Trump became the fourth U.S...

Trump became the fourth U.S. president to uphold the decades-long pledge not to press Israel to give up its nuclear weapons

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Only it's not just a meme

Sage negated

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another sage

here's another one.


Muh Israel

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Wow this one really set off Alamo. You guys must be really pissed you can't instantly kill these threads anymore.

These threads were instantly killed because you and your ilk wanted to make them every 5 fucking seconds, prove me wrong.

Why should you be the only country in the middle east with nukes, especially considering you're the only rogue nation in the world with nukes, that has shown time and again you cannot be trusted even with an excavator that hasn't signed the Non Proliferation Treaty?

I say give Iran nukes on the condition they use them on isreal

oh so we're doing this now? replying to 10 people all at once, stop creating a chain reaction you fucking kike.

Really can't wait for society to collapse, here.

You could have made this just a thread about Israel having nukes, instead you chose to make it about Trump.

I just filtered the catalog by creation date and this is the only trump critical thread on the front page

HA HA HA HA. . . Oh, man, duck Frump, amirite fellow whites?!?!? That Donald Drumpfy-wumpfy sure is a zionist cuck, which I am pretending I think is bad for the sake of this white-person's conversation. Let's all agree that he is the worst, and that Israel is the worst, and that we are all white here and we think Trump is the very worst. DO YOU MISS HILLARY AND OBAMA YET, FELLOW WHITE NATIONALIST ALT-RIGHT NAZIS?!?!? Hale Hortler and 1488 to you all, and to all a good white!

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Beats posting three times in a row ;)

I didn't make this thread, however I have at least contributed to it as a result of the kvetching isreali kikes that police these boards, albeit toothlessly now their agent kampfy has gone

In short Trump is owned by kikes
kikes are the problem equally alongside those orange kikes that serve them
Kikes have undeclared nukes, illegally, and haven't even signed up to the NPT meaning they are literally a rogue terrorist state with nukes, and instead of admonishing them as he should for this, Trump sucks their mutilated cocks on primetime Fox news,while threatening Iran who have signed the NPT

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Kusher is the Israeli shadow president of the JUSSA isn't he?

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And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Jews are White and based.

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ZZZzzz do any of you jews have a solitary unique thought of your own?

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Holy shit kike shills are really flipping out over this thread. JIDF out in full force.

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Look how fucking hard this thread is getting shilled. Trump needs to answer for this publicly. We need to MAKE him.

Big surprise there.

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When during his campaign did he say that Israel shouldn't have nuclear weapons?


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Reality is that Trump has done less for Israel than other recent presidents.
So fucking what if he moved the embassy to Jerusalem? It literally doesn't hurt the USA and its hilarious how pissed muzzies and liberals got about it.

The previous mods were faggots, but I can understand some of their reasoning for being so ban happy due to how prolific these "trump is a kike enabler" shills can get.
Trump has failed to name the Jew, yes. He doesnt need to go full 1488 to finish his mission.

why do you trumpfags get so buttblasted when people point out the truth?

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I don't expect Trump to call out Israel on any of its shit. Except subtly every now and then when he shut down Bibi trying to jew him out of a billion dollars for the embassy. What I do expect him to do is make it obvious as day just how much pull Israel has over US so future generations can do something about it. Which of course Trump is excelling it, while still holding back any official war with Iran or Syria, which he deserves some credit for. Had it been Hillary, Assad would have been gone by now and we would be prepping for land invasion of Iran.

Could you be more obvious?

When he threatens and sanctions Iran (A non proliferation treaty member) for their research into nukes while increasing gibsmedats for isreal (via US taxpaying goyim) in the same breath as he has just done.

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Ha Ha Ha ha ha ha

Every single policy Trump has enacted has been for his best mate Bibi's jewish benefit, every promise he's broken were the one's he made to his gullible goy base

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Israel is spending more of our money MAGA!

That isn't an answer to my question, you prove to be bad and answering my questions again hasbarafag.

I really don't give a fuck, kike. I say Israel shouldn't have nuclear weapons as does 99 percent of the world whom Trump is siding against by doing this. Play nuclear games, win nuclear prizes. By the time this is over I hope to see your desert shithole glassed.

Your question

My response to your question

I hope the entire middle east gets fucking glassed, I don't know how much that upsets you considering you're a goat fucker.

