VA Primary, the Zig Forums candidate won

Corey Stewart (Who called Paul Nehlen his idol and said good people were defending the statues in Charlottesville) just won the VA Senate Primary. The media is gonna flip a bitch on this one. I can't imagine how they'll act when he stomps Tim Kaine's faggot ass

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already happening on social media.


Was this the guy with the deport bus he drove around in?

No that was a candidate in California who lost I think

No he was in Georgia.

Ah, my bad.

Fuck yes.

the bus reminds me of GLR's hate bus. But aside from that, I think that Corey Stewart can kick Citizen Kaine's ass. Kaine couldn't debate worth of shit with Pence during the 2016 election. Stewart can easily get rid of Kaine.

That guy was funding himself, he was the only one that bothered openly stating that he was going to get rid of refugees in the state.

I mean illegals.

Every Zig Forumsack with the means and acumen should be running for office. You only need a few thousand dollars worth of signs and to attend a few parades.

He was on the Trump Campaign but got booted so there's a chance he isn't just another pressure release valve. You should be preparing to vote and vote often, but not with ballots. Unironically read FMs, Ragnar stuff, Siege, and The Turner Diaries.

not very salty, but I'll keep looking for more

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He cucked a bit and disavowed nehlen and racism.

Getting a bit better

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There are almost as many republikikes against him as libshits.


That's how you know he isn't just another shill

Leftist GOPe shitheads are worse than the slimiest Democrap.

Checked. I hope I get to bayonet these filthy commies.

It's a strange time nowadays, where a normie like me can see all the idiots parroting the accusation that someone is a nazi, and that makes me assume they're probably a pretty good guy. The left has trained me to think Nazi=decent folk. They did this, not the actual nazis…what an accomplishment.


even teh old Lt.Gov is against him

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This is only going to bring conservative voters to his reanks.

Everyone before 2008 was a nazi

At this point there's no difference between Neocons and far-left extremists.

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I mean, I have no idea who this guy is, but we're at the point where I hear everyone calling him a Nazi, and I don't think 'Nazi', I think 'probably a swell guy'. It's weird but a little funny, thinking about it consciously and wondering how incredibly common this realization must be.

I can still remember my childhood in the "nazi 90s," when Fuhrer Clinton gave hate filled speeches against illegal immigration, trans folks were forced to accept their birth sex, and we celebrated white supremacist holidays like Columbus day.


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Some shitskin from the NYT is commenting on it and someone from the huffington post is throwing in his 2¢

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Oh boy, where do I start.

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If someone were to call me a nazi nowadays in response to my behavior, myself knowing that I am not an actual Nazi, I could only take the term as a compliment.

I don't keep a mental record of the legions of shekel powered henchmen within the neocohen ranks of a foreign (to me) country

Repubs cucking out as usual

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I actually just call myself a Nazi. Either that, or I take the time to explain that Nazi was a pejorative term (it's a pun on Sozi and an Austrian word that means idiot) invented by the Soviets to disparage the NSDAP.

I mean, these far-left neocons are the reason why thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans died, why white nations WORLDWIDE are getting flooded by the survivors of these sandnigger hellholes and even unrelated Africans, why sodomy is a STATE-ENFORCED moral imperative in the west and why ANTIFA gets millions of dollars in funding, yeah no big deal.

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the neo-cons are just trying to implement gobal revoution.

They support the commie ukrainians, and the commie kurds.

I don't doubt that it's happening, nor do I doubt the Jewish influence, or the gravity of the situation, it's simply unreasonable to expect my instant recognition of a foreign politician (read: infiltrator) based on his name. I can only remember a few names like Feinstein

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(((The Reagan Battalion))) doesn't approve though. How will Corey recover from this?

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Of coursh

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He better not fuck this up.

the (((uniparty))) is coming after him with both barrels. It will be fun to watch the GOPe faggots support Tim Kaine, further exposing the LIE.

Doesn't really matter either way.

If they can't get him to trip up they'll pull a Moore with a stream of "he touched my ass 60 years ago!"

Even one outspoken person in the senate will cause a shit storm.


shalom, american hwhite brother

Yeah, looks like November will be interesting

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Keep in mind a lot of that is just shills and sockpuppets, user. Anyone who's been on Zig Forums for awhile should know that. Remember how literally no one was going to vote for Trump either and all of the numbers were against him? This is how they operate, just shill like fuck and falsely report everything to try to shift public perspective and consciousness.

I was not even aware this race was a thing, what makes Corey Stewart ourguy?


Also this guy came in fourth in the dem primaries.

I didn't vote today because I wasn't keeping up on state politics and didn't know anything about the candidates, but I sure as hell wasn't going to vote for Cumsuck. Learning about who Corey Stewart is makes my penis hard for November.

I've never understand how someone could write that unironically and think, "Hey, this really makes sense." Jesus Christ, why would a president not be thinking about America first if they're elected to be the president of the United States of America. He wasn't elected to be the leader of Canada or Zimbabwe or Serbia or Japan. Why the hell would you put anyone before America, the country for whom you're to serve?

never understood*

wew, I should sleep soon.

Daily reminder that we are WINNING.
Don't an hero lads, the real fun hasn't even started yet.

Isn't that the cocksucker that was trying to be VP unter Clinton? Oh boy. Can anyone tell me if there are going to be livestreamed debates during this election?

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I think we should start the design for the first Holocauster.
I'm thinking of putting it on Auschwitz and have it be equipped with all of the dreamed up murderfuck devices the kikes ever described. History shall imitate fiction.

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Because the neocons spin the POTUS as the Leader of the Free World™.

I wonder which country he'd rather the president put before America.

Checked. So basically what we have is a "pied piper" candidate thing they're doing. Corey has been setup to fail, by design, &ct. So we just have to make sure he wins 8^]

It's hard, but doable. I'll start


God they still believe that the guy in the car gave that fucking land-whale a heart attack.

