THE FACE A Pedo-raised MK Ultra'd #CIA-handled Illuminati Deep State PUPPET homosexual MAKES when it hits him THE GIG IS UP.

Attached: G7 Gets Trumped.jpg (924x768, 136.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How do they understand each other

Attached: winning2.jpg (924x768, 194.09K)

Wow what a high energy OC boomer user. You even made it black text so it's completely illegible! Based Trump MAGApede 4 life!

Attached: salt.jpg (2100x1395, 228.22K)


Attached: when_you_deport_the_beaners_just_right.jpg (418x500, 122.11K)

Attached: trumpcommy.jpg (552x679, 47.86K)

Daily Project Alamo Trump shilling thread?

I'm not shilling I genuinely like the guy. Me and a couple Anons over here at 8/pol/ helped make him the president of United States.

I love how much he triggers you

Attached: 1462313517080 (1)

You know I've never actually understood what the "G7" thing is.
Always figured it was an even more useless UN.
Am I close?

Want to know how I know you're not from here?

one a day keeps the commies away

go suck off the jew-puppet's cock somewhere else

Attached: trump nu pol.jpg (657x875 612.06 KB, 123.46K)

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Go back to /r/thedonald, boomer. Your kind are traitors and cattle, and will thus be killed.

Attached: MAGA trap having sex.webm (320x240, 3.56M)

Holy fuck you save all this shit on your HD or does shareblue have some sort of dropbox?

Soyboy bingofag detected. Go suck Bernie sanders' shriveled jew dick.

top kek, the 4th image now makes more sense in

Attached: take the loli pill derail roll.jpg (1810x670 307.18 KB, 304.53K)

Lol keep raging

Attached: Donald-Trump (1)


What a historic fucking image, I am so glad our president isn't a nigger anymore.

Attached: hitler-with-hindenburg-1024x745.jpg (474x370 122.61 KB, 37.42K)


He's not even a quarter in and he's already had a prototype competition, selected a winner, and ordered it implemented
GOP has funded construction of 100 miles and 20 of those miles are already complete.

That's added to the 650 miles already present to around 750 miles, and we only need 1000 miles of wall to effectively stop illegal immigration.

So he's 1/4 of the way in and 3/4 of the way complete.

Attached: Donald_Trump_visits_San_Diego_border_wall_prototypes.jpg (600x593, 83.05K)

Except the GOP explicitly blocked all of his prototypes from being built. The 20 or so miles that was built was due to a loophole in the type of wall it was, which was a levy wall. It was a fluke. The GOP blocked all construction of Trump's prototypes and Trump signed the bill anyway. The 650 miles of 'wall' already there is completely ineffective you fucking retard nigger. Look up hundreds of videos of pacos scaling that shit with ease. You're a fucking magapede retard cuck, can't believe you faggots think you can lie so brazenly when even Iron Ann is holding you to account for your faggotry.

That first pic is an historic image of betrayal.

Attached: 911911911.jpeg (1920x1080, 698.79K)

Jealousy is deep within these people.

Attached: donald-trump-angela-merkel-g7-summit.jpg (2405x1603, 2.72M)

Attached: winnignagain.jpg (1203x802 200.6 KB, 417.24K)

Who the fuck let Sulu in there anyway?

The point of the wall isn't to provide an impenetrable barrier, but to slow them down enough for BP to get to the scene.

You mean niggerfucking ann coulter?

Is that you kamphy?

Has she ever admitted on that?

TFW you're playing 4D chess

Attached: Merkel Trump 4D Chess.PNG (1248x826, 1.86M)

Attached: 2018-06-10 11.58.59.jpg (1203x802, 819.98K)

The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants aren't crossing in the desert, even though that's what you soak up from Hollywood [interesting that a shill for a jew sycophant is pushing the Hollywood dramatization]. They walk or drive right through official border crossings. They come over on a work, student, or visiting visa. Then they just don't leave, because people who vote Republican employ them.

So your 4D chessboard is addressed with two variables, both within an 8x8 matrix?

Attached: what.jpg (600x900, 60.97K)

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The only reason that's true is because of the emphasis on border security over the past few years, which has cut illegal migration by a huge amount. Remove the barriers already in place, cut down on BP, and the number of border crossings would skyrocket again.

By finishing the damn wall it means the pressure on BP is reduced, and manpower can be moved to the actual legit border crossings to keep records of people coming in so we can deport them if they overstay.

Attached: illegal-immigrants-migrant-stream.gif (600x414, 25.75K)

You are completely delusional. They want them coming in.

Getting triggered, kike?

Attached: 2h41.png (1125x790, 445.32K)

Who is 'they', faggot, and can you fucking prove it?
If not, just go and fucking kill yourself.

Attached: trumpnooooo.mp4 (400x224, 816.71K)

wow what a hooked nose on you

Attached: baitbite.jpg (749x750, 208.58K)

nope. denied, and people who know them have also denied that.
the 'everyone is a jew/tranny/coalburner' tactic is wearing pretty thin

lmfaoo my sides are gone


Wait, Zig Forums legitimately doesn't realize that the G7 "shock and scandal" is just reality TV for the masses?
You actually think the surprise of the "leaders" etc was organic and the whole thing not planned that way?

