Sarah Sanders' Family Kicked out of Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia


Here's a few links for the restaurant, the Red Hen, in Lexington, Virginia:

Also don't forget google reviews.

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Then the free market will have it's say over what happens to the Red Hen once this incident goes public.

too bad she wasn't a faggot looking for a wedding cake.

the rules only apply to libtard protected groups, what the left wants is reverse Jim Crow for anyone that isn't brainwashed by the left, pretty sure leaving bad reviews is freedom of speech

I genuinely can't wait to start killing these fucking Leftists.
I'm counting the days.

What you libtard morons don't seem to understand is that there is a difference between having a right to do something and actually doing something. e.g just because I believe in the right to free speech doesn't mean that I have to agree with everything someone says. I also understand you are part of the crowd who wishes to throw people in jail for hurt feelings, so there is that.


nice to see you faggots aren't even trying anymore

This is fine.
Make freedom of association an attractive thing, repeal civil rights acts, and then refuse to deal with or live amongst niggers, jews, and the other assorted mud people.

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This is why our enemies win - because conservatives (cuckservatives more like) are a bunch of pussies who allow themelves to be shamed.
Our enemies know no shame and are never shamed by conservatives in any meaningful sense - in fact, they wear the attempt to shame them on their sleeve like a medal.

But conservatives let themselves be shamed, they let these vermin get into their heads, and conservatives in the populace will alway try to 'hold the moral high ground' via maintaining their principles, while the opposition cares only about outcomes.

Are Trumptards finally realizing how hated they truly are? Are they noticing how little respect they get, how they are unwanted, how they have to laugh at their own jokes because no one else will?
No, of course not, otherwise this cunt wouldn't have tweeted the restaurant's name and location so the local trailer trash subhumans vandalize it, while you losers do your part online.

sounds like you really want this business's reputation to be destroyed, I also like you stopped pretending to be upset nazis as soon as this board became global, really makes you think


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I don't mind being hated by idiots who are easily manipulated by the lies of the press. The court case precedent was about the bakery refusing service to do cake decorations as opposed to cake itself.

I get the feeling people on the right will just boycott the place. Left wing intolerance always leads to losing money over the long run.

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What is civil rights you fucktard

This is why conservatives lose. Their enemy wants them dead and this is their response.

This is what you get for cucking anons. Remember this.

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You can almost pinpoint the day that the midterm money got dumped into the shilling coffers. About two days after imkikey got rekt, it had been mostly megooka niggers screaming about trannychan, then it became jewtube tier

Why would any legitimate pol/ak give a fuck about jew party politics enough to take sides between jewish democrats and jewish republicans?

You should perhaps introduce yourself to Red-Pill 101
Both parties are controlled by the same jews.

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Of course dipshit, where do you think you are?
Classic Moshe, hop ips and try again. Tell your boss you need to relearn chan culture.

I'm on a board ostensibly set up to combat kikes, which got hijacked by isreali hasbara jews into shilling for NeoCohen politics.
Currently trying to explain to an user who is complaining that Kampfy is no longer here to silence dissent against ZOG, lamenting over the fact that Trumpstein is no longer the sacred protected agent of jewry that he used to be on here

Kick Sarah out for Trump feigning his hands are tied as an excuse to not doing things he's well within his power of doing.

It's pretty funny that the Republican party has been pushing for amnesty and have admitted that the only reason they haven't already passed amnesty is because they don't have enough votes and believe dems will stonewall it, but the MAGAtards are trying to tell us that we just need le red wave and they will fix immigration. They really think Zig Forumsacks are so naive?

you're shilling for normalizing the idea of businesses stopping serving whites who disagree with open borders policies to let in the hordes, you're obviously the kike here

they want the wall, are you against that now? and obviously putting more people who want the wall in congress will make the wall more likely

Fact: every time Republicans get a majority, they push amnesty.

Point to the exact place where that is. Its not
I know Hebrew doesnt translate well to english, please try reading again.

>conjecture lies about what the president will do in relation to cuck faggots in the senate and house
Both of the amnesty bills failed to pass the house. Nice attempt.

Last (you) for the both of you, you don't deserve the $0.02

False: When Bush tried to do amnesty, republicans rebelled. Eat shit, liar. You just need to not elect establishment cucks.

This is why nobody takes the alt-right seriously

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You appear to be the one trying to sell NeoCohen republikike politics on post-kampfy Zig Forums, I simply objected to your shilling for ZOG

>you're shilling for normalizing the idea of businesses stopping serving whites who disagree with open borders policies to let in the hordes, you're obviously the kike here
Quite literally the most retarded statement made today on any subject.

Honestly you MAGApedes need to die

The wall doesn't mean shit if it comes with amnesty. The eat it will work is that they will "compromise" giving amnesty in exchange for the wall. The amnesty will happen immediately, but the wall will be delayed for years and ultimately never built. Don't pretend you have no idea how this works.

False. A minority of Republicans were against it. Most supported it.

Yelp is officially in shut it down mode. Maybe time to move to other platforms.

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Repeal the civil rights act and then you will have an argument.

Lolbergs are cancer.

Trump's base wants the wall without amnesty, retard. Thus blaming it on MAGA is fucking retarded. You're a fucking shill. The Freedom Caucus shut these bills down, and then you want to tell us they're the enemy. Fuck off, jew.

Kike Lies: The Bush amnesty didn't pass congress due to open Republican revolt.

You're forgetting about imkikey's nu/pol/, they're all just right leaning sjws

And Republican donors want amnesty without the wall. Trump's base is a pretty low priority for republican politicians

No one supports imkikey, but global pol with open communism and progressive whinners that is basically a slower version of 4chan is probably worse.