It's a "foundational myth" now, like the holohoax. Nevermind that the car never actually touched the bitch OR that she died of a fat attack. The (((narrative))) is the truth to all normalcucks. >everyone knows thaaat!

Fucking kikes love adding "Neo" to everything. Why don't we make them hate it? Time for confederate matrix memes?

checked. I feel comfortable talking about my National Socialist beliefs with normies. I've noticed liberal meltdown "I cant even, what can you way when there's an actual fascist…" comments elicit zero support in discussions which continue without them.
The truth will out. The banking system and their jewish world puppets have lost their anonymity, and they can't 'shut it down' anymore.
Nazi is starting to mean "upright, honest, conservative" lel

Top kek.
What do think about making an actual rollercauster that kills the riders in various ways? Driving through some gas for instance.

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time, id and post full of dubs.
Rollercoaster inverted decapitation

Do we let the kikes' heads rain down on the first arrivers?

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You can't make this up.

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Sorry, I don't know. If one happens I'll make a thread about it


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If someone were to call me a nazi nowadays in response to my behavior, myself knowing that my trivial achievements stand no comparison to the accomplishments those great men, I could only take the term as a compliment.

Cool synthwave

We need a brutal fucking winter to ensure all the nogs up here in nova stay inside on election day. Kaine is an uninspiring pussy, but that might not be enough to keep them from showing up to vote for gibs.

He isn't a Zig Forums candidate. It's just leftists screeching about a free speech absolutist.

It is becoming illegal to have right wing views. When the courts try to stop Trumps travel bans, not on the basis that is is/isn't in Trump's presidential powers, but based on comments he said during the election, courts are no longer upholding law, but interpreting wrong think.

and I really mean it this time.

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presidential power does not allow for laws to be unconstitutional … thats what the supreme court rules on.

Under Sheralyn's logic would the better option for Democrates sabotaging the GOP be to get the "white nationalist" candidate in, or one of the other two? Usually they consider the more faggy types more difficult to fact.

Immigration falls 100% under the executive branch. Trump can literally declare that nobody with left arms can enter America. The courts falsely declared that his conditions were illegal because thought crimes.

Shill but of what type? Here's the shill:

Now, we all know that's not true, because we watched the whole saga unfold, regarding the "Muslim ban", which the kike media lied about (It was somewhat easy to fool stupid people, because Trump himself indicated he would ban Muslims, but the kike media knew full well, the liars, that the ban wasn't a Muslim ban). Even today, the oppressive regime of Silicon Valley has, on their Spotify, which is an anti-American white genocide company, has "We're With the Banned", which is a bad pun and listed as if it were a genre, but it's actually just a DNC music propaganda station.

No, you watched the judicial branch overstep their constitutional bounds, and faggot cuck Trump refuse to smack them down as he should have.

Here is a real Zig Forums candidate:

He even names the Jew.

No, that's not how government works at all, CIA agent totally-ordinary-guy.

Yes it is. Many presidents have successfully challenged judicial overreach.

Pat Buchanan pointed this out at the time. Too bad Trump is a Jewish shill and a pussy who wont listen to his betters.

(((Buchanan))) is an old CIA agent, controlled opposition.

Don't you know this? Of course you do, you're agents of the CIA yourself.

Consider this, if you are not a shill, then why do you demonstrate considerable IQ, but (((cohencidental))) failure to address the objections sure to follow, such as the point regarding the singular uniqueness of the Chief (POTUS) having, by the traitorous hand of your ingrate agency the CIA, and the kike-controlled media, and many other watersheds of your agency's propaganda, obstacles quite substantial, and without any basis, but mere mob mentality, including a thirst for impeachment? Furthermore, would it not have been counted as evidence he had become the Adolf Hitler they had all (under CIA memetic programming) claimed he is, but has proved himself not to be, this year later uncharged but under the thumb of the truly in power, the kikes, who operate the whites-genociding-always-in-all-operations CIA, your agency?

Ever since Arthur Jones, it's been happening like crazy.
With cali and wisconsin could have been smart enough but who has ever said that we need those festering shitpits anyway?

Very sad

If I remember correctly the only nations he put a travel ban on were the ones that were very critical of Israel (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen). I remember seeing Iranians being pissed off about it, not mostly because of the travel ban per say but because of Trump being a known Israel supporter and being against Iran. Now naturally for the leftards, they would bend the truth completely into making it look like he would bar every Muslim from entering the country effectively making him look like Literally Hitler because that's one of the only insults they can think off in their deranged heads.

In this day and age, you either become a cuckold for Israel or a cuckold for Cultural Marxism. Naturally shitskins of any kind, from the Middle East, Africa, and South America, have absolutely no problem about the destruction of the West. They will always chimpout everytime a Western nation doesn't want them to be let in. They have more empathy for other shitskins than Whites because they keep kvetching about muh ebil White colonialism. When it's Arabs, it's muh ebil White crusaders. I suggest Zig Forums shouldn't even give a fuck about what non-Whites think at all.

Seeing the roach overlord Erdogan declaring war on Austria just because they deported their imams really makes me wonder if Turkey can survive being steamrolled by any Eastern European nation. I wouldn't count on it. Isn't it funny how the Jews were the ones who made the goyim think nationalism is "racist and oppressive" while they themselves practice it on their own nation, anyway? Different types of anti-White Marxists and the so-called "anti-Zionist" leftists have been questioning this for quite some time. They assume Jews are "White", so they think being against Israel fits their political position and ideological reasons perfectly since Palestinians are brown. That is literally their only reason. They think Israel is just like the South Africa apartheid, which is further proof why the left can't into world history.

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Good job Virginia.

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