Imkampfy was the CIA bought turkroach who banned any dissent against isreal's candidate of choice Trumpstein

But you already knew that once you hit the report button from your offices in Tel Aviv and no one came along to silence the non-jew anons from here

Except this one is awfully staged and acted.

Just look at how bad their acting is.

Fuck i could stage a better clickbait photo set.

Shilling as a TORpedo means you are too retarded to sidestep a ban.
You should thus, kill yourself for two reasons instead of one, kike.
I can promise you that merkels pathetic display shows exactly how she feels. The cunt is scared and begging. I hope he fucking blasts her.

Attached: Contempt.jpg (743x708, 96.64K)

b-but the body language says drumpf is crossing his arms because he disagrees with something or that he doesn't like the (((people))) around him, or that they managed to make him agree with something he doesn't like n' shit

>>>Zig Forums is that way you filthy trannyfucker

Coulter has admitted on video to having "dated" non-Whites you fucking idiotic kike.
He is so obviously a man that denying it only makes you look desperate. And that fact will only become more apparent with each passing month as Mann has reached the age where trannies start to fall apart and no intervention of man can hide it.
Coulter has no female features at all (and no children of course). Perhaps they will fake an IVF pregnancy as a desperate measure?
He even threatened to sue anyone who suggested he was male. Because yeah, a bio-woman really needs that sort of defense against exposure.
There's a reason that so many anons are starting to notice and talk about the presence of trannies in the "alt-right" and fake nationalist, controlled opposition circles. And no, it's not because they think (or have ever claimed) that "everyone is a tranny", that is a kike deflection.
The reason is perfectly straight forward, the generational satanists behind this shit transgender their offspring as a routine part of their religion, in the same way as kikes or muslims circumcise. It is their covenant with their god.
Take a look at a picture of Baphomet and the reason becomes obvious. They seek to emulate that which they worship, the divine androgyne.
The only reason they haven't all been exposed is because those very same satanists have been running decades of trans social engineering by way of men masquerading as hollywood women, corrupting the sexual impulse of young men and hindering the ability to tell woman from man.
Once the conditioning is broken it is literally like the scene in "They Live!" where Roddy dons the special glasses for the first time and the truth is laid bare - in fact the trans deception is probably what the writer was alluding to.
The film and entertainment industry being under the control of a handful of zionists/satanists is what allows them to do this. And the program is all encompassing.
A small example: all Bond Girls in the James Bond[spoilerkike[/spoiler]movies were played by MtF trannies. Thus far only one or two have been fully exposed but the fact is plain to see by anyone with clear eyes.
Caroline Cassey, trans bond girl.
To act surprised and incredulous over the fact that jews would use their media to corrupt White sexuality in order to accelerate White genocide, is to project normal human morals onto "people" who are closer to demons. The same group is behind the largest fake crime in history "the holocaust", yet when it comes to the easier, less complicated crime of portraying men as women, you suddenly trust them? lol
Continue to panic, kike, there is reason for you to be afraid.

Confirmed for liberal faggot who hates xir parents.

is this pasta i missed?

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No boomers or trumpcucks allowed on Zig Forums. This is a natsoc board.

"They" are the zionist occupied government.
"They" are the red ZOG and the blue ZOG.
"They" are the jewish owned and controlled media, hollywood, broadcast corporations, banks, federal reserve, "intelligence community," etc, etc.
"They" are the jews/ globalists/ marxists and their many allies/ useful idiots/ "shabbos goyim" who are pushing the multicult, degeneracy, and the ongoing genocide of White people through non-White immigration and anti-White propaganda.

As for "prove it," there are plenty of infographs around. Read some. Or just take a look at any city street in the (former?) USA. Non-Whites EVERYWHERE shitting everything up. Or turn on the television. Racemixing, diversity, anti-White, pro-feminism, anti-tradition, "ebil nahtzees!!!!," "illegals just want a better life!!!," "BASED" blacks and browns, and other such shit ALL THE TIME ON EVERYTHING. Open your eyes.

As for Trump, he has done little to help White people. He is constantly talking about blacks and browns despite his voterbase being 90+% White. He is also surrounded by kikes.
What are his personal feelings on White genocide? Only he knows that.
But he seems to not care.
DRASTIC ACTION is needed to stop the ongoing White genocide, and he has not taken such action. At all. He could have shut down ALL "legal" immigration (which is mostly non-White) using existing executive powers on day one. He could have used executive powers established by Obama to FORCE the media (all of it) to broadcast him addressing the nation on ALL channels while he spilled the beans on jewish control and subversion at the national level and on the ongoing plans for White genocide. Instead he is best buds with the kikes and the megacorporations and israel.
Has he done some good? Yes, some.
He has not (so far) started any foreign wars, which is great. He is at least sort-of opposing illegals and has talked about reducing legal immigration. Pretty weak, though, tbh.
Nowhere near enough to make any difference.

