#TEDOGATE: TED.com ILLEGALLY censoring pro-pedophilia TEDx Talk

A week ago TEDx Talks YouTube channel uploaded a talk where a woman tried explaining that "pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation, just like heterosexuality". The video went viral and got 6 gorillion thumbs down, and the comment section was full of people sharing ideas for how to construct gas chambers.

They shoahd the video, trying to quietly sweep it under the rug. After they did that, a video mirror was uploaded and the video had almost 15k views in under 24 hours. It had gone viral and outrage was spreading all across the Internet. It was waking normies up hard, civic nationalist cucks were even commenting on the video saying things like "I didn't understand the whole nazi thing, but I get it now. We need to stop this." The fire was rising, fast.

Youtube just completely deleted the video at the request of TED.com representatives. Here are their emails (why don't you shoot them an email and ask them why they are promoting pedophilia as a "natural sexual orientation"?):
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

TED Talks are all licensed under the Creative Commons license, which means it is not a copyright violation to reupload and share them, which many youtube channels regularly do.

This is a clear indication of censorship and an attempt to scrub this pro-pedophilia TEDx Talk under the rug. It's time to unleash the Streisand Effect and let the world know that TED is helping push a pedophile normalization agenda that includes reclassifying pedophilia as a "natural sexual orientation".

We are holding TED's feet to the fire on this one. They realized they pushed too hard and too soon with their pedophile agenda and that the backlash was radicalizing normies. We are going to force TED to either officially disavow the video (rather than just quietly sweeping it under the rug), or force them to reinstate the video. We aren't going to let them just pretend this never happened.

Current mirrors (ALL YouTube mirrors have been shoahd):

Download video (MIRROR THIS EVERYWHERE – link also includes a built-in video player if you want to watch it here):

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Other urls found in this thread:


They dont do background checks. Pedophilia is a no go across the board and they handled it poorly.
Alot of people do Tedtalks and their images are thrown in with this.

All copyright takedowns issued by TED.com for this video are illegal. They are actively censoring this video after having published it themselves for a week on the official TEDx Talks YouTube channel.

Pic related is the """doctor""" Mirjam Heine works for. He's spent his entire career trying to justify pedophilia.

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Who cares? TED.com is illegally censoring the video from the Internet. We are going to force them to officially and loudly denounce the video they are censoring, rather than just quietly violating copyright law to sweep it under the rug.

They also have embed related hosted as well, another pro-pedophilia talk. They didn't take this one down for some reason.

And the theme of the TEDx Talks where Mirjam Heine gave her talk about pedophilia? "Future Societies"

and that's a good thing fuck Pedokikes

The fact that this news spread quite wide and right after came massive deletion implements that the pedos are aware.

Good fucking riddance.

Any Zig Forumsacks remember the #MoreThanARefugee YouTube propaganda stunt in 2016? They tried to memory hole it. That was the first time I truly believed we are winning. The entire comment section was full of HEIL HITLER! tier banter.


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OP is vague as fuck, but that's not the point. They allowed this talk to occur, uploaded it, and of course the public went apeshit. Now they're trying to remove proof that it existed. Blot ought the light being shined on shame.
Holding them accountable to a societal 'crime' they committed by trying to justify child abuse of the highest order.

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TEDx really fucked up.


dude they know exactly who they invite to this event. If you have any part in the show, everything is rehearsed and tailored for production. They assumed their (((pedigree))) would give them some lofty position of morality and failed. TED may have some good content but is heavily pozd.

Every fucking parent needs to see this. It will destroy these kikes.

KEK has blessed this post.


user, we're civilized. We don't flog our enemies, we simply execute them.
who am I kidding. I'm the user ranting about how we should make incisions in their limbs, cut their tendons, and string them up by their tendons like marionettes as a warning to others.

Fuck civility.
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

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This. I would rather do horrible things to make the entire world a better place, even if it means I don't get to live in it than be the a saint in a pile of shit.

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Where is the pol backup?

Execute for efficiency. Do what you must for psychological warfare as well, but do not take excess pleasure in it because that's jewy. The only stuff that's off limits is literal fire sacrifices to moloch and that rotting in honey sophism thing the jews were trying to meme us into encouraging. Don't do those two things. Do anything else you need to.


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so that's a no to the scaphism, but a yes to the brazen bull?

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>expert from (((Berlin)))

Heh. Honestly I'd be inclined to deny the jews their flaming holocaust on the grounds that they've meming it for thousands of years. With that said on the esoteric side we will eventually be un-inverting Saturn and will probably be reviving their dead bull god as his more healthy harvest aspect eventually as well. First thing's first though: gas the jews.

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We freeze them then? That really is one of the worst ways to die, being slowly frozen to death… Damn, if any survived, it would ruin their memes forever.

And it's hilarious.

