away from legitimate Nationalist movements.

At the time.
In India.
Under an exhausted Britain that wanted out anyway.
Where 99% of the population was still one of the "Indian" ethnic groups.
He did what was right AT THE TIME in the SPECIFIC set of circumstances that his people where in.

Lolberg is essentially the ideology of cuck.
Lolbergs defend nothing.
Even worse, by supporting lolbergism they oppose anyone else defending anything of value (race, tradition, heritage, Volk, culture, etc)
That's the problem with lolbergs.

Whites need to help Whites. "Helping" non-Whites is a large part of the reason why things are going to shit.

Like clockwork
Typical lolberg.

I appreciate your input. That might sound sarcastic, but it's not meant to be.

I'm curious though, what do you consider the best way to attain nationalist goals? I'm completely willing to accept that you think my idea of giving people freedom to associate or not associate with whomever they please is shitty, but what is the better path to an ethnostate?

He won because America was on his side (google Atlatic) and his actions fall into dismantling old European white man power line (google Atlantic charter). If Murica is against you how would you proceed without the day of rope in the America? Without the destruction of World Police America white nationalism is impossible.

I guess this is you keeping to yourself?

ba dum tish

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See pic related, you can practically hear the clumps of salt hitting his stolen keyboard.

Correct on the points of the pathological altruism and the absolute necessity of a unifying Volk for any boarder wall to work. That being said, the twenty-some odd years of "won reel hooman bean rayz" propaganda is being undone each day–consider that for all the negative press coverage MSM is giving ICE right now, they're still highlighting the fact that the spic goblins are failing to integrate, follow White laws, and adhere to White standards. Bonus points for the footage of captured spics looking every bit as inhuman as the goblin meme portrays them–MSM kevetching about muh crying spics only works when they can prop up mulattoes that can almost pass for people.
Nigger lives matter achieved a similar effect in that it kept national focus on chimpouts, which in turn resulted in more cops being required to wear cameras. The footage of countless niggers being caught redhanded or violently resisting arrest blew up in the civ-nat cucks' collective faces harder than fat man over Hiroshima.

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Fuck off. Hitler was the best. Gandhi was pretty good, but he was hardly a "nationalist." He didn't even make India an explicitly Hindu country, yet the Muslims got TWO countries. I also agree with Savitri Devi on satyagraha.

"That which one often takes for non-violence, — that which actually goes under that name, — is, in reality, but a subtler form of violence: pressure upon other people’s feelings, more oppressive and — when one knows, in each case, what feelings to appeal to, many a time more effective than pressure upon their bodies. Late Mahatma Gandhi’s much admired “non-violence” was of that type: moral violence; not: “Do this, or else I kill you!”, but: “Do this, or else I kill myself!” Knowing that you hold my life as indispensable. It may look “nobler.” In fact, it is just the same — apart from the difference in the technique of pressure. It is, rather, less “noble” because, precisely on account of that subtler technique, it leads people to, believe that it is not violence, and therefore contains an element of deceit, an inherent falsehood, from which ordinary violence is free."

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Mahatma Gandhi was Gay, a homo, a queer, a sodomite, a buggery boy, a faggot and a traveler on the Hershey highway.

He was as gay as gay Paris, he was gayer than BENGAY, and as queer as a clockwork tangerine.

No role model for real men.

His letters to his HOMOSEXUAL JEW LOVER - complete with references to who was a "top" and who was the "bottom", as well as mention of vaseline lube near the bed, are discussed openly in this brief 3 minute and 44 secs clip - - from the Middle Age Turks.

Apologists for Gandhi try to hide it, but faggots themselves outright call Gandhi an effeminate queer….

& as far as nationalism goes, OP is obviously joking.

India has 26 official languages, and a caste system for ethnic groups. Many of the ethnicities hate one another.

But when you're working hasbara on the graveyard shift, WTF, you'll post any kind of shit to see if it sticks.