You just want to deflate (R) turn-out in the midterms so you can impeach Trump. No one is this fucking stupid to buy into your retarded narratives. A bunch of pro-Trump candidates won in the primaries btw.

Revolt from a minority of Republicans in congress. Most Republicans supported it. This is a fact

Notice how not even a single one of our faggot friends can refute my statement?
Notice how not even a single one of our faggot friends can refute my statement?
Notice how not even a single one of our faggot friends can refute my statement?
Notice how not even a single one of our faggot friends can refute my statement?
Notice how not even a single one of our faggot friends can refute my statement?
Notice how not even a single one of our faggot friends can refute my statement?
Notice how not even a single one of our faggot friends can refute my statement?
Notice how not even a single one of our faggot friends can refute my statement?
Notice how not even a single one of our faggot friends can refute my statement?

Rules for me and not for thee is how you win you dumb fucking faggot. Why do you think Europe has so much anti-anti-semetism legislation? Go back to reddit with your based nigger memes.

The narrative for every cucked amnesty bill is as follows

I don't give a shit about Republicuck turnout or Trump.

And this doesn't mean anything. A bunch of "tea party" candidates won before and they have been happy to go along with the normal republican agenda. Talk is cheap.

The dems are running on open borders. Seems you don't care about white people either. If you lose this fight, it's over pretty much.

All you MAGApedos do is demonstrate how NeoConservatives are just as cowardly and worthless as democrats and both as equally destructive to our cause

Services in fact, cannot deny service to anyone. There's special considerations

Bunch of lies. The Freedom Caucus is basically the Tea Party and they killed a bunch of cuck shit including this last rush for amnesty by these faggots who are mostly retiring before the midterms.

Wrong. That's where it starts

That's my opinion on it as well. Neo-cons are just ball-less fags who turn the other cheek instead of doing the right thing by fighting back


MAGA candidates aren't NeoCons you fucking retard. How do you explain John McCain, Corker etc. being so butt hurt about them then if they're on the same side?

The world isn't your edgy LARP. You can't just pretend the Turner Diaries will magically happen one day. You actually have to use real strategy with the cards you have now.

They didn't even read the decision. The SCOTUS basically cucked out on it instead of addressing the major questions. You'll have to wait for 5 more years to get a real ruling on it like everything they do.

>How do you explain John McCain, Corker etc. being so butt hurt about them then if they're on the same side?
Literal retarded MAGApedo pretending they are based fashy NeoCon Republikikes

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Like that time they saved obamacare?

hasbarafag please go

The Left is such fucking trash.
They have no class at all.
No ability to have an ideology and still live with those that don't have it.
With their behavior, they near-constantly remind the rest of us that they will not live with us, and if we want peace, we are going to HAVE to remove them.
I can't wait until the overall normie population figures that out.

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie
It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.

it's almost like the people arguing against the only defense against letting in brown hordes are on the side of the brown hordes or something

Don't forget the Grand old party of ZOG pushing and passing gun control in several states.

That's what I'm doing. The strategy is to radicalize people and polarize politics further. Your strategy is the opposite, to move to the center seeking minor short term gain. You are taking the high time preference nigger route.


John McCain is the reason why Obamacare didn't get repealed. He was the hold out vote. Are you so fucking retarded you think he's the Freedom Caucus?

Checked. You got trips because Kikefy was always a little faggot. But so are you, and you should go, please.

Reminder that "centrists" support white genocide.

Attached: bakedalaskaMAGApedeSpasticBusE.mp4 (320x180, 1.96M)

You don't need assault weapons with high capacity magazines goyim. ZOG emperor Trump and his space force will protect you.




Then you're a fukcing retard who doesn't care about white people in the real world because this shit has real consequences. The idea that everything will suddenly become better over night if you allow the Marxists to have total and complete victory is fucking horse shit. You're either a shill or so deluded you are acting as a virtual traitor anyways.

You're the only hasbarafag on this board. You post nearly the same thing in every thread you go to, images as well.

Keep pretending I'm the only one who can see that though, it's quite entertaining.

Notice how the kike immediately ignores anyone who blows him out?

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie

It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie

It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie

It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie

It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie

It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie

It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie

It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie

It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.

Oh hey it's the flat earth cia nigger! Now I know why you wont substantiate your earlier Lie

It's because you're posting in bad faith. Drop some real redpills about flat earth you nigger.


I only care about long term survival. Couldn't give a shit less if whites are suffering in the meantime. Most deserve it for being cucks.

Change your filenames if you dont like being pointed out. Or your posting style.

The fact that nobody has realized it's just kikefy astroturfing is astounding.

Doubt it. Kikefy banned hasbarafag all the time

Nice way to expose yourself, kike

It's a term you MAGApedes coined for yourselves, it is almost with certainty it is used on here with derision

no one cares, hasbarafag


You are hasbarafag. Since you refuse to change, that's what you'll stay.

Hedonistic goals are not worth pursuing. Whites have grown too weak and complacent. I only care about long term survival of the race, and any sacrifices necessary for that goal are worth making.

Let's bully!

Evidently you and a whole array of NeoCon cheerleading kikes ITT do

So you want to replace them in one of the only remaining footholds with Muslims and Mexicans. You ARE the enemy then.

If responding to you is equivalent to cheering for kikes, then I'm guilty of that charge.

Kike confirmed

go back to 4cuck, faggot

It's because he's a muslim Paki living in the UK. That's why he's vehemently anti-white and anti-Trump

Most former NSDAP members post-war supported Muslims.