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this should dominate the normalfag outlets spread this to every corner of the interwebs, flood all areas that can accept media uploads

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Need to do more than just the usual methods with this. Make sure it gets to the churches. This is the redpill that will have normies up and arms, screaming about their children needing protection. This will get TED shut down once and for all.


TED is now sending out "trademark complaints" to accounts who mirror the TEDx Talk, stating that it's not an authorized TEDx Talk:

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Petition to hold TED accountable for hosting pro-pedophilia speakers and censoring the videos after the fact:


I don't have bandwidth right now but someone should chuck it on LL as a 'TED Pedo coverup' or similar, will get some attention.

How many dislikes did it really get, tho? Any archived links?

We're holding them accountable for hosting pro-pedophile degenerates and publishing the videos, retard. They're now trying to pretend they didn't "authorize" the video, after advertising it on TED.com and publishing it on their YouTube channel for a week.

You're absolutely fucking retarded if you think holding TED accountable for this is somehow tantamount to supporting the pro-pedophile speaker in the video they shoahd.

In what sense was I vague about anything? I clearly stated TED is trying to backpedal after they saw the backlash to the video they published, and that we need to expose TED for pushing a pedophile normalization agenda.

I'd like to know of who were these people that authorized this topic and allowed it to be filmed and uploaded. That's the most important part for me.

Pedo sage negated: archive.is/WZAt3

Who the fuck is this bitch? Who is she connected with?

>One to two percent of the main male population is considered as pedophiles. This means worldwide more than 57 million people. Therefore, pedophilia is not an irrelevant phenomenon we can ignore. It is unrelated to class status and educational level. The medical student Mirjam Heine explains how an appropriate approach to the unchangeable sexual orientation pedophilia might look like. She is mainly guided by the works of Prof Dr. Dr. Beier, the head of the institute for sexology and sexual medicine at the University Hospital Berlin and the prevention network “Kein Täter Werden” (meaning “don’t offend”). Hence, she also believes that no one is responsible for their sexual orientation, for their feelings, but that everyone is responsible for acting upon this sexual orientation. She also inquires how all of us can gain if we distinguish clearly between our feelings and our actions. Since pedophiles can’t change their sexual desires, they must learn to control them to not act upon them. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Jesus Christ, they were promoting this like some daylight. It's again with this Salon pedo shit.

She works under Dr. Kalus Beier, a pro-pedophile doctor and "director of the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine, Charite, University Clinic of Berlin".

Fucking hell, just like that faggot in Weimar last time? Disgusting.

LMAO are normalfags getting upset by facts
Hall et al., 2007; "A profile of pedophilia: definition, characteristics of offenders, recidivism, treatment outcomes, and forensic issues"

Lori L. Oliver et al., 1995; "Sexual Arousal and Arousability to Pedophilic Stimuli in a Community Sample of Normal Men"

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I was gonna say the same thing. Just like (((Hirschfield)))

Back to cuck-chan, inbred mongrel.

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Nice try.

I can't even imagine how retarded and upset I would have to be to reply with random buzzwords to someone's comment without even linking the post.

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Bump. Jews give us another poison tipped needle to jab them with, ahead of schedule as usual.

1,027 to 2,435

Made me think. Since liberals and commies are never talking about muslims enacting pedophilia publickly. Did those pedos decided to side them via allowing this sharia law being implemented across the globe so they can have a chance to rape kids?

Stab stab stab no more pedos stab stab stab random attacks stabstabstab jewish cultural marxists stabstabslash no more cucking!

Fuck off pedo scum.

It's late in Tel Aviv, go to bed already.

So, every last kike?

My only mistress is Propane, and I'm tricking her out all over town, I tell ya huwhut.

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Literally everyone hates pedos, you fucking retards. SOME psychologists, neurologists, etc… and HONEST people are finally starting to admit that the scientific literature shows that pedophilia is harmless and pedophilic attraction is very prevalent in men AND THEY GET ABSOLUTELY DEMONIZED BY EVERYONE IN POLITICS LEFT OR RIGHT

How do you even get to this point where you actually start believing this shit? What kind of persecution complex must someone have to actually believe this shit?

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It's called an echo chamber.
Why are you posting that boy that's clearly abused?

Should have saved/archived that as well.

"It's… it's harmless in itself!"
It must be pretty damn dreadfull for someone to have it while knowing how wrong it is. Those who are okay, give in to it should be hated.


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It's not a good thing because it's trying to hide their efforts to push pedophilia on normal people. By bringing this to the forefront and shining a light on it, more people will be exposed to it and push back against it.

again, the shilling and tears are monumental, as always on this board filled with crybabies, but I would like to direct everyone to these links again
Notice how these crybabies never actually address any arguments made.


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I emailed them, thanks for the post. They have to respond to this, don't let them off the hook.