That's absolutely fascinating. Was his speech ever released?


Nope, Ghandi almost destroyed the Indian nationalist movement and poisoned it with the Hindutva bullshit, you're thinking of Nerhu OP
Read a fucking book before starting a thread nigger

Don't forget that white taxpayers pay for the niggers in prison.

Ghandi was a zionist and possible a crypto-jew.
Regarding the invasion of Palestine:

Firstly, I fully support freedom of association.
Just not with the baggage of "libertarianism"
(but within the context of White countries for White people and only White people, as the eventual goal anyway)

Secondly, the way to stop White genocide is through White nationalism. What I mean by this is that Whites need to realize, and to be made to realize, that there are only two paths moving forward. The first is that of the status quo (diversity, multicult, marxism, degeneracy) which will lead (and is leading) inevitably to Whites being marginalized, disenfranchised, and eventually snuffed out as a people (White genocide).
The other path is to embrace White nationalism so Whites will have a future again. Non-Whites have their own countries. They can go there. Their countries are/ will be poor because of the genetics of their people. Whites must also have their own countries. White countries are/ will be rich because of the genetics of White people.
Whites must become a people again. They must find their fighting spirit again. I believe that we can, especially now that the goyest generation is almost all gone and the boomers are weakening. Their obsession with "muh heroic ww2 versus ebil nahtzees" narrative made the rise of White nationalism nearly impossible while they were powerful. The later generations are less invested in "muh ebil nahtzees" and so may be more easily "redpilled" on the reality of the ongoing jewish-backed White genocide.
Whites must also be made to realize that non-Whites don't give a damn about us. The SECOND that non-Whites get control all pretense of "equality" or "fairness" goes out the window. Blacks stand with blacks. Spics stand with spics, etc, etc. If Whites don't stand with Whites, then no one will.
Ultimately every White must decide whether or not they are OK with their people being purposefully exploited, marginalized, debased, and driven towards extinction.
I think that the more a White person learns about how bad things really are the more likely they are to choose to stand with their people.
In the near term, keep spreading the truth. Keep giving more and more normies something pertinent to think about. Keep spreading the redpills.
When enough Whites are fully redpilled, then there will be change. What exactly? No way to know for sure, yet.

The thing is that while non-Whites behaving badly can be useful propaganda material, it would be unwise to rely on it too much. Why? Because White nationalism is about Whites having their own countries again. The quality of non-Whites is not actually relevant. If they are low IQ criminal garbage, then they are obviously unacceptable. If they are high-IQ, hard working, and law-abiding then they are ALSO unacceptable. Because they are not White.
The issue of "quality of non-Whites" can be a dangerous trap. Yes Whites are better than most in all measurable metrics, but there are always "talented 5%" type non-Whites that will be trotted out (as you mention).
The REAL issue is stopping the ongoing White genocide.
So, use the "chimpout" material, but care must be taken in the arguments surrounding it.

It's amazing that even in our current year, among people who believe themselves "red pilled" and savvy to psyops and propaganda, that so few seem to realize that media deceit and psyops also happened in the past.
Anyone who believes that an David Hogg-like figure such as Ghandi just arises out of the crowd organically is woefully naive.
The blanket positive coverage in the jew press. The promotion of the same "virtues" that those facing terrorist attacks in London are urged to adopt by our present representatives of the jew elite, "turn the other cheek" by other words, "carry on as before". And that this figure, portrayed messiah-like to exploit Christian sensibilities goes on to single-handedly defeat the most powerful military force the world had ever known.
How the fuck can you not see that Ghandi was simply acting a role to explain a step in the plans of the globalists?
They never redraw the map from the top, every geopolitical modification on the way to globalism is always explained by this or that event - packaged to keep the hidden hand concealed.
The Holocaust is a lie, but you don't question any other historical "truth", no matter how absurdly unlikely.

This is some weak ass bait. You can tell how this shit was brainstormed on some faggot Discord.