White America IS America.
Non-Whites are invaders and occupiers.
The ongoing White genocide must be stopped.
Trump does not seem to agree, unfortunately.
He must think emulating Brazil is a good recipe for success. (Hint: it isn't)

The kikes had their hooks into all the candidates.
Hillary was their candidate of choice.
Trump was more of a wildcard than the rest.
Unfortunately, he has not rejected the kikes like he should have.
"The swamp" that Trump talked about draining is 100% kosher.
"The swamp" is made up of kikes and their shabbos.
So what's Trumps deal? Who knows. I don't think that he is a "kike puppet" exactly, but he also doesn't appear to be working very hard to oppose the kikes either.
Maybe there is some "4d chess" going on, but, again, just words. Possibly entirely empty words.

Yep, which Trump expanded. He's a faggot.

That nigger is the DY NO MITE coon from a tv shit com. He's washed up so she hires him by the hour on the cheapest of the cheap to do two things;

1. Deflect accusations that she's a lipstick lesbian (which she undoubtably is
2. Deflect accusations that she's a racist (which she undoubtably is).

God you are so shallow minded. I'd hate to have to look out at a confusing complicated world through your stupid little peepers.


OK is Ann a transvestite/transexual?

Let's look at her childhood..

Now is she the hottest girl in her high school?


Is she ugly?


It's 1961 and you think her parents raised their little boy as a girl?

I think not.

Please faggot, I know you want to say everyone is secretly this or that but really no…

Attached: photo01.jpg (222x695 14.62 KB, 29.33K)

YOu know, you've been beating on this drum for two years now and you're losing badly.

I can appreciate that a certain faction is opposed to Trump, that they even have their reasons for hating him but don't you think that you could at least be a bit creative and think up SOMETHING NEW TO SAY instead fo repeating the same fucking shit over and over and over and over again?

kill yourself, kikeshill

Attached: ad7dd754209e0a27.jpg (768x1024 840.71 KB, 106.84K)

Attached: 293317ab75b30b8016327925b6ebf7bbe614d2c2e6dc325c09e7158904696ed8 (2)

Not close at all. The G7 is what the UN would be, if the UN wasn't designed for gridlock and saddled with useless subhumans. The G7 is just the world's most powerful and richest countries getting together and working out deals between themselves. Sometimes this is good, sometimes it's bad, but at least it gets shit done.

ITT: kampfy shills consistently assblasted as usual, but their opposition isn't banned anymore

Attached: BMR.jpg (720x775 73.42 KB, 47.51K)

Remarkable how much better this thread gets when (((you))) have been filtered.

And a filter for (((you))) too.

I don't give a fuck, kike loving nigger.

Yet no matter how much of a whiny little bitch Trump was, NO RUSSIA!

Trump is a global joke.

Attached: Trump g7 lean in painting.jpg (856x569 1.11 MB, 1.05M)

I see the dead mod is banning people again. Strict orders not to allow any unflattering pictures of the kike-in-chief on the frontpage.

Attached: Trump-Clinton.jpeg (780x679 41.52 KB, 131.02K)

OK this is an actual good meem

You shizoid little kikelett are kvetching for months and have absolutely nothing to show for it. No one here believes you. Not even close. But go ahead and sperg some more.
Post the pic, you know the one. You know you want to you little nigglet.

Attached: Snug_anime_girl.PNG (748x742, 1018.62K)

lefty pol kike, I wish I could see your posting history

what a cute girl


What the fuck is even going on or being talked about in this incomprehensible clusterfuck of a thread.

real believable

Attached: 1fb77826b664f8eb24c744f0789c00d5632b6a13b578cd0da51d9fb462b8ae92.jpg (708x515, 30.4K)

I have many more.

Attached: 19788103bc358801cd9a5c31b80cfdaab2c4c5bd4955dfcd58baffbb08a7fbbf.jpg (1500x2052 173.42 KB, 451.9K)

The thread stopped making sense when the dead mod started deleting posts.

Attached: hand-vagina35.jpeg (580x743, 58.01K)

Attached: Trump.jpg (768x543, 65.94K)

Attached: uttercontempt.jpg (524x499, 64.74K)

Nothing makes sense in this thread from the very first post onwards.

Seriously wtf are you guys even trying to say in this thread?

Good job, new mods. Guess you guys are all right.

Attached: haku transparent.png (400x400, 140.44K)

Why are you replying to yourself?

Yeah, it's nice that at least some quality standards are still being enforced. Consider killing yourself.

Ok so what is it then, Mentalist-kun?

Well, I based it on the filename of the original pic. But you don't seem to be too good at reading faces either. That pic of Killary looks more like she's scared of something than showing contempt.

Nothing because sperging out at everything Trump related is an effective strategy to prevent communication.
Why bring any arguments when all you have to do is yell about "sucking dicks" (they really seem to enjoy talking about that for some reason) and "he is a pedo".

Calling attention to this post. This is what's left after the spam is cleared out. OC worth saving.

Attached: s400 transparent.png (932x549, 702.81K)

Just get out.

How convenient that (((article))) was, so now all talk about Trump that isn't "DRUMPF IS A KIKE" can be shouted down even harder.

The look on Trump's face is priceless. Too bad Bolton is there.