Maybe Trump should get back the 206 pounds (93 kg) of highly enriched uranium that the kike niggers stole from the us during the apollo affair.

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Judging from the time this kike thread went up, I'm guessing OP is a New York-located Jewish faggot. 30 minutes ago was just enough time for a merchant in the Eastern Time Zone to get into the office, nosh on a bagel with schmear, and upload the morning's shill d&c thread, just like they planned yesterday evening.

You hear that, kike OP? We figured out it took you literally all night last night to plan this shitty thread, and all you've done is excite the electrons in some newfags who haven't been around long enough to have met you during the election.

Trump will win in 2020, we're building a space force, and I will live long enough to hear you scream until the poison gas stops your cheating lungs forever.

Sageing the shit out of this gay porn for possibly being David Brock personally.

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Nah,I can't speak for every user but I'd rather deport all muds from our lands and kill all kikes.


(You) is not some anons, you continuously post and I can tell who you fucking are just by the way you post.
You're the user who was in the other thread the other day with the smug anime posting.

That kike is just trying to gaslight people, attempting to discredit them by calling everyone muslims ( as here ), like this is some normie board where that would ever work. This is their actual strategy for dealing with us. It's beyond pathetic.

You will reply to every single comment in this thread. Your boss is paying you by the reply. Not even going to filter you.

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Wrong jew. Greater Syria aka Assyria will come back and rule the mid east.

That's a lie
Isntead he's just slapping sanctions on it in preparations of a war, yeah
while increasing military budget so all those jew arms industry CEOs have yet more money
Yeah, so what if he recognised Jerusalem as capital of Israel? It's just one city, goy! It's okay if kikes annex it!

Why the fuck would I want the middle east? It's a shithole full of closet faggots and clinically retarded zealots.

5c02b0 (3)
Each one increasingly getting angrier at anyone daring to criticise jewry
Even jumping to gore porn spam in only its 2nd post
Why did you attach an image suggesting I'm a pretend Trump supporter, I don't support neocon jews, no matter how you much you insist we should do.

What do you think about isreal's ownership of nukes making them officially a rogue terrorist nation with nukes.
Shouldn't the orange kike be sending US troops into isreal now because that's what he'd do if any other nation in the world did so
See: Syria and last 30 years of isreali begging the US to attack Iran for their alleged nukes.

PS why did the orange kike just the other day gift the White Welmets 6.6m dollars of US taxpayers money for the mossad hollywood outfit?

You sound scared heeb. My only worry is that when Israel gets inevitable btfo, jew's are going to flood the west again as if we don't have enough of these parasites already. Perhaps we should work out a deal with Iran/Syria to let Israel exist but in a controlled and policed fashion, and deport all jews there, including you.

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Sanctions don't automatically mean war. See Russia and NK. Also congress is almost entirely jew's and they pass the sanctions on Iran with veto proof majorities.

You're still working off of the presumption that I'm Jewish.

You are promoting jewish neocon owned puppets

This is a thread about Trump cucking out and sucking on jew dick.
You keep posting effete irrelevant 'memes' at me claiming I am paid to bad mouth jews on Zig Forums?

The more you like shills post shit like this the more I trust Trump because it's clear you fear him or else you wouldn't try to be turning his base on him.
You guys suck at internet meme warfare.

How about getting back to the question

Why should you be allowed to have nukes while Iran can't?


Some filter words:
orange kike

Trump making the deal with North Korea tanked shares of military complex biggest lobbies, Lockheed, Raytheon, Boeing all while Trump continues to act like the goodest goy in public. Make of that what you will. I think the top jews want him gone, which is why there is still a deep state and media war against him.


All jews and muslims from Europe and America should be forced to concentrate into Israel together and be sterilized. Later on the place can just be used as a nuclear test site or something. After all, that's what it is already.

Because a lot of the trumpfags on here aren't actually anons, or rather, aren't actually regular posters here. They're shills shilling for their daily shekel. Just ignore them, typically they're very unrealistic with their responses.

well, fuck should have guessed by my actual first name

Bump. These magapedos are blatant hasbara fags. They worship Zognald Drumpf because he's a kike, a fucking orange kike.

Yeah nice try, Chaim.

Don't keep responding, remember they're paid to speak bullshit, so they won't quit. Just be the smarter user and just focus on the thread, well besides shit talking Trump I mean.