I hate it when that fucker is on my playthrough. Nukes me every fucking time.

not sure about that m8, gandhi is friends with mao, a rothschild elder, and fucking einstein, sure he may be timid looking but there are people who are more timid than gandhi but many of them are either fucking sjws or cuckservatives

They're keeping our history there you absolute mongrel.

I guess more than Gandhi, who many consider a false hero and a closeted shill for British, S.C Bose was more of a real nationalist. pic related

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Hey is it true we get banned for insulting cuckime in here?

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That is a boy btw

Agreed, Gandhi was extremely based.

Heil Hind.

Da absolut state of Zig Forums. Seriously tho Gandhi was the kike-backed moderate among the Hindu politicians then. He was allowed power because he promoted extreme cuckoldry like pacifism, helping the Allies to get some independence in return instead of just fighting them, etc.

Because it is obvious that Bose was the actual man fighting the brits. We assume that people running their mouth know two shit about their subject.
Terrible tradition tbh
*Bose was as naive as every south east asian nationalist back then. Can't trust the foreigners to SAVE you. You have to USE them**
Still better than cuck Gandhi, of course

holy shit, you kids fall all over yourselves so eager to demonstrate some tiny little piece of knowledge

are you waiting for a teacher to pop up and give you an A?

singapore > india

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Faggot kike says Ghandi gets results so we should turn welfare nigglets into Jew treasure little Ghandis.

You would be better off getting all up in a tiff that the two actual romance options are a HALF elf (that miscegenation) and a horned demon.

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Holy shit, the amount of arguing and autism from both sides in this thread is astounding. When are you storm niggers and lolbergs gonna understand that this is what the left wants. and I can guarantee that alot of the replies in this thread are shills just trying to incite D&C. I have said it before and ill say it again. This is why the left out plays us. we sit here and banter over which ideology is better rather than finding a common issue for both of us and doing something about it. Meanwhile the communists, faggots, globalists and jews are working together to pass some new law that fucks us a little more each day. We are on the SAME FUCKING SIDE for most issues. Save this type of nonsense for when the left is defeated and purged. Then we can argue and kill each other.

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I don't get it, didn't leftists worship Gandhi about a decade ago?

Jews wanted Germany crushed to demonstrate there would be no other model for the modern state other than their own. (((They))) allowed India to be cut loose because it would weaken the British Empire, which it ultimately collapsed by the early 70s when all the colonies were cut loose. And India went immediately into a civil war as the sand niggers in Pakistan also wanted to be free, which is not what Gandhi wanted and was ultimately shot dead by an actual Hindu nationalist over.

So get outta here, you fucking anti natsoc/poo-in-loo apologist shill.

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kike or lolberg, you keep losing.

yeah ok, and you'll get the last laugh when you finally get your ethnostate. Good luck with that.

The white race is dying and if you nationalists are too stupid to do anything other than shitpost then it is just as much your fault as it is the SJW race traitor's fault.

Here you've got a thread where you could discuss pragmatic ways to attain your goals, but the only thing you can think to do is shit all over everything. And that pretty much sums up the entire movement tbh. Buncha brainlets.

"Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs… Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home"
-motherfucking Gandhi you stupid niggers

A prophet far ahead of his time.

Ghandi didn't do it alone. He had the full backing of the Reich through Savitri Devi and Bose (whom she recruited during the war.) who in turn formed AZAD HIND, essentially the india brigrades of the Reich. They continued to fight long after the fall of Berlin, first by hijacking Brittish naval vessels, and in guerrilla actions behind the scenes while Ghandi caused attrition himself.

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Ghandi wasn't opposed to Bose. They were on the same side, with two different methods of action. They worked hand in hand, and shared the very same friends. Ghandi was well known as a friend of Savitri Devi, Herman Hesse, and Miguel Serrano. Note, Serrano and Devi were likely involved in assisting Bose in some fashion, when his death was faked at the end of the war.