No they don't, my jewish friend. Perhaps Talmud and judaism say's it is harmless, but that's not science.
Being aroused is not attraction. For all we know it might remind them being 15 themselves with their 15 year old girlfriend. If they were attracted pedophilia would be extremely common, which thankfully isn't.

Pedos get wrestled to death where I'm from.

Your kikes books don't count as science. And since you fail to actually link anything, argument is disregarded for the yidtears it is.


you and all kikes and faggot pedophiles will be strung up and ripped apart. Mark my words any and all sympathizers in this cause for pedophile acceptance or treatment will be met with a torturous death.

The fact that he still posts means that he wants this thread to dissipate.
Concentrate on TED

I would stomp your head in if you ever uttered such nonsense to me in real life.

I posted two links

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"Men are naturally pedophiles! This study says so!"

"It''s not harmfull! So it's not really wrong!"

That is how (((they))) will push it on people.


OP is a pedo.

The video they took down was about redefining pedophilia as sexual attraction, stripping it of action, and accepting newly-defined pedophiles into society while simultaneously condemning the act and expressing the need to treat and monitor pedophiles to make sure they don't become actors of their ideas. The video you linked is a grand scale poisoning of the well about how every male is a closet pedophile. It's really easy to see why one of those got taken down and the other didn't.


Reply and response attached. He seems to be trying to claim that the video published to the TEDx youtube channel was published "without authorization", and he's trying to use that as an excuse to revoke the Creative Commons license it was published under (which is not possible).

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nobody cares what you post, yid.

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All these boomer normies butthurt over natural human sexuality 😄😄😄

Cry more, bitch.

Are you mad you can't make arguments?
Are you mad you have a low IQ?

Yet the kike won't say how they supported the creation of the fucking video?

No, it's about redefining pedophilia as a natural sexual orientation "just like heterosexuality", the same way they did with homosexuality. These are the same people who have normalized children taking hormone blockers and mutilating their genitals. The next step will for them to argue that children can consent to sexual relations with adults, legalizing pedophilia.

What about all the female pedophiles? But I guess those 8 year olds were asking for it.

Oh here comes to usual tor to help himself again like usually.

What, they're going to say that the uploaded video of this event, which they approved, wasn't approve?
What the fuck?

Very few females are pedophiles. Most female child abusers aren't pedophiles.

Even if true, pedophilia is the EXCLUSIVE attraction to prepubescent children. What you're reference isn't saying 9 in 10 men are pedos, but that 9 in 10 men may get a chubby seeing a naked girl regardless of their age.

In addendum to what I said, that's right.

Pedos are on average have 10-20 points lower IQ, retard.

We are going to kill every last one of you pedo faggots. Get out now. This is your warning.

In one of the studied I linked it spoke about how pedophilia studies were wrought with error due to the reliance on testing prison populations. Yes, the 60 year old child abusers in prison tend to be low IQ. They're probably smarter than you though.

All science is corrupt to hell thanks to PC nonsense from idiots like you and all the hysterical women who don't want to face facts about sexuality they can't empathize with.

That is true but not in the colloquial sense. Go and tell people you got a stiffy at the playground and see how well that goes for you.

I'll cave your fucking skull in so badly that your brain may finally consume the majority of volume inside of it.

lol…. weak ass pussy faggot who is so broken that he has to prey on children… I think not. You get the oven first. We won't even hang you. You go in alive.

For those kind of tests they don't tend to measure if you get a full blown erection, just if there's any reaction at all, hence why I use "chubby" instead of "stiffy." It's like saying because a cat is sitting on your lap and kneading your groin that any rise you get from it means you're attracted to the cat.

We don't need kike science to know fucking kids is wrong. We have 10,000 years of tradition to inform us plus common sense. You want to fuck kids you can do it in Africa and be raped to death by AIDS niggers.

Science needs to be more feminism friendly :^)

The age of consent in every American state in 1880 was 10-12.

10,000 years of tradition? What the fuck are you talking about, you fat boomer schizo?

The leafs may actually be ahead of the burgers on this. Doug Ford in Ontario got a lot of votes due to the previous government's actions.

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Try again. Whatever you can link to for (((studies))) are irrelevant kinder fire no different than when the kike doctor performed SRS on a young boy, and dressed as a girl for muh gender studies, pushed through academia and practiced by mentally ill trannies all over today.

The only thing you do is yearn for underaged pussy and cite shit from the dark ages like muh incest royalty, you are filth and no different than a shitdick muslim. gas yourself, the world would be better off without your kind.

Not being a twitter user but has anyone tried to contact this with some local reporter or a radio host?

It's quite funny how he constantly talks about it but never has the courage of talking to a girl.

I can't even be bothered typing out the rest of your logical fallacies. You're an idiot. You're a subhuman. Can you even comprehend complex ideas?

I'm so superior to you.