This thread really ought to be stickied, not just because of the magnitude of the subject but to counteract the sage shilling as well. Even global mods should be able to see this for what it is.

Kek, this.


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Here's a thought. They're bluffing. They never had nukes. Can't prove they do if they're undeclared. Do you want to invade them and find out if you're in a position to do so?

They lied. They still lie. Nothing is new. Only the US can force them to disarm at this point and we see where that's been going.

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Trump went so far as to threaten Germany with a total auto import ban if they don't get in line on Iran.

Trump is kiked. That's a not up for discussion. Some of the things he does is beneficial to us. SOME. But he is only doing these thingsto keep his base happy. Trump is at best a pressure relief valve for us on some issues.

Now if Trump was not kiked, he would not surround himself with kikes. He would not have married his children off to kikes. He would have taken multiple stances against Israel. He also has constitutional authority to arrest and charge Israeli loyalists within all branches of government and keep them out of power. Trump is and always has been a supporter of Israel, and he always will put the interests of kikes above the interest of his base.

That being said. As a board we collectively want to see Israel wiped off the face of the Earth and the Semites put into gas chambers. If push came to shove, Trump would have us put into those same chambers long before he would allow us to put the kikes in them.

Remember that. He's a stepping stone/relief valve. That's it.

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(1 post from this ID)
Yeah, 4chan was the one people used before gamergate. The gatekeepers failed and somebody else took the position of the shepard.

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Hey that's me in those screencaps, I feel famous now. :DDDDdd

Does anyone have a cap of th JFK letter to the prime minister of Israel expressing his intent to conduct regular inspections at Dimona shortly before he was assassinated? I can't post it right now but I will later if no one else does.

Would it really hurt you not to browse that fucking site anymore?

So what do all the Q faggots have to say now?

Q was saying after Iran Trump will move to denuclearize Israel. Lmao.

To the Qniggers: how do you feel supporting a zionist?

How is completely handing over your own nation to genocidal neocon kikes a stepping stone to anything whatsoever positive for "us"?

After all George Bush Jnr brought in the same PNAC false flagging neocon jews into power, was that also a stepping stone to our survival also?

How does one step softly to their safety by electing the same genocidal kikes that want you dead?

Genuinely I am intrigued in how the kosher clown can mitigate championing neocon kikes into total controlas some sort of gentle step to our freedom from those same genocidal kikes?

Now Kampfy is gone, my comment won't get deleted so thought I'd ask a MAGApedo Overton window spouting moron to justify its retardation

Are you 'based' Bibi or 'based' Bannon in that photo? ;`)

Hey, it's not like Trump didn't try to appoint anti neocons, who got instantly taken out (Flynn) or tried to take troops out of Syria twice each followed with taped false flags on children to blast the media with. Maybe Trump has figured out accelerationism is the only thing that may work against them.

We should be vocal and angry when he isn't serving

You want to say something, OP?

So he signed the secret agreement about the secret nukes?

To be fair that's about the best I could expect from a MAGApedo spastic

The kind of fag that would call Hitler jewish because he allowed them in SS. An actual untermnech. How are you doing today sir?


Where do you think the "anti-trump shills"
went to spread their "lies"?
Where should I go?

(check'd and kek'd)

i agree somewhat




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Why isn't Trump gassing kikes, hmmmm?
He must be a kike himself, no?

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Flynn isn't anti-neocon. He co-wrote a book with (((Michael Ledeen))) all about how Iran and North Korea are the existential threats to democracy and the source of all global terrorism. Flynn is a fucking clown.

lel, neither, user poster in pic 4

So said the isreali hasbara jews shilling for ZOG and lefty Bernie bots during the election, they all claimed Trump is "literally Hitler", only Hitler jailed the Rothschilds, shut down their banks, got rid of freemasons and earnestly tried to expel you jews from his nation.

This difference may at first appear subtle to you MAGApedo's but the differences between trump and Hitler are stark to anyone not retarded

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Fact, the Zionist jews wanted their own country and to get themselves and many jews out of Europe
Hitler agreed with this(wow wtf I hate hitler now)
The haavara agreement is how much property was seized from jews and sent them on their way out of germany. (wow what a terrible crime)

Fact, Zionist jews backstabbed hitlerand destroyed germany through the balfour declaration and handed over half of Europe to Bolshevik jews